Fearless Edo-period police inspector Hanzo Itami, nicknamed The Razor, has developed his own unique way of extracting information for his inquiries. His first adventure sees him investigating his superior officer's mistress, whom he suspects of having ties with a reputed criminal on the loose.
The woman gambler Ginko risks her life for her brother-in-law.
Zatoichi is a blind massage therapist and swordsman who finds out that something troubling is taking place on the outskirts of town. After discovering who the guilty parties are -- an accomplished Chinese martial artist named Wang Kang and his youthful attendant -- Zatoichi finds them and discovers that the pair's mixed up with a dangerous bunch of terrorist samurai who murdered the boy's parents. Now, Zatoichi must step in to save the day.
Story about a gambler who gets involved in a struggle between companies.
The tragic, yet exciting story of the friendship between Nakayama Yasubei, a member of the 47 Ronin, and Tange Tenzen, a relative by marriage of the vile Lord Kira. Remake of Hakuôki AKA Samurai Vendetta (1959).
An omnibus comedy in which an unique lawyer teaches about laws regarding sex crimes.
The film portrays a satirical view of today's heartless money-oriented society.
Zatoichi makes friends with a dangerous chess player, while fending off angry yakuza and bloodthirsty relatives out for revenge, and trying to save a sick child. Meanwhile, his luck with dice is turning.
Em um tempo de paz os samurais não eram necessários e estavam vivendo em completa miséria sem alguma casa para servir. Alguns pediam para realizar o harakiri dentro das residências de nobres apenas para extorquí-los; com pena, os senhores davam algum dinheiro ao guerreiro e o mandavam embora. Um nobre recebe um jovem samurai com este propósito e decide obrigá-lo a tirar a própria vida.