Dar Salim

Dar Salim

Nascimento : 1977-08-18, Baghdad, Iraq


Dar Salim
Dar Salim


Eva, an idealistic prison officer, is faced with the dilemma of her life when a young man from her past gets transferred to the prison where she works. Without revealing her secret, Eva asks to be moved to the young man’s ward – the toughest and most violent in the prison. Here begins an unsettling psychological thriller, where Eva’s sense of justice puts both her morality and future at stake.
The Covenant
John Kinley, um homem que “em sua última missão no Afeganistão se juntou ao intérprete local Ahmed para fazer um levantamento da região. Quando sua unidade é emboscada em patrulha, Kinley e Ahmed são os únicos sobreviventes.
Um Marido Fiel
A linha tênue entre amor e ódio é colocada à prova quando uma mulher descobre a traição do marido e os dois tomam medidas extremas para conseguir o que querem.
Caranguejo Negro
Para acabar com uma guerra apocalíptica e salvar a filha, uma militar embarca em uma missão desesperada: atravessar o mar congelado levando uma carga ultrassecreta.
Favorite Daughter
An ode to crazy dads. A poetic and humorous portrait of a father-daughter relationship. In snapshots, we follow Favorite Daughter through her childhood with a loving and funny father who is the most amazing but also struggling with a bipolar disorder.
Rafid Alwan
Although he already has searched Iraq unsuccessfully for weapons of mass destruction as a member of a UN mission, German bio-weapons expert Arndt Wolf is still obsessed with the idea that Saddam Hussein is hiding something. Nobody around him is interested in this topic any more. This changes abruptly when an Iraqi asylum seeker claims to have been involved in the manufacture of chemical weapons. The German Federal Intelligence Service summons Dr. Wolf to ascertain the legitimacy of the claims made by the informant, who has been given the code name “Curveball”.
Until We Fall
Louise loved Adam. Adam loved Louise. That is how it used to be. But a child has disappeared. Their child. The police said it was a drowning accident. Yet the truth is that their little boy’s body was never found. Lucas, ten years old. How easy it all would have been if the ocean had taken the trouble to throw up a little-swollen child’s corpse onto the beach. Or if a local with alcohol in his blood and blood on his hands had ploughed him down at full speed. An indescribable pain. No more living, no more happiness, but at least no unanswered questions. Unfortunately, that is not how it is for Adam and Louise.
Heavy Load
The two estranged brothers Emil and Magnus travel to Spain to bring home the body of their drunken and now dead father. What Emil doesn’t know is that Magnus has only agreed to go because of their father’s valuable Rolex watch which can save his bleeding finances. But when it turns out the transportation of the body will cost more than 10,000 Euro, Magnus convinces his reluctant little brother to run away with the body hidden in a roof box on top of a way too small rental car. Soon the two brothers find themselves on a wild escape from the police, and their father’s last trip forces them to face their own problems.
Encontro de Classe 1.0
Executive Producer
Three former classmates reunite for their 30-year high school reunion.
Iqbal & the Jewel of India
Uncle Rafig
When he learns that his Aunt Fatwa has received the honorary title, the Jewel of India, Iqbal sees an opportunity to get out of school and convinces his dad to take the whole family to India for the ceremony. But when an accident leads the principal to expel Iqbal from school, his dad refuses to take him, demanding that Iqbal take responsibility by finding a new school to enroll in. Iqbal calls his aunt and asks to be enrolled at an Indian school.
10 Jahre Bau
Sequel to Lammbock. Stefan and Kai meet again after years. Stefan became a successful lawyer in Dubai while Kai is stuck in their home town. Kai has relationship issues and is trying hard to get in touch with his step son who is getting in serious trouble with some drug dealers. Can Kai and Stefan solve his problems? And what happened to their old friend Frank?
Guerreiro da Escuridão
Zaid (Dar Salim) é um médico bem-sucedido que perde seu irmão mais novo durante um assalto relacionado a gangues. Ele desiste de sua vida privilegiada para se tornar um guerreiro mascarado e vingar a morte do seu irmão.
Iqbal & the Superchip
Spuren der Rache
Ande Comigo
Sami, Doctor
Em um centro de reabilitação onde Thomas (Mikkel Boe Følsgaard) está se recuperando após pisar em uma mina no campo de batalha, o jovem homem de vinte e cinco anos conhece Sofie (Cecilie Lassen), uma bailarina que auxilia na recuperação de pacientes do local. Percebendo a gravidade da situação de Thomas, Sofie propõe que eles executem um plano de recuperação arriscado. Ele aceita e logo um laço de afeto se forma entre os dois.
Macho Man
Cem Denizoglu
A German man fells in love with a Turkish woman and changes his lifestyle for her family.
Najib Bisma
O comandante Claus Michael Pedersen (Pilou Asbæk) está parado com seus homens em Helmand, no Afeganistão. Enquanto isso, na Dinamarca, a esposa de Claus, Maria (Tuva Novotny), e seus três filhos lutam diam após dia sentindo sua falta. Em uma missão de rotina, os soldados são capturados em um fogo cruzado com o Talibã. Para salvar os seus homens, Claus toma uma decisão que fará com que ele retorne para a Dinamarca acusado de um crime de guerra.
Mel na cabeça
Antes de onze anos de idade, os pais de Tilda podem colocar seu amado avô em uma casa de idosos devido à progressão da doença de Alzheimer, ela o leva em uma última aventura que subliminarmente ameaça separar sua família.
Exodus: Deuses e Reis
Commander Khyan
Aventura épica que retrata a história de coragem e ousadia de um homem, que conquista o poder de um império inteiro. Com recurso à arte dos efeitos visuais e à profundidade do 3D, Ridley Scott dá uma nova vida à história, trazendo de uma forma incrivelmente real o terrível ciclo da praga mortal e o confronto do lider Moisés e o faraó egípcio Ramses, quando lidera 600.000 escravos numa viagem monumental de fuga do Egito. Uma história conhecida, mas uma viagem nunca antes vista!
A Família Natal
O jovem Hugo de seis anos acaba fazendo amizade com um pequeno elfo que precisa de abrigo até o próximo Natal.
In Real Life
In every moment we make choices that define our being; choices that create shapes and patterns and carve out our lives. Until the pattern is broken – by faith, decision or coincidence. In Real Life is about such moments, where lives are drastically changed. As a multi-plot drama, created out of three years of acting improvisations, In Real Life follows three story threads with characters who come together by internet dating and by their persistent search for some kind of meaning in life between love and sheer survival.
Lars Vestergaard
O navio cargueiro MV Rozen está se dirigindo para o porto quando é invadido por piratas somalis no Oceano índico. Os homens a bordo – entre eles o cozinheiro Mikkel (Pilou Asbæk) e o engenheiro Jan (Roland Møller) – são feitos reféns em um jogo de vida e morte. A demanda por um resgate de milhões de dólares agrava a tensão que se desenvolve entre o CEO da companhia de navegação (Søren Malling), os piratas e os marinheiros. Drama psicológico dinamarquês exibido no 69º Festival Internacional de Cinema de Veneza.
Love Is in the Air
Anything can happen and will happen in this romantic musical where four teenagers risk their feelings and dreams in the space of a single, extraordinary night. Daniel, Lina, Stefan and Therese are sixteen years old. They are the best of friends and are on their way out for the night. It is a night like any other and yet a night like no other before. When the sun rises, their lives will be forever changed. Daniel is in love with Lina, but Lina is hopelessly in love with herself and rock star Niklas Ravn. Therese is willing to offer Stefan her virginity, but Stefan would rather come out of the closet - to get closer to Daniel. But Daniel is much more interested in Therese.
REBOUNCE is a colorful, tough and powerful film featuring Frederikke Dahl Hansen in the leading role. She plays opposite Anne Sofie Espersen and Dar Salim, and despite being only 16 years old she portrays toughness, charm, and vulnerability admirably. REBOUNCE is an intense drama. Louise's mother is just out of prison and in the eyes of a teenager she's cool, tough and enchanting. To win her love, Louise follows her lead and enters a world of partying, drugs, fast cash and men. Meanwhile, everyone seems to forget that she is just a teenager
O Dublê do Diabo
Bagdá, década de 80. O oficial do exército iraquiano Latif Yahia (Dominic Cooper) é afastado de sua família, chantageado e forçado a tornar-se o dublê de Uday Hussein, lunático filho mais velho do ditador Saddam Hussein. Ele agora deverá acostumar-se a uma vida de humilhação, extravagâncias, luxúria, corrupção e violência.
Truth About Men
Mads moves into a house with his lovely girlfriend Marie when a sudden pang of doubt strikes him. Is this the meaning of life? Has he lived out all his dreams? He drops everything, moves away from his girlfriend and throws himself into a desperate quest to live out his greatest dreams; a quest to find the meaning of life and the one and only.
Nothing's All Bad
Follows the lives of four longing souls. Ingeborg who feels unattractive and young Jonas who is so attractive that he can literally sell some of what he's got. Anna, a young beautiful woman with a physical disability, and Anders, a tender man with a psychological disability. Four people yearning for love, four people, each hoping for a better tomorrow.
My Good Enemy
Sensitive 12-year-old Alf is the low man on his class' totem pole, and he's sick of it. Forming a secret, Machiavellian alliance with another student who also has grown weary of being bullied, he hatches a plan to throw a wrench into the well-oiled gears of the school social order. Everything seems to go according to plan, until Alf discovers that turning the tables on his tormentors has its own dire consequences.
Nick e seu irmão mais novo cresceram nas piores circunstâncias. Infância marcada por pobreza, abusos, uma mãe alcoólatra e a trágica dissolução da família. Reencontram-se no funeral de sua mãe, cada um tendo seguido um caminho de autodestruição, assombrados por uma tragédia em sua juventude.
Go with Peace Jamil
An Arabic tale that takes place in Scandinavia. About ancient religious hatred, about love, punishment, guilt and redemption, about being responsible for one's own actions and refusing a path of violence. Jamil stands in the middle. He is fighting the war of his life; a war within himself.