Artur Vakha

Artur Vakha

Nascimento : 1964-01-13, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR


Artur Vakha
Artur Vakha


Winter Season
The relationship between Katya and her mother cannot be called simple anyway, but here, in the midst of the working day, Katya learns that her mother never flew with her friend to the resort, disappearing from the airport in an unknown direction. Having learned from the doctor the real reason for her mother's strange behavior, Katya not only reunites with her, but also reveals a lot of new things about her mother and herself.
Behind Closed Doors
оператор видеонаблюдения
Every Saturday fireman Anton Kalashnikov welcomes his 14-year-old daughter Kira from the dance. TV, dumplings for dinner - a standard set of entertainment from a Saturday dad for a teenage girl. But on this day, everything went wrong. Kira rings the intercom, Kalashnikov opens the front door, but the girl does not go up to the apartment. Anton has to ask for help from his neighbors in a concrete box, breaking through human indifference and past grievances.
Mr. Knockout
The film tells the story of the legendary Soviet boxer Valery Popenchenko, USSR and European champion and winner of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. His life was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs - from his childhood in Tashkent’s Suvorov Military School and service as a border guard, to his first victories and failures, and his friendship with Dynamo sports society coach Grigory Kusikyants.
Bender: O Golpe Final
Ibrahim Bender e Osip ficaram famosos demais e agora são procurados pela polícia de dois países: Rússia e Turquia. Em busca da vara de ouro, eles terão que se disfarçar de artistas de circo, terroristas e até como duas senhoras viajando em um navio, mãe e filha até chegarem à Turquia.
Hey, Grey
At death's door, a thriving businessman meets his old dog Grey, who he heartlessly threw out on the street many years ago.
Son of a Rich
Major police
Born into an oligarch family, Grigory is so spoiled that he thinks he is above the law. When he goes too far with his escapades and faces a jail sentence, his father takes measures. With the help of a friend he plans to ‘rehabilitate’ his son. They reconstruct an abandoned village, 19th century style. Soon after that, Grigory gets into an arranged car accident and “goes back in time” reincarnated as a serf. All the people he meets there are actors. There are hidden cameras everywhere, and a team of psychologists watches Grigory. He will have to learn how to appreciate life and to work hard.
No Goodbyes
October 1941. Thousands of fascists troops are advancing on Kalinin to capture the city and therefore open a direct route to Moscow. There are two thousand people able to defend the city and they are without tanks or artillery. The only hope of holding the enemy off is in the fifth infantry division convoy, who are about to pass through Kalinin station. But saboteurs intend to do everything to keep this from happening. The head of the Kalinin garrison, Major Sysoyev, struggles to keep order and calm in the city, and himself falls under suspicion of involvement with the subversive enemy group.
Salyut 7: Missão Espacial
Salyut 7 é um filme de drama histórico russo lançado em 2017 e dirigido por Klim Shipenko. A história é baseada na missão Soyuz T-13 de 1985, parte do programa Salyut soviético. Foi a primeira vez na história em que uma estação espacial "morta" foi acoplada, e trazida de volta ao serviço.
The Moth
The life of a woman suddenly changes after she meets a mysterious girl on a highway in the night.
O Quebra Gelo
Ao tentar um resgate no Oceano Antártico, um quebragelo russo colide com um iceberg gigantesco. O navio fica encalhado nos gelos da Antártica e seu capitão precisa controlar seus homens.
The Leader's Way. The stars have aligned
The film covers a period from 1984 to 1991 and tells about the rise of new independent states, including Kazakhstan. In addition, it features the role of the first President of Kazakhstan in the reforms carried out in the country, as well as the initiatives, which today have turned into global scale projects.
Perm, Siberia, 1918. the central Siberian White guard corps under the command of a young general Anatoliy Pepelyaev have taken the city. the army is exhausted and running short on supplies. the General tasks the Permian merchants with collecting the money needed for the survival of the army much to their dismay. madame chagina, a rich widow answers the call and presents general with a massive diamond... only to have it mysteriously disappear the next day. recently sentenced to death red Army investigator Andrei murzin is brought in to nd the precious contribution. murzin must nd the diamond in exchange for a chance to save his life.
The Battalion
A história do 1º Batalhão da Morte formado por mulheres russas, sob o comando de Maria Bochkarova, durante a Revolução em 1917. A Revolução de Fevereiro na Rússia muda o destino da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Nas trincheiras, palco do confronto com os alemães, os bolcheviques são muito ativos com sua propaganda. Eles convocam os soldados russos para fazer a paz com o inimigo, e os oficiais não conseguem impedi-los. O exército está perto da degradação completa. Por ordem do governo provisório, a fim de “levantar a moral”, o “Batalhão da Morte” composto por mulheres foi formado sob o comando de Maria Bochkareva. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Dear Mom!
Twenty years old Slavik confronts a big problem: who to support - his Mom or his girlfriend Zhenya who are in a constant fight.
The film is an attempt to recreate the world of Marc Chagall and his myth within the genre of a folklore ballad. We are not exploiting Chagall's images, but are attempting to create a dramatized projection of his creativity onto the movie screen, relying on both, facts and fantasy (as Chagall himself would).The story is based on real events which occurred at the time of Chagall's short-lived period in Vitebskin in 1917-18, during which time he creates the Academy of Modern Art, inspired by his dreams of a bright and beautiful future. Many pictures by Chagall and Malevich are used in the film.
The Sky Court
дон Серджио
Boris Izotov is a simple literature teacher who adores his wife and little daughter. Every year they celebrate a family holiday in a cafe. But he was a little late for the last celebration - he stayed at school. By tragic accident, it is in this cafe that there is a showdown between criminal groups, and the wife and daughter of Boris die as a result of the explosion.
Angel's Aisle
In a year of 1924 a commissar from Soviet Russia is trying to find and kill Finnish general.
The Game
A funny comedy about the Russian footfall team and their adventures during the World Cup.
Alexander: The Neva Battle
Young prince Aleksandr has to hold out against two enemies - the Horde in the east and the Teutonic order and Sweden in the west. He discovers that some boyars are plotting against him and are ready to betray Novgorod to the Swedes and the Germans to boost their trade. Meanwhile, his best friend falls under suspicion, as somebody tries to poison the young prince at his own wedding feast. Aleksandr has no way out - to defend his people against the invaders and to find the true poisoner.
Europe - Asia
События развиваются вокруг лотерейного билета, выброшенного за ненадобностью археологами, которых интересует только их наука. Но оказывается, что билет сулит фантастический выигрыш, в миллион долларов. Стать обладателями огромной суммы хотят двое бомжей, члены племени айсоров, пара подростков и даже сам президент страны. Никто не желает уступать дорогу к осуществлению своей мечты. За счастливым билетом начинается охота.
Seven Booths
What, it would seem, could be more innocent than a women's toilet being renovated? In his booths you can hide from the bustle of the big city, discuss lovers, drink, cry, sleep, smoke and have sex... And you can also hide in it what no one should find. An unknown beauty leaves a disc with information in the toilet. Two gangsters come to collect theirs and 7 stalls in the closet of a fashionable nightclub become the stage for one of the most unexpected stories of our time.
Leonid Brezhnev (young)
A biographical TV movie about Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev that originally aired in four parts on Russia's Channel One. While nostalgic, the film does not attempt to rehabilitate Brezhnev.
The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter
Fedot the Shooter is sent by the Czar to find some special food for the foreign ambassador's visit. During the hunt Fedot meets his love Marusya - the magical bird-woman. Evil Czar and his no-less-evil sidekick General with the help of the local witch Yaga try to eliminate Fedot by giving him more and more complex quests and to take Marusya to Tsar's palace. Marusya helps Fedot to solve the quests successfully.
The Fourth Planet
Three astronauts (two Russians and American) find a very Soviet-alike small town on the fourth planet from Sun.
Everything Will Be All Right
This charming comedy tracks the lives of several romantic pairs through trials and tribulations. The main focus of the story is a young soldier with a good heart but little ambition and his fiancée, who feels torn when a charming and sophisticated intellectual enters her life and sweeps her off her feet. There are also several side stories, also all dealing with relationships, most significantly the soldier's mother, whose comfortable but unexceptional marriage is threatened when a past love returns to her life.
You Are My Only Love
A love story of two people which turns out into triangle... So the steady family walls do not seem so steady anymore...
Заповедник гоблинов
Алле Оп
A small provincial town is home to two rival teenage gangs, one devoted to loose living and punk music and the other a collection of narrow-minded bodybuilders obsessed with order and convinced of their own moral rectitude. However, this cosy state of affairs is upset by the arrival of two strangers dressed like Pushkin, the famous early 19th century Russian poet, who proceed to found their own organisation, dedicated ostensibly to the memory of the great writer and the "salvation of Russia". Gradually, they begin to assume control of the town...
Сирано де Бержерак
Mister Designer
A famous artist strives to find the secret of eternal life through the beautiful mannequins he creates.
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