Lwanda Jawar


Stunt Coordinator
Kena e Ziki são grandes amigas e, embora suas famílias sejam rivais políticas, as duas continuaram juntas ao longo dos anos, apoiando uma a outra na batalha pela conquista de seus sonhos. A relação de amizade transforma-se em um romance que passa a afetar a rotina da comunidade conservadora em que vivem. As jovens terão que escolher entre experienciar o amor que partilham, ou se distanciar em função de uma vida segura.
The Rugged Priest
Father Ian
Rugged When violence breaks out in the heart of the Rift Valley, Kenya, an American Catholic priest goes out of his way to shelter and cater for the displaced knowing very well that the clashes are politically instigated. This puts him on a collision path with the powers that be and for being a thorn in the flesh he is transferred to a faraway diocese in Maasai Land. But even in the remote new posting, the powerful are still riding roughshod over the poor, weak and defenseless. At great personal cost the fearless Rugged Priest, takes on the high and mighty in a fight for justice for his people. With only a rosary, an old rifle and an adopted son who is falling off his priestly calling. How far can the old white priest go?