Mark Gregory

Mark Gregory

Nascimento : 1964-05-02, Rome, Lazio, Italy

Morte : 2013-01-31


Mark Gregory was born Marco De Gregorio in Rome. After appearing in a number of Italian exploitation films, such as the Thunder trilogy and Castellari's Bronx films, he disappeared from the big screen. In 2013 he committed suicide.


Mark Gregory


Afghanistan: The Last War Bus
Johnny Hondo
Soldiers find themselves trapped and in mortal danger behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. Their only hope for survival is to board a specially-designed bus. THE WAR BUS!!!!
Thunder III
They took his wife... but he's still Walking Tall, they drew First Blood, but he's gonna fight back like Billy Jack.
Just A Damned Soldier
After their mission is overrun by North Vietnamese forces, a missionary couple, their Australian guide, a South Vietnamese major, a brothel owner and her daughter all get in the mission's battered school bus and try to make their way to safety. Soon after leaving, however, their bus is commandeered by three US Marines trying to get back to their base at De Nang. To reach their destination, they must fight through most of the North Vietnamese army.
Ten Zan - Ultimate Mission
The story in short: Some kind of evil people, have found out a way to extract bodily fluids from the base of the brain of unsuspecting victims. This fluid is then used for some reason or another. A couple of western heroes have to stop this in true 80's action style, big explosions and violence ensue.
Delta Force Commando
After the needless death of his wife and unborn child during a theft and raid on an army base (and it was really needless as the hoods just burst in and shoot up his apt for no reason) an ex-member of Delta Force and decorated war veteran Fred Williamson go to South America and repeatedly blow it up!
Thunder II
Indian sheriff Thunder is transferred to a small town in the desert. He learns that the corrupt deputy is paid by the drug mob. To protect himself, the deputy sets a trap for Thunder and gets him convicted as dealer. Thunder manages to break out of the brutal prison camp and takes bloody revenge. However he cannot sufficiently protect his pregnant wife.
Thunder um Homem Chamado Trovão
De volta à sua cidade natal, o Índio Thunder descobre que o velho cemitério indígena do seu povo está sendo violado para a construção de um shopping center. Ele tenta deter a obra pelas vias legais, apresentando um acordo firmado que garante a posse daquelas terras, mas é espancado pela polícia e banido da cidade. Sua vingança deixará um rastro de destruição.
Fuga do Bronx
A poderosa e inescrupulosa corporação que domina Manhattan inicia uma operação militar para expulsar todos os moradores do Bronx, visando demolir os prédios velhos e construir ali condomínios para moradores da alta sociedade. Quando os mercenários contratados pelo conglomerado começam a exterminar os moradores do Bronx como ratos, a única esperança de salvação passa a ser o herói solitário Trash, sobrevivente do massacre das gangues.
Adam and Eve
God casts Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden because Eve decided to have a fling with a visiting Cro-Magnon named Bearkiller. The disgraced couple find themselves on the outside up against an assortment of various dinosaurs, flying monsters and cannibals.
Os Guerreiros do Bronx
Em uma pós-apocalíptica Nova York, o Bronx tornou-se terra de ninguém onde a polícia não pisa, além de um campo de batalha onde diferentes gangues sanguinárias vivem em constante conflito. Seguindo as ordens de uma poderosa corporação empresarial que pretende revitalizar o bairro, Hammer, um policial fascista, se infiltra no Bronx e começa a jogar uma gangue contra a outra, dando início a um autêntico banho de sangue.