The evocation of light in the cinema leads the Character of the Man of Light to ponder over it, over its essence and its multiple manifestations in a revisitation of geographical places and memories.
Once upon a time, the last days of 2028. This world’s disarray, no more no less than ever. Accommodate, adapt, evolve. The inability to live. The endless survival. Angela, a retired history teacher, has long lived in voluntary isolation, locked in an apartment in Lisbon. All her life, she refused conventions. Today, on Christmas Eve, she is faced with a “trivial” decision. Hospitality.
The earth, life and death, indifference and affection, abandonment, faith. Words and silence, light and shadow, the endless survival, the inability to love. A trilogy set in 2017, 2028, 2037. Three women of different generations and backgrounds cross paths; their tentative steps to fully exist evoke fragments of stories, bringing real life experiences and events into each character.
'A Távola de Rocha' enables us to enter Paulo Rocha’s universe, to gather memories and find, within his personal and professional relationships, a key to decipher some of the unknown symbols and allusions contained in his films.
On a rainy night, a sad man leaves his home to deliver a letter to someone who recently left him. At a corner, he meets a woman who warns him about the slippery road. This is how I met Diana. Suffering from a heartbreak, Gonçalo falls from his motorbike.
Cabo Mira
A partir das recordações de um professor de língua portuguesa na atualidade, seguimos Manuel, seu pai, ex-combatente da guerra colonial e constantemente atormentado por essas lembranças. Iremos com ele até o fundo dos lugares físicos que o obcecam —dos quartéis da formação até aos lagos e jardins da sua juventude— bem como ao abismo da sua memória: a guerra e a paixão juntas, inseparáveis, numa batalha que pergunta ou grita as imemoriais dúvidas existenciais.
Ao longo de 85 minutos e através das imagens da obra que realizou ao longo de meio século, acompanhadas dos testemunhos do próprio artista e de reconhecidos filósofos, escritores e historiadores de arte como Jean-François Lyotard, Michel Butor, Vincent Descombes, Bernardo Pinto de Almeida, entre outros, propõe-se um olhar profundo que revele ao espectador o essencial de uma obra que foi construída coerentemente ao longo das últimas décadas, sendo inegável o seu lugar na História da Arte Portuguesa dos últimos 50 anos. Em 1996 a Fundação de Serralves e o curador Jean-Hubert Martin dedicaram-lhe a sua primeira retrospectiva e ainda que tenha exposto nos últimos anos em importantes museus a nível nacional e internacional, a sua obra é ainda desconhecida de muitos portugueses.
Alentejo, Portugal, 1950. Em uma região desolada, onde o vento parece falar, onde reina a miséria e a fome sobre os mais pobres, um homem desesperado se vinga daqueles que causaram sua ruína durante a noite mais escura, incapaz de obter honestamente o pão necessário para alimentar sua família durante o dia.
Using video assist recorded images, Antecâmara is about the “act” of shooting, the physical reality and ritual energy of two film crews during the preparation for a shot. The first video assist rule is that the image one sees in it has to be more interesting than what one sees outside. Nothing is left to chance. It helps to preview the shot, organise space, arrange the scenes, move the actors and light the set. And it provides it all with a meaning depending on how the camera is used. It is the space-time before the shot, where it is sketched.
Jorge de Sena foi forçado a deixar seu país. Primeiro se mudou para o Brasil, e mais tarde para os Estados Unidos, sem nunca voltar para Portugal. Durante seu exílio de 20 anos, ele manteve uma correspondência epistolar com Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.
Luís de Camões
Don Quixote, Luís de Camões, Camilo Castelo Branco and Teixeira de Pascoaes meet in an eternal garden in the middle of a modern city and talk about life.
Luis Miguel Cintra, renowned actor, stage director and director of the Portuguese theatre company Teatro da Cornucópia, staged the play Illusion in early 2014. This play was based upon texts by Federico García Lorca. However, the 119th company's show was no ordinary show, for in the cast there were 59 non-actors, amateurs and theatre students.
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN read by Luis Miguel Cintra, one of the most prominent Portuguese actors. A glimpse at a personal experience of Jesus, filmed outdoors, from dawn to sunset, and materialized in the grain of the voice, the expression, control, rhythm and breath of the actor himself.
1920s. Vitalino, a small farmer from São Vicente sees his father die of the epidemic which decimated the country. Some years later, of all the brothers, Vitalino is the strongest and takes his father’s place in the house. But the village is too small for his aspirations and he decides to head to Brazil, leaving his sisters in charge of the household. In parallel with Vitalino’s story, If I Were a Thief… I’d Steal portrays the world of Paulo Rocha rummaging through his films and ghosts over the years.
Henrique Castro Lima
Jorge é um solitário escritor de romances de cordel. À noite olha através das janelas iluminadas as pessoas nas suas casas e pensa que elas, sim, são felizes. Um dia o acaso, pensa ele, leva-o até à casa onde vive Laura com o seu filho André, e através das grandes janelas Jorge descobre a montra de uma vida perfeita. Mas as vidas perfeitas só o são quando vistas de fora. De perto nada é o que parece: o anterior marido de Laura desapareceu misteriosamente e estranhos telefonemas perturbam a imperturbável Laura. Jorge não se assusta, quer protegê-la. Inventa um homem feito à medida de Laura, um homem para ela amar e consegue entrar naquele mundo maravilhoso que julga conhecer.
Apesar da idade e do cansaço, Gebo persegue a sua actividade de contabilista para sustentar a família. Vive com a mulher, Doroteia, e a nora, Sofia, mas é a ausência do filho, João, que os preocupa.
Gebo parece esconder algo em relação a isso, em particular a Doroteia, que vive na espera ansiosa de rever o seu filho. Sofia, do seu lado, espera também o regresso do marido, ao mesmo tempo que o teme. Subitamente João reaparece e tudo muda.
Ruben Dario
The short life of the Uruguayan poet Delmira Agustini is colourfully portrayed, not as a conventional biopic, but as a visual poem which evokes the turbulent life and complex personality of the literary heroine as she develops her genius for writing.
The flash of socialism that once lit Spain.
A photographer, Isaac is asked by hotel owners to take portraits of their recently deceased daughter Angélica. When he looks at her through the lens of his camera, she appears to come back to life just for him. He instantly falls in love with her. From that moment, he will be haunted by Angélica day and night.
Rosa 2
Manuel bids farewell to his routine and boards a 15th century vessel under pirate law. Treason on board triggers a series of terrible events our protagonist overcomes while keeping his moral principles intact.
Numa viagem de comboio para o Algarve, Macário conta as atribulações da sua vida amorosa a uma desconhecida senhora: Mal entra para o seu primeiro emprego, um lugar de contabilista no armazém em Lisboa do seu tio Francisco, apaixona-se perdidamente pela rapariga loira que vive na casa do outro lado da rua, Luísa Vilaça. Conhece-a e quer de imediato casar com ela. O tio discorda, despede-o e expulsa-o de casa. Macário consegue enriquecer em Cabo-Verde e quando já tem a aprovação do tio para finalmente casar com a sua amada, descobre então a "singularidade" do carácter da noiva.
Dora divides her time between her work as a beautician, her policeman husband António, and her involvement in left-wing politics. A tale of love and how we must learn to cherish it against all odds in the pursuit of happiness.
Diretor Museu Porto Santo
A true story of a doctor and his wife who went on a journey in order to prove that discoverer Christopher Columbus was in fact Portuguese. Inspired by the book "Cristóvão Colon Era Português".
The Devil talks only through an image and tell his stories to an imprisoned writer.
Carlos Oliveira's literary universe is re-enacted in a studio using the writer’s personal objects and manuscripts, and with the help of Luis Miguel Cintra and Fernando Lopes. Shot with the purpose to document his work in the same way Carlos de Oliveira documented his hometown in Gândara, the film uses all the creative liberty that new digital technology allows in order to recreate the visual and sound records that were also present in the writer and poet’s own work.
Filipe Quinta
Luciano, fresh out of jail, was taken by his brother, Flórido, to serve in the home of wealthy Alfreda. He was surprised when she told him that her greatest desire was to see the Virgin Mary. Now comes this rich land owner with her sublime pretensions. Isn't it enough for her to have an Aston Martin and a Jaguar in the garage and ten different dresses per season? It was all professor Heschel's fault. Or someone else's. Anyway, to go beyond the promise is heresy. Alfreda said that she wouldn't rest until she saw the Virgin and made her some questions. Filipe Quinta, the Forger, says he has a solution. Meanwhile, Bahia, her husband, listens do music.
Simão, Sapateiro Santo
Manoel de Oliveira directs José Régio's historical epic of religious and political power struggles. King Sebastião plans to make Portugal the world's Fifth Empire.
A story that mixes fantasy, philosophy and everyday reality. The problem with Antoine Martin is that he only exists one day out of two. And it is from this circumstance so personal that he meets Clémentine, a girl who lives full time. All this will only deepen his anguish.
A meditation on civilization. July, 2001: friends wave as a cruise ship departs Lisbon for Mediterranean ports and the Indian Ocean. On board and on day trips in Marseilles, Pompeii, Athens, Istanbul, and Cairo, a professor tells her young daughter about myth, history, religion, and wars. Men approach her; she's cool, on her way to her husband in Bombay. After Cairo, for two evenings divided by a stop in Aden, the captain charms three successful, famous (and childless) women, who talk with wit and intellect, each understanding the others' native tongue, a European union. The captain asks mother and child to join them. He gives the girl a gift. Helena sings. Life can be sweet.
A perseguição e captura de Abimael Guzman, líder do exército de guerrilheiros peruanos Sendero Luminoso, que durante 12 anos viveu na clandestinidade. Para contar essa história acompanhamos ascensão de Agustin Rejas (Javier Bardem, indicado ao Oscar® de Melhor Ator por "Antes do Anoitecer"), um ex-advogado que se torna o respeitado capitão da policia antiterrorista de um país governado pela corrupção e pelo desmando. Rejas assiste ao inicio de uma revolução silenciosa, que mais tarde torna-se furiosa. Enquanto o país mergulha no caos, a chama da paixão volta a queimar o coração do policial quando ele se aproxima de Yolanda (Laura Morante), a bela professora de balé de sua filha.
Daniel Roper
Having lost her place among the social elite, a widow remarries and starts a family.
A cidade de Coimbra, a mais complexa das personagens, conta a história. Eu não sou só uma cidade. Eu sou uma estufa, uma reserva natural para estudantes onde eles vivem em plena liberdade. Uma certa manhã de Janeiro chegou um homem. Apaixonou-se por mim e pelas minhas mulheres. Tolo, não percebeu que EU não sou para quem quer, mas para quem pode. E que o amor não abre as minhas velhas portas.
Padre António Vieira (middle age)
Em 1663, o Padre António Vieira é chamado a Coimbra para comparecer diante do Tribunal do Santo Ofício, a terrível Inquisição. As intrigas da corte e uma desgraça passageira enfraquecem a sua posição de célebre pregador jesuíta e amigo íntimo do falecido rei D. João VI. Perante os juizes, o Pade António Vieira revê o seu passado: a juventude no Brasil e os anos de noviciado na Bahia, a sua ligação à causa dos índios e os seus primeiros sucessos no púlpito.
Impedido de falar pela Inquisição, o pregador refugia-se em Roma, onde a sua reputação e êxito são tão grandes que o Papa concorda em não o retirar da sua jurisdição. Mas as saudades do seu país são mais fortes e Vieira regressa a Portugal. Só que a frieza do acolhimento do novo rei, D. Pedro, fazem-no partir de novo para o Brasil onde passa os últimos anos da sua vida.
Set in the Lisbon during the festivities of Saint Anthony, the patron saint of lovers and the old town. The story is about Cato, a nationalist politician who is charismatic and unscrupulous. He obsessively pursues Silvia, a mystical and mysterious young transvestite whom he meets at the festival. When Silvia runs into Vicente, a policeman who arrests transvestites and threatens them, Silvia must look towards blackmail to save herself. Compromising photos of Cato start to emerge among opposition parties and he must do all in his power to save his political career.
O Caçador
Monteiro moved far away from the visual opulence defined by his earlier films with his inspired adaptation of radical Swiss writer Robert Walser’s anti-fairy tale. Carefully restricting the image track, Monteiro maintains an almost totally black screen in order to focus instead on the voices of Snow White, the Prince, the Queen and the Hunter, engaged in an extended debate about love, free will and the events leading up to the fateful attempt on the maiden’s life. Despite its visual austerity, Snow White is haunted by the arresting images with which it begins – infamous black-and-white photographs of Walser lying dead in the snow after his heart attack outside a Swiss asylum at the age of seventy-eight, a strange realization of the “death of the author” so central to postmodern literary criticism.
Dr. João José
Numa madrugada do Verão de 1999, a quinze dias da data do casamento, João descobre que, afinal, já não quer casar. Os preparativos da festa estão em curso, os convites foram mandados e, ainda por cima, João desconfia que está grávida. Perante o inesperado desta situação, João faz o que costuma fazer quando precisa de pensar: bebe...
Brigadeiro Pais
Um retrato da Revolução dos Cravos, que mudou a história portuguesa na década de 70. A realizadora e actriz Maria de Medeiros faz um retrato pessoal e nostálgico dos episódios mais marcantes do 25 de abril.
Camões, na velhice, é um homem doente, sifilítico, incapaz de se movimentar e de suportar as dores e tormentas que o mortificam. Mas, dentro dele, há uma voz que fala no silêncio da noite.
God's Messenger
After receiving a visit from a messenger of God, João de Deus wins his buddy's girlfriend through a roll of the dice.
M. da Silva
A well-bred, lovely, spiritual, sad young woman marries an attentive physician who loves her. She feels affection but no love. Soon after, without design, she falls in love with Pedro Abrunhosa, a poet and performance artist. He also loves her. She keeps her distance from him, confessing her love to a friend who is a nun and, later, to her husband. Hunger for her love and jealousy consume him; she attends him as he wastes away. With his death, she can marry and express her passion, but what she does and how she explains herself, particularly to her cloistered friend, is at the heart of the film. Glimpses of convent life and of Abrunhosa on stage give contrast and mute comment.
An anthology film drama featuring a poetic mirror structure based on existential identity. In "The Immortals," adapted from a Helder Prista Monteiro play, two famous doctors, an 80-year-old father, and his 60-year-old son, contemplate senility and death. "Suzy," from an Antonio Patricio story, is set in the '30s when a young courtesan dies on the operating table. "Mother of the River" is from an Agustina Bessa-Luis fable about eternal life.
In this French-Portuguese film -- directed by Jacques Rivette's screenplay collaborator Christine Laurent -- French vocalist Laure Constant (Laurence Cote) goes to Montevideo, Uruguay, to see her old lover Colossus (Jose Olivera), but when he's a no-show, she becomes involved with several other men, while listening to advice from some older French women who are costume designers. Shown at the 1997 Locarno Film Festival.
The journey of Michael Padovic, an American professor who arrives with his wife, Helene, at a Portuguese convent where he expects to find the documents needed to prove his theory: Shakespeare was born in Spain; not in England.
Actor convidado
The film tells a story of Mariana, a nurse who leaves Lisbon to accompany an immigrant worker in a comatose sleep on his trip home to Cape Verde. The devoted Portuguese nurse took a journey only to find herself lost in abstract drama.
Blind Man
Adaptação da peça homónima de Prista Monteiro. A ação concentra-se nas escadinhas de um bairro pobre e conta a derradeira desventura de um velho cego a quem já roubaram a caixa de esmolas, o seu ganha-pão oficializado. A filha, para além dos trabalhos de casa, afadiga-se com roupas que passa a ferro para fora. O homem dela, um marginal desempregado, vive às custas da caixa do cego, que agora é roubada pela segunda vez.
Friend at the Apartment
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
Miguel, um economista bem estabelecido na vida, fica profundamente afetado pela morte do seu pai. Começa a sofrer de alucinações, perde o interesse no trabalho e desliga-se da sua mulher. Entretanto, longe da sua cidade, dois jovens provincianos, Antonio e Cecília, estão apaixonados. O primeiro mata um homem que abusava de Cecília, que por sua vez está grávida. Antonio, apesar de não ser o pai da criança, aceita-o como seu. A família e a comunidade rejeitam Cecília que, por ironia, encontra apoio e auxílio junto à viúva do homem que Antonio matou. João Botelho realizou e escreveu “Aqui na Terra” e tenta estabelecer inesperadas ligações emocionais entre o campo e a cidade, a partir das distintas histórias de dois casais em crise. Botelho, como sempre, domina de forma soberba as atmosferas plásticas de um filme envolvente e tocante, servido por um belo elenco que conta com as participações de Luís Miguel Cintra, Jessica Weiss, Pedro Hestnes e Rita Dias.
Carlo Paiva
Ema é uma jovem extraordinariamente bonita que se vê casada com Carlos de Paiva, um homem bom, senhor da Quinta de Vale Abraão, mas a quem ela não ama. À medida que o tempo passa, a monotonia toma conta dos seus dias e torna o casamento num hábito, levando Ema a procurar consolo nos braços de um amante.
Zephyrus is a film-voyage, a fresco about Southern Portugal. A movie dealing metaphorically with the South of Portugal, singling it out as a place where various cultures came together and mix, giving birth to a singular identity, as unique as this movie itself, a mixture of fiction and documentary
Vincent, a young Swiss, is upset by his meeting with the city of Lisbon. He will meet two persons: a prostitute of high flight and a great writer fallen and suicidal.
Highschool Teacher Luis
Podemos dizer que Jorge é um homem feliz. Chega a casa no fim de um dia com muitos problemas, como todos os outros. Nessa noite vai se encontrar com um industrial japonês negociar um novo emprego, para abandonar o seu atual de professor e voltar a trabalhar como químico. Mas, ao regressar, encontra alguém em casa. Alguém que não conhece. A partir daí tudo vai ser diferente.
Freitas Fortuna
Portrait of the last days of the life of Portuguese writer Camilo Castelo Branco.
Hyperion Extracts Reader (voice)
Eloi, a paunchy middle-aged man, finds Samuel, a young sad sack, about to kill himself by plunging into the sea. Eloi takes Samuel under his wing, giving him a hot meal and bringing him to a seedy night club to introduce him to Esperança, who is said to be the most beautiful sex worker in Lisbon—and is also Eloi’s daughter.
Fábula musical inspirada no Banquete de Platão. Num monólogo sem pudor, o jovem aristocrata Alcibíades confessa as suas estratégias para conquistar o filósofo Sócrates – certo de que o saber pode ser transmitido por contacto físico.
Um manicômio. Os doentes dessa instituição acham que são Jesus, Lázaro, Marta, Maria, Adão, Eva, Sonia, Raskolnikov, Aliosha e Ivan Karamasov, um Filósofo, um Profeta, um Fariseu, Santa Teresa d'Avila, e estão sempre recitando a Divina Comédia.
Ens. Cabrita, Viriato, Don João de Portugal
Enquanto marcham pelas matas de uma das províncias ultramarinas portuguesas, em plena Guerra do Ultramar, um oficial do exército português vai dissertando sobre as grandes derrotas militares da história portuguesa com os soldados que o acompanham.
The Uncle
Nino, tough but sickly, and his older brother Vicente live in the country with their father. After their father disappears ― we’re never sure why ― murder is suggested. Vicente brings his girlfriend to the house, and a different kind of family is established as the three youngsters grow fiercely protective of each other. But their uncle grows suspicious about the fate of the missing father and forcibly kidnaps Nino, taking him away to the city and leaving Vicente to locate him there.
Lisbon, 1989. A middle-aged poor man, tormented by an illness, lives in a cheap room in a family boarding house, in the old section of the city's waterfront.
Artur (voice)
Laura lives in the country with her considerably older husband. When Nuno, her brother who study in Lisbon, pays a visit, he realizes that his sister does not have a happy life. He initiates a friendship with a worker on the farm. The circumstances turn Laura and Nuno against each other...
Portrays the repressed sexuality and homosexual desire in a rural setting and elliptically and delicately the small farming community that serves as the backdrop for the impossible relationships pursued by Laura and her brother.
An artistic and poetic documentary about the meaning of the Portuguese flag.
Viscount d'Aveleda
This odd film is a major representative of an even odder film genre: direct-to-celluloid opera. It was commissioned by the Portuguese master of style, director Manoel de Oliveira from composer João Paes. Musically, it ranges from 19th-century romanticism to popular, modernist and even "post-modernist" styles. In the initially tame story, a host-narrator tells the story of a wedding between the two lovebirds: Viscount d'Aveleda and the beautiful Marguerite. However, what happens in the bridal chamber is incredibly bizarre. The events after that are even stranger (the film out-does even Luis Buñuel in that department), and the wedding guests and family indulge in cannibalism, among other perversions.
Dr. Fernando
12-year-old Miguel is punished because he has not done his homework properly: he must stay at his aunt's inn for holidays. First bored, then a friendship begins between him and other inn's regular holiday-makers, like maid Luisa or fisherman João. But doctor Fernando's arrival is going to overwhelm the place's peaceful life and to change Miguel's mind.
Count of Trava
Numa noite de insônia de 1978, Francisco e Rita se encontram para relembrar João, um amigo de infância assassinado recentemente. João pertencera a um grupo subversivo de esquerda durante a ditadura e era produtor de cinema, que estava filmando uma adaptação do drama de Alexandre Herculano, O Bobo.
This visually striking drama is taken from the classic Japanese novel Tales Of Genji by Marasaki Shikibu. Set in modern Portugal, Joao (Luis Miguel Cintra) is a left-wing political leader and ladies man with a bright future. His ex-wife Isabel (Manuela de Freitas) both loves and hates him as Joao plays on her wavering emotional state. He is sent to Italy to retrieve wayward family member Antonia (Caroline Chaniolleau), the beautiful young woman with a terrorist boyfriend. Joao is forced to recognize his feelings as the political and amorous climate changes around him.
Manoel de Oliveira plays his film in three stages: the first part - a play, the second can be roughly defined as a silent film (with the behind the scenes read excerpts from Beckett works), but in the end the director brilliantly performs the same material of the avant-garde exercise. Surprisingly, a joke, repeated three times, each time everything sounds fresh and develops into an almost verbatim adaptation of the biblical "Book of Job" - a spectacular point in a parable about how hard to empathize with other people's misery, when you have your own.
Don Rodrigue
During the century of the Spanish Gold, Doña Prouhèze, wife of a nobleman, deeply loves Don Rodrigo, who is forced to leave Spain and go to America. Meanwhile Prouhèze is sent to Africa to rule the city of Mogador. Ten years later Rodrigo leaves America and travels to Africa in search of Prouhèze to find out that she died and eventually meeting her daughter.
Director Jorge Silva Melo has developed a viable, though highly intellectual mystery story about the world of art and culture and murder in this somewhat theatrical presentation. When German artist Bernd Hoffmann (Michael König) arrives in Lisbon to oversee the installation of his paintings in a joint exhibition with another Berlin artist, Hanna Brauer (Charlotte Schwab), Hanna never shows up. Hoffmann is puzzled because he is certain he saw a video sequence with Hanna at the exhibition, and he begins to look for her. Another Lisbon cultural center, a theater, is also having problems that may or may not be related -- and the mystery deepens when Hanna is found dead, either by her own hand, or murdered.
In a specialized, hermetic drama about love won and lost, not necessarily by the same individuals, novice director Christine Laurent has focused on the backstage melodramas of an opera company. The conductor for an upcoming performance of the Marriage of Figaro has his mind and heart on other matters -- an entrancing diva who keeps him enraptured with her presence and voice. In the meantime, he finds fault with his cast members who cannot, of course, measure up to the woman of his dreams. As singers encounter one problem or another, it is clear that something has to be done about the conductor. Director Laurent designed costumes for both theater and opera, giving her some insight into the venue.
An approach to the life and work of Jorge de Sena, relying on the testimonies of Mécia de Sena (author of the texts she reads) and the insertion of brief segments of fiction from texts (poems, fiction and theatre) by the writer.
Armando (voice)
"Essay on the Military and the Power", a phrase that also belongs to the title of "Gestures & Fragments", sums up the spirit of the film, based on three points of view on the same theme: Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho and Eduardo Lourenço, in their own roles, and the one played by Robert Kramer, as an American journalist bent on seeking explanations for the process of the Portuguese Revolution.
Wenceslau de Moraes
This film depicts the life of the 19th-century Portuguese writer Wenceslau De Moraes by means of nine ancient ballads from China. The writer married a Chinese woman after he left his wife and family to go live in Macao. Later, he moved to Japan where he fell in love with a Japanese woman, staying in Japan for the rest of his life. Mixed in with the career and loves of Moraes is the history of Portugal at home and in its colonies.
Pilgrim / Knight / D. Raimundo
A bewitching combinatory adaptation of the Bluebeard tale and a 15th century Portuguese fable of a damsel who disguises herself as a knight errant.
The film of a performance of a selection of cabaret comedy sketches by Karl Valentin, with Jorge Silva Melo as stage director. The show was a complete success and has become almost legendary. Solveig Nordlund shot it, adding some more sketches that weren’t included on the show.
Valentin 1
The film of a performance of a selection of cabaret comedy sketches by Karl Valentin, with Jorge Silva Melo as stage director. The show was a complete success and has become almost legendary. Solveig Nordlund shot it, adding some more sketches that weren’t included on the show.
Art Direction
A woman arrives home, apparently coming from her job, and sets out about house chores and placing every object around her with extreme care. The only company she has is the radio, tuned to a station of popular music hits that the audience can ask for by telephone. There is a single hint that she may have breast cancer. Then, she sets the table for a large dinner - for one - including a champagne bottle. She commits suicide by pills overdose, before she utters a word.
Production Assistant
A woman arrives home, apparently coming from her job, and sets out about house chores and placing every object around her with extreme care. The only company she has is the radio, tuned to a station of popular music hits that the audience can ask for by telephone. There is a single hint that she may have breast cancer. Then, she sets the table for a large dinner - for one - including a champagne bottle. She commits suicide by pills overdose, before she utters a word.
A woman translates the front page of H.P. Lovecraft's book “The Silver Key”. Her husband, a journalist, listens. The book describes the conflicts between the real and the imaginary, and tells how Randolph Carter, the film's character, leaves everyday life in search of his childhood dreams.
O Outro Teatro proposes a look at the independent theater manifestations that came in the wake of the pioneering gestures of Teatro Experimental do Porto.
Sem descrição
A representation of fiction and documentary about the museum of Óbidos, Portugal.
Narrator (voice)
Maria works in a German umbrella factory as the foreman of the production sector. João Lucas has given up on living a normal life and practically lives in bed, in the midst of green plants. His father expressly desired that his son film this eccentric daily life in 8 mm format. Maria’s wages are dilapidated to the last penny by this amateur, monstrous, family movie production.
The tribulations of two friends who, in despair, start begging from door-to-door, and are given a bundle including, literally, a pair of deadman's shoes
Documentary by Manoel de Oliveira filmed in 1965 and exhibited in 2008 in the Venice Film Festival.
Manoel de Oliveira's homage to Vila do Conde, with a poem by José Régio. It was shot in 1965, but only completed in 2008.