Set in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, the story follows Nadia the night before her childhood home is sold. High on mushrooms, she and her friends inadvertently open a portal, plunging them into the astral-plane. There, she must face The Horned One, an ancient keeper of the land and of the water. To return to her body, Nadia must come to terms with her responsibility to her homeland and the water that it protects.
Robert, um autor de livros infantis passando por dificuldades criativas, e Sammey, sua filha adolescente rebelde, se mudam para uma casa que herdaram e encontram bonecas misteriosas guardadas no sótão. Mas pai e filha logo descobrem a sangrenta história da família nessa casa, que está conectada com as bonecas e seu passado sinistro.
A movie by Taylor Compton