Michael's Mother
Set in the early 1990s, Michael, a simple yet daring boy from the south moves to Bombay with a strong motive that's personal to him, grow under the wings of Gurunath, a dreaded gangster. Michael is assigned with a task of killing the man involved in the attempted assassination of Gurunath. Things take a turn as he falls in love with the target's daughter, Theera, in Delhi.
When the stories from a crime novel begin to get recreated in the city, Vikram Kumar, an astute undercover police officer steps in to investigate a bizarre missing case and unravel the mystery.
Depois de ser insultado por um rico empresário chamado Rosario, o pandit Jai Kishen lhe ensina uma lição ao casar sua filha com Raju - um Coolie se passando por milionário. Logo a identidade real de Raju é exposta, mas ele inventa uma história sobre ter um gêmeo rico e podre. Uma mentira leva a outra e as coisas começam a sair de controle.