Rüdiger Klink

Rüdiger Klink

Nascimento : 1971-08-10, Karlsruhe, Germany


Rüdiger Klink is a German film and television actor.


Rüdiger Klink


Breisgau - Nehmen und Geben
Breisgau - Bullenstall
Daniel Danzeisen
Billy Kuckuck - Angezählt
Holger Giegler
Former boxing world champion Kai Burdenski is up to his ears in debt and can neither pay rent nor electricity for his boxing school. This is tragic not least because he trains teenagers from youth welfare, for whom his run-down hall has become a home. In particular, the young, talented asylum seeker Samy, who lost her entire family while fleeing Afghanistan, has taken Burdenski under his wing. It doesn't take long for bailiff Billy Kuckuck to understand that the former boxing professional is more than just a coach for Samy and the other young people, namely also a social worker and surrogate father. Therefore, Billy looks for ways and means to help the boxing legend, and turns to his daughter Jessica. But she only saw her father from his worst sides during his sports career and doesn't want to hear anything from him anymore. Burdenski's stubbornness and pride are not helpful here either.
Herr Anzengruber
Trouble is brewing in idyllic small-town Bavaria. Not so much because the village’s well-known webcam girl was murdered, a case Franz Eberhofer investigates in his usual laid-back manner, but more because now, of all times, his pushy yet always helpful partner Rudi is stuck in a wheelchair after an accident for which, of course, he blames Franz. The tension rises when Rudi settles in on the farm, expecting round-the-clock care from Franz.
Billy Kuckuck - Aber bitte mit Sahne
Jung, blond, tot - Julia Durant ermittelt
Florian Menzel
Billy Kuckuck - Margot muss bleiben!
Holger Giegler
Rir ou Morrer
Von Der Goltz
Finlândia, 1918. Um grupo de atores prisioneiros sentenciados à morte se empenha para montar uma peça de teatro humorística. A intenção é entreter o comandante da tropa alemã, que visita a cadeia e tem fama de nunca rir. Se conseguirem fazê-lo rir, escaparão da execução. O grupo é liderado por Toivo Parikka, considerado o homem mais engraçado do país. Com humor negro e situações grotescas, o filme mostra a humanidade sob uma luz cômica. Baseado em uma história real.
Rübezahls Schatz
The mountain spirit Rübezahl falls in love with the young maid Rosa. Blind with love, he does not notice that the Baroness of Harrant wants to plunder his gold treasures in order to build a sawmill in the Giant Mountains.
Der König von Berlin
Max Machalik
Full of anticipation, the young and ambitious Commissioner Carsten Lanner (Florian Lukas) is moving from Berlin Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony for a further education. However, he did not expect the outspoken chutzpah of the Berliners and, above all, the rude nature of his colleagues, who in no way received him with open arms. And so he slips more accidentally than wanted shortly after his arrival in Berlin in his first case.
The Bloom of Yesterday
An almost romantic comedy on the edge: Holocaust researcher Toto is having a major life crisis. Just when things at home and work could not get worse, he unwantedly gets a new assistent assigned to himself. Zazie is french, jewish, slightly germanophobe and supposed to help Toto to prepare a major congress. As the star of the congress suddenly wants to pull out, the problems are piling up and the two have to fix it.
Engelmacher - Der Usedom-Krimi
Konstantin Fischer
Emma nach Mitternacht - Der Wolf und die sieben Geiseln
Dengler - Am zwölften Tag
Bauer Zemke
The People Vs. Fritz Bauer
Heinz Mahler
12 anos após o fim da era nazista, tudo o que a maioria dos cidadãos da Alemanha deseja é deixar para trás os horrores vividos. Mas, o procurador geral Fritz Bauer se comprometeu a detectar o paradeiro do criminoso nazista Adolf Eichmann. Bauer tenta trazer o criminoso à justiça, porém é impedido várias vezes, sendo sabotado por pessoas envolvidas na política.
13 Minutos
Baseada em fatos reais, esta história decorre em 1939, em vésperas da 2ª Guerra Mundial, quando Hitler sobrevive à explosão de uma bomba durante um evento comemorativo de seu partido. Entre a saída de Hitler da comemoração e a explosão que o mataria, decorreram 13 minutos. O plano foi engendrado por Georg Elser, carpinteiro e cidadão comum indignado perante a perda de liberdade e os abusos cometidos pelo regime. Considerado traidor da pátria, Elser foi imediatamente preso, mas só executado em 1945, por ordem direta de Hitler, quando a Alemanha já estava a perder a guerra.
Steffen Richter
Das kalte Herz
German TV adaptation of Wilhelm Hauff‘s fairy tale “Heart of Stone“.
Unter Anklage: Der Fall Harry Wörz
Harry Wörz
Knocked Up
Georg Kiefer
Kerstin is a successful department head of a tax consulting firm in Berlin. She is respected and feared by her employees. Only one thing is too short in her life: for years she had no sex and no husband by her side. At the company, she wants to show that she can also party properly. The next morning, she wakes up in a hotel bed with two employees next to her: the hated opponent Simon and the "footman" Gregor. With the aid of her assistant Achim, she has lost all the memories of the previous evening. Her employees are forcing her to silence. Four months later, she realizes that she is pregnant and one of her nightmares is the father.
The Pursuit of Unhappiness
Mann im Feinkostladen
Based on the best-selling psychology book by Paul Watzlawick, the film tells the story of Tiffany Blechschmid, a neurotic, moony, superstitious, contradictory and, no surprises here, single young woman in her late-twenties.
Jetzt sind wir dran!
Das geteilte Glück
Grille Rilling
What I Know About Her
A story focusing on the difficult relationship between a professional pickpocket and her 15-year-old daughter.
The Elementary Particles
Based on Michel Houellebecq's controversial novel, Atomised (aka The Elementary Particles) focuses on Michael and Bruno, two very different half-brothers and their disturbed sexuality. After a chaotic childhood with a hippie mother only caring for her affairs, Michael, a molecular biologist, is more interested in genes than women, while Bruno is obsessed with his sexual desires, but mostly finds his satisfaction with prostitutes. But Bruno's life changes when he gets to know the experienced Christiane. In the meantime, Michael meets Annabelle, the love of his youth, again.
Beetles for Breakfast
Single mom Michaela has been unemployed for a year when a job offer brings her out to a wellness hotel in the countryside near Berlin.
Trenck - Zwei Herzen gegen die Krone
Nicolaï Wenzel
Prussian general's son Friedrich, Freiherr (German baron) von der Trenck, is an unruly student whose countless affairs make him enemies, but he wins every duel. Frederic II the Great recruits him for his personal bodyguard. During his cadet training under the cruel stickler Graf (count) von Jaschinsky Friedrich falls in love with the king's headstrong oldest sister Amalia. She, however, refuses to be married off the the Swedish king's heir. When Prussia makes war on Austria over Silesia, Trenck's loyalty is dubious on account of an Austrian family branch. Janischky eagerly convinces the king there is more.
Moonlight Tariff
Big JIm
To call or not to call? For young Cora it's not a question. In fact, after the first date you may never call the guy, even if it was the best sex of your life! It's him who must beg for a meeting - and not later than 72 hours after. Otherwise - delete it from memory.
Zehn wahnsinnige Tage
Mörderische Hitze