Chris Craps


King of Katoren
The seventeen year old Stach is faced with five impossible assignments he has to complete in order to become king. Things do not go as easily as the boisterous Stach had expected, especially when he is confronted with matters of life and death.
The Over the Hill Band
Upon the death of her husband, Claire (70) decides to reconnect with her estranged son, down and out R&B musician Sid. She asks him to help her restart the old girl group she used to sing in with two of her friends from the old days. The rebel son is hesitant at first but eventually agrees under one condition: the band has to play HIS music.
Cruzada: Uma Jornada Através dos Tempos
Dolf um menino de 15 anos é enviado de volta no tempo por um timemachine. Acidentalmente ele é enviado de volta à Idade Média. Ele é resgatado por crianças que fazem parte da cruzada de uma criança, em seu caminho para resgatar Jeruzalem. Durante a viagem, Dolf descobre que o perigo não vem de fora da cruzada, mas de dentro.
Science Fiction
Nine-year old Andreas Decker is the new kid in town. He tells his class that he has lived all over the world on account of his parents being top scientific researchers. Yet classmate Vero finds Andreas's workaholic parents really weird. She suggests to spy on them. When Andreas overhears their conversation about conquering the world and becoming leaders, their can only be one conclusion for the baffled children: Andreas's parents are aliens.