Rasmus Lind Rubin


A Comunidade
O casal liberal Erik e Anna são acadêmicos que decidem transformar a herança de Erik, uma casa extensa em Copenhague, em uma comuna. Tudo parece estar indo bem, até que a receptividade de Anna é colocada à prova quando Erik apresenta sua amante Emma à cooperativa.
Danny's Doomsday
Due to climate change a new race of flesh eating predators arise, who invade and eat everything living on earth. In a residential neighbourhood in a Danish suburb nightmare like scenes are being experienced first hand through the eyes of two teenage brothers, who can't stand each other, but are now suddenly forced to barricade themselves in the basement together, to avoid getting eaten. From one day to another, without parents and without electricity, food, water and contact to other people, the brothers have to learn to live together in their vital protection bunker, while monsters move past the basement windows and heavy, sharp claws can be heard moving around upstairs on the wooden floors.
A Caça
Lucas acaba de passar por um divórcio complicado e é professor em um jardim-de-infância de uma pequena cidade dinamarquesa. A filha de seu melhor amigo, Klara, uma garotinha de 6 anos, acusa Lucas de abuso sexual para vingar-se de um beijo que ele recusou; a menina usa como embasamento a foto de um pênis ereto mostrada pelo seu irmão mais velho. A diretora da escola acredita inteiramente na menina e todos os adultos tentam evitar o seu relato, a fim de supostamente preservá-la da lembrança, enquanto começam a hostilizar Lucas, tomando-lhe como culpado e maníaco.
The Great Bird Race
12-year-old Victor and his father attend the Annual Ornithology Competition, where Victor wants to prove his worth by spotting the rarest bird and win 1st prize – for his father's sake. Victor's plan seems realistic, since last year's winner, Daniel, has a broken leg and is unable to attend. But Daniel shows up unexpectedly and now the match intensifies.
Bora Bora
Mia, 15, is at odds with everyone. School is hell and her mother is always on her back. Mia is only at peace when she is running - something she is good at. On a downtown shopping street she meets Zack, 16, who runs with a gang of kids who want to become parent independent and live as pickpockets. Mia joins them, but finds the pressure difficult. Moreover, the police have their eye on them. Mia has a choice, to keep ignoring her problems or face up to them.
My Good Enemy
Sensitive 12-year-old Alf is the low man on his class' totem pole, and he's sick of it. Forming a secret, Machiavellian alliance with another student who also has grown weary of being bullied, he hatches a plan to throw a wrench into the well-oiled gears of the school social order. Everything seems to go according to plan, until Alf discovers that turning the tables on his tormentors has its own dire consequences.