Christian Tasche

Christian Tasche

Nascimento : 1957-08-16, Altena, Germany

Morte : 2013-11-07


Christian Tasche


Hoje Não É Meu Dia
Um caixa é raptado durante um assalto a banco e percebe que sua vida não era tão ruim quanto parecia.
Turbo & Tacho
Hauptkommissar Friedrich
Turbo & Tacho
Alive and Ticking
Eva lives a happy life with her ​​father, an unsuccessful but always optimistic car salesman, her consumerist mother, and her quirky grandmother. But Eva is a tad different - she suffers from Tourette's syndrome. Her family has long been accustomed to her tics and the accompanying insults and bullying, and Eva has come to grips with her role as an outsider. When her father gets a job offer to work in Berlin, they must suddenly leave their familiar surroundings. But Eva won't have it, this move must be prevented - at any price!
Publisher Opera
From her on-screen triumphs to her off-screen tribulations, this biopic focuses on the captivating life and career of actress Romy Schneider.
Das Feuerschiff
GG 19 – Deutschland in 19 Artikeln
Wilbert van Haren, Art. 14
Heiratsschwindlerin mit Liebeskummer
The Tenth Summer
The tenth summer of Kalli is certainly one of these magical experiences. Along with his friends, he initially planned great things, including opening a zoo - however, one that not only offers the ordinary creeping or fluttering items in a preserving jar, but a true sensation...
The Year of the First Kiss
Simones Vater
31 year-old Tristan remembers the time when he was 15 and had just hit puberty. But he is not alone in this, he is with a large group of friends: Specki, a fat kid who is always stuffing himself, Streusel, a cheeky boy covered with spots, Tümai, a pretty Turkish girl, Kerstin, best friend of Tümai and very sporty, Elrond, with a heavy stutter, but regardless extremely popular and good looking, Lars and Simone, so far the only couple in the class who spend most of their time smooching and Long Jana, a girl who is at least 6 foot tall and extremely skinny.
Jos Vater
A história se passa em 1964. As personagens Rosa e Romano decidem abandonar o povoado de Solino, no sul da Itália, e viajar para Alemanha. O casal chega a Duisburg, próximo a Düsseldorf, levando seus dois filhos Giancarlo e Gigi. Lá abrem uma pizzaria, que se torna um sucesso. Os problemas da família começam quando os filhos crescem e se adaptam à vida no novo país, enquanto os pais se mantêm fiéis às tradições.
Klaus Gebsattel
Der letzte Kurier
Kinder des Satans
When the corpse of student Heike is found, the police book it as a case of suicide. But Heike's girlfriend Wiebke thinks otherwise. She believes that the Satan disciples are involved in the case.