Ilya Shakunov

Ilya Shakunov

Nascimento : 1970-08-13, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR


Ilya Shakunov
Ilya Shakunov


Любовь Советского Союза
The film is about a generation of brave and beautiful people who did not see the destruction of the revolution and the chaos of the civil war, who dreamed of building a new life in which there would be no place for death, but only incredible love that opens the way for them to great achievements and discoveries. About exploits and glory, betrayal and loyalty of those who were heroes in heaven and on earth. About the time of immense trials that fell on their short but bright lives. About a woman who was the dream and true love of the Soviet Union.
Pilotos de Guerra
Inspirado em eventos reais. Em 2015, o tenente-coronel Oleg Soshnikov e o capitão Konstantin Muravyov são enviados à base aérea de Khmeimim, na Síria. Durante um voo de combate, o caça Su-24 é abatido. Os dois pilotos são ejetados após a aeronave ser atingida, mas apenas um deles retorna para casa vivo.
Antisniper 4: Shot from the past
The sniper, who received the operational pseudonym "Trucker", shoots criminal authorities one by one. Who is this killer - the executor of someone else's order or the initiator of a criminal war with the goal of a gangster redistribution? This is what Colonel Pogozhev will have to find out.
Antisniper 3: New Level
A “branded” shot through Tatyana to Alexei takes the game Strelka to a new level. Saves the titanium bib. The death of Tatiana makes Alexei step over the edge. Now both the Shooter and the Anti-Sniper are working beyond understanding ... beyond the rules ...
Big Daughter or a Test for...
He is 37, she is 17. He is still young and handsome, flirts with her classmates, causing violent indignation in his daughter. She brings her fans into the house, who drive her father into a rage. And yet, father and daughter love and understand each other. But an unexpected character appears in the life of their small family. What should a father do when his daughter is in love with his business partner?
Mim Bim Ili Chuzhaya Zhizn
Жизнь щедра на сюрпризы! Никогда не знаешь, где найдешь, а где потеряешь. В жизни талантливого молодого актера начинается полоса невезений. Сначала он лишается работы в театре. Потом от него уходит жена и забирает с собой 8-летнюю дочку. Бим (так его нынче все называют) пытается заработать денег в качестве площадного мима – копирует проходящих мимо людей...
Hökmdarın taleyi
I Aleksandr
This historical movie is about the situation of Ganja and Karabakh khanates between Russia and Iran war.
Antisniper 2: Double Motivation
Алексей Погожев
In the ranks of the investigating authorities was calculated "mole". All information about the progress of the investigation, testimony and operational measures through it came to the criminals. But the enemy is not neutralized, the game continues. The traitor decided to go all-in and tried to eliminate not only the “talking” witness, but also Uvarov. They managed to stop him, and Tatyana and Aleksey, united by danger, could not resist the sensual impulse and went beyond the framework of the charter relations.
Tochka Vozvrata
Пройти «точку возврата» означает, никогда не вернуться туда, где начат путь. Каким бы сложным и долгим он не был — выбор можно сделать лишь единожды. У всех героев фильма есть своя предельно достижимая отметка на жизненном маршруте, пройдя которую, быть прежним невозможно. Похоронив любимых женщин — жену Лену и дочь Танечку, Родин отгораживается от внешнего мира: не подходит к операционному столу, не садится за руль автомобиля. Вернуть профессора затворника в привычную колею, пытается сосед по дому, старинный приятель семьи Родина — детектив Герман.
Чёртово колесо
The tax service, together with the investigating authorities and special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is investigating major financial frauds, accompanied by a series of murders of people involved in the crime. “Orders” are executed, undoubtedly, by a talented sniper. Among the alleged victims - the head of a major chemical plant Boris Morin. Employees of the Organized Crime Control Department offer Morin a mutually beneficial deal: in order to stay alive, he must disclose his financial developments to them. Leading analyst of the State Tax Administration Tatyana Uvarova is connected to the investigation.
Andrei Dmitrievich, Vicki's husband
Contemporary Russia. A humiliated bank executive takes revenge on his adulterous wife and corrupt employers.
Bluz Opadayushih Listyev
Молодая библиотекарша Ксения, до недавнего времени решавшая свои многочисленные семейные и финансовые проблемы, в один день становится обладательницей наследства — огромной квартиры, счета в банке и нового Мерседеса, а вместе с этим множеством тайн и загадок. Ксения понимает, что в этой жизни просто так ничего не бывает... Шаг за шагом она приближается к разгадке, не осознавая, что над ней уже нависла угроза...
Black Ice
The plot is not developed; in the film we see a man (he) and a woman (she) who, in fact, are neither connected nor familiar with each other; they casually met in hospital. "She" (Viktoria Tolstoganova) does not see that she is in danger in connection with her plan to use a tape with illegally made recordings as compromising evidence in court. "He" (Il'ia Shakunov, an actor of the Petersburg TYuZ) is a gay translator who, after the random meeting with her, is pursued by her image which frequently pops up in front of him. As a consequence, his relationship with a young boy no longer satisfies him. Both he and she lose sight of the meaning of life, because of their own inability to see others and to see love, as perception relies on proximity instead of distance.
Letters to Elsa
Charming young Olga marries a successful businessman. It is surrounded by luxury and well-being. A wealthy husband is ready to fulfill any whim of a beautiful wife. Olga is an airy woman who is fond of doing herbariums, sewing dolls, reciting poems to servants and loves her oligarch husband very much.
Arca Russa
third cavalier
Um museu como um ser vivo, uma entidade que respira e tem personalidade própria. Sokúrov empresta alma ao colossal palacete do Hermitage, em São Petersburgo, um dos maiores museus do mundo. Arca Russa foi filmado em um único plano-seqüência, sem cortes, que dura 97 minutos e atravessa 35 salas do museu, transformando a tela de cinema em um quadro vivo por onde desfilam personagens importantes da história da Rússia: Pedro, o Grande; Catarina, a Grande; Catarina II, Nicolau e Alexandra.
The Dark Night
Mixture of documentary and fiction about the dictatorial 1930s, loosely based on the utopian fantasies of Fritz Lang and about the forbidden passionate love affair between a photographer and his model.
Спасатели: Критическая масса
Woman's Own
A student is trying to build a career in theater using not his talent but looks and sexuality.
Um retrato do quotidiano e da vida interior de Eva Braun e Adolf Hitler.
The Body Will Be Committed to the Ground, And the Senior Warrant Officer Will Sing
Speeding cars. Rainy St. Petersburg. Nightclubs. The opera. Drugs. Shootouts. Leather coats. Fights. Hotel rooms. Tattoos. Death... The main stake in the game is the body of the deceased "Captain", who even in his death manages to cause a lot of trouble for those who knew him.
Creation of Adam
On the same day, Andrei's wife Nina asks for a divorce, his colleague Natasha tells him she's attracted to him, he's assigned a new project under the direction of Philip (a well-dressed, authoritative, and even arrogant stranger who keeps touching him), and he fights a gang of homophobes to protect a young gay man, Oleg. The next day, Philip takes Andrei away from the office on an odyssey into a space that is charged with spirituality and homoeroticism. Philip is no businessman, and the disclosure of who he really is forces Andrei into a series of choices that involve Natasha, Nina, belief, and love.