Aleks Shaklin

Aleks Shaklin


Aleks Shaklin


Vivendo no Limite
Arguing Russian
Frank Pierce trabalha como motorista de ambulância em umas das áreas mais violentas de Nova York há anos e sofre com a pressão constante do trabalho. Ele e seus diferentes parceiros resgatam bêbados e traficantes, levando-as a hospitais superlotados e sem estrutura, onde a ordem de chegada determina quem morre e quem vive. Atormentado pela angústia, ele é assombrado pelos espíritos das pessoas que não conseguiu salvar. Frank quer deixar o emprego, mas algo o impede.
Captain Yates
A young prisoner tells his story to an FBI agent. How unjust judicial system, systematic abuse inside and political corruption and machinations outside turn someone who killed in defense into a hardened criminal.
Pterodactyl Woman from Beverly Hills
Dr. Zavenbrot
Pixie is cursed with turning into a Pterodactyl when her husband is caught messing with bones on an ancient burial ground. Her husband, children, friends, and neighbours must come to terms with Pixie's new "look". Her only chance to return to her normal state is to find the shaman who inflicted the curse on her.
Assault on Dome 4
Security Council Member
In this science-fiction action opus, intergalactic extremist Alex Windham has seized control of Dome 4, a scientific outpost on another planet, after escaping from a penal colony on Mars. Windham is forcing the staff of Dome 4 to construct new weapons that he can use to destroy his enemies, but what he doesn't know is that one of his captives is the wife of interstellar lawman Chase Moran, and Mor
2049 - A Caminho do Inferno
The year is 2049. 200 years after the great Californian goldrush. The new generation of gold diggers are just as full of gold fever as their ancestors.