Mikko Virtanen feels like a Swedish soul trapped in a Finnish body. Full of disgust for everything Finnish, he sees Sweden as heaven. Upon meeting a suicidal Swedish psychologist Mikael Anderson, he seizes an opportunity for an identity switch. Raspberry Boat Refugee is a comedy about cultural differences in the Nordic countries, their nationalism and, not least, prejudices about our neighbours. It also proves how futile it is to try to escape oneself.
Sensitive 12-year-old Alf is the low man on his class' totem pole, and he's sick of it. Forming a secret, Machiavellian alliance with another student who also has grown weary of being bullied, he hatches a plan to throw a wrench into the well-oiled gears of the school social order. Everything seems to go according to plan, until Alf discovers that turning the tables on his tormentors has its own dire consequences.
Lisbeth, uma hacker de computador, foge após ser acusada de três assassinatos. Caberá ao jornalista Mikael investigar o caso e tentar limpar o nome da garota.
Há 40 anos, uma adolescente de 16 anos desapareceu sem deixar pistas e seu corpo jamais foi encontrado. O tio da jovem acredita que ela tenha sido assassinada por alguém da família. Para encontrar provas, ele contrata um jornalista e uma hacker.