Leandro Iglesias


El astronauta
Production Assistant
We are in the town of Minglanillas. While the man arrives at the Moon, a group of friends observes in a bar on television the broadcast of the event. Pepe Fernández, one of the customers of the bar, says that with some money and a lot of dedication they can do the same. After discussing the issue, they decide to get down to work.
El dinero tiene miedo
Production Assistant
John is a rogue that convinces two friends to be trusted with your money, ensuring that you will place in Switzerland in very good condition, but his plan will encounter some difficulties.
¿Por qué pecamos a los 40?
Production Assistant
Alejandro Quesada (Fernando Fernan Gomez), an eminent doctor successful with women, drives his old friends Federico (Juanjo Menéndez) and Enrique (José Luis López Vázquez) to change their attitude towards life. The death of a common friend, Luis (Jesus Puente), reaffirmed in the attempt to enjoy their existence and seek the association of younger women than their wives.
Verano 70
Production Assistant
Typical Spanish comedy of the seventies set in Benidorm, the famous coastal town of Alicante where numerous families come to spend the summer. It tells the travel arrangements and incidents that occur before arriving to the apartments as well as the return of working husbands to the city, once the families have settled on the beach, and their unsuccessful attempts to flirt while alone
A 45 revoluciones por minuto
Production Assistant
Juan arrives in Madrid with the intention of succeeding as a singer. With the only company of his guitar, he goes from club to club asking for work.
Los chicos del Preu
Production Assistant
The Midshipmen
Production Assistant
A group of students preparing to be midshipmen at the Naval Academy live very different experiences: from the typical hazing the new responsibilities they will face when they obtain graduation.