Muzakir Shurukov

Nascimento : , Kabardino-Balkaria


A Sinful Angel
Director of Photography
Fourteen-year-old Vera Telegina sees the sea, which she had dreamed of since childhood. She is here only because her parents were repressed and she is left alone. The police chief Stavridi, having learned about the girl's misfortune, places her in a boarding school. Vera has to go through a lot. But with the concernment of new friends and sympathy of adults Vera survives until the spring of 1953, when the long-awaited telegram from her parents arrives.
The Very First Space
Director of Photography
After a test flight, pilot Sergei Sazonov was invited to a group of astronauts. Intensive preparation begins for the flight into space: classes in the weightlessness chamber, constant study. Sergei decides that he does not have the right to meet with a cheerful student Natasha, whom his friends accuse of frivolity. But their telephone conversation ends up asking him to marry him.
Old Man Khottabych
Camera Operator
A boy named Volka discovers an ancient vessel on the bottom of a river. When he opens it, a genie emerges from there. He calls himself Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Khottab, or in Russian style Khottabych. Grateful Khottabych is ready to fulfill any of Volka's wishes. But it appears that Volka should use the powers of the genie carefully, for they can have undesirable results.
The Forest
Director of Photography
Based on the play of the same name by Aleksandr Ostrovsky. Two poor actors, Neschastlivtsev and Schastlivtsev, — no money, no work, no tobacco and that, having put on fake orders, armed with a pistol and a guitar, decide to visit the rich Neschastlivtsev's aunt — the landowner Gurmyzhskaya...