Marcus Montoya


The Road to El Camino: Behind the Scenes of El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie
Aaron Paul, Vince Gilligan and other cast members, producers and crew share stories and footage from the making of "El Camino."
El Camino: Um Filme de Breaking Bad
Após sua dramática fuga do cativeiro, Jesse precisa se reconciliar com o passado para que consiga criar algum tipo de futuro. Escrito e dirigido pelo criador de Breaking Bad, Vince Gilligan, e estrelado por Aaron Paul.
The Man-App
Miss Diagnosed
Jaded technophile bombshell, Alex Sparx creates 'The Man-App', a phone application that instantly delivers the man of her dreams at the touch of a button. To test the new program, Alex exploits her incurably romantic best friend, Hope. But Alex loses touch as the lines between fantasy and reality become increasingly blurred.