Enrique Villavicencio


La sombra del ciprés es alargada
Costume Design
Avila, early twentieth century. Pedro, a boy of nine years, accompanied by his tutor, comes to live in the house of Don Mateo, a teacher that from that moment will be responsible for his education. Pedro begins an almost familiar relationship with Doña Gregoria and Martina, wife and daughter of his master. The appearance of Alfredo, and roommate and colleague of studies, complete the circle of his emotional environment. Provincial life, relationships with peers and the special relationship between life and death instilled by Don Mateo, definitely will influence his future life.
Wardrobe Master
Durante um violento ciclone, um barco de turismo acaba à deriva em pleno oceano. Aos seus integrantes se unem os sobreviventes da queda de um avião e do naufrágio de um navio pesqueiro. Praticamente sem comida ou água doce, e debaixo do sol quente, eles vão sucumbindo aos poucos, por fome ou por ataque de tubarões, à espera de um resgate que parece nunca vir.
The Bermuda Triangle
Wardrobe Coordinator
The passengers and crew of a boat on a summer cruise in the Caribbean stray into the famed Bermuda Triangle and mysterious things start happening.