Dimitris Moraitis


Jackie Brown
Stand In
Comissária de bordo (Pam Grier) trafica dinheiro para os Estados Unidos, a mando de um vendedor de armas. Quando dois policiais oferecem um acordo para que ela entregue o bandido, a mulher decide dar a volta em todos os envolvidos, com um olho na liberdade e outro numa mala cheia de dinheiro.
Min eidate ton Panai?
Storyboard Artist
Erotic tangles forced Fani and Panai to leave from Athens to Chalkida, there they await new adventures with women, which will result in marriage, but Panai will escape the wedding night.
Eftyhos... trellathika!
Title Designer
Charilaos Maraziotis owns a store and owes so much money both to his lenders and to the state, that he is in danger of going to jail. He decides to pretend to be a psychopath and is sent to an asylum. His lenders, upon hearing the news about his mental health, change their attitude towards him and release him from his debts.