Um brutal acidente prende um grupo de pessoas em um túnel provocando um grande incêndio na noite de Natal. Com uma nevasca do lado de fora e poucas chances de resgate, cada um passa a lutar pela sua sobrevivência.
When a mummy display arrives in Elvestad, a numerous unexplainable accidents happen to the employees at the museum. Rumors has it that they are haunted by pharao Tutankhamon's curse.
Noruega, 2011. Anders Behring Breivik, consumido pelos seus ideias fundamentalistas cristãos e anti-islâmicos, mata 75 pessoas a tiros em um acampamento na Ilha de Utoya. Os sobreviventes do ataque pedem justiça ao governo Norueguês, enquanto os advogados do terrorista condenado se mobilizam para defendê-lo perante a lei. Baseado em fatos reais.
A sixteen year old boy with an intense desire for recognition seeks out a vicious criminal to prove his boundless grit. An expressive suburban gothic tale which enters the mindset of a teenager and explores the phenomenon of sensation seeking at a young age.
Jo turns 17 and the summer is on. When he opens a new bank account he meets Gudny Andersen. Jo falls in love, and he now uses every possible chance to go to the bank to deposit more money to meet Gudny and to impress her. He even gives up his big dream of buying himself a guitar to learn to play the finest song of all he knows, 'Independence Day' by Bruce Springsteen. When he invites Gudny for a date, he is to learn a lesson of love.
The film is based on a 2003 novel by the same name, written by Norwegian author Jostein Gaarder. The main character is the young boy Georg who one day finds a long letter from his deceased father. The letter tells, among other things, about the father's youthful love for the mysterious "orange girl" (appelsinpiken), and leaves a mystery for Georg to solve.
Trouble starts when Lars, a 25-year-old with few prospects for the future, discovers that an older man is fooling around with the teenage boys in his suburb. A terrible rage is triggered in Lars, and he embarks on a crusade to stop the abuser. But it soon spins out of control, and Lars' actions end up endangering those he set out to protect.