Herman P. Koerts


Anne Frank, Minha Melhor Amiga
Baseado na história real da amizade entre Anne Frank e Hannah Goslar, da ocupação nazista em Amsterdã ao angustiante reencontro em um campo de concentração.
A therapist loses her grip on reality when a ten-year-old boy claims he can control her future.
Behind the Blood
Seen through the eyes of a priest, a crime reporter and a hitman, this documentary examines the thin line between good and evil in one of the most dangerous cities in the world: San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
Riphagen the Untouchable
A verdadeira história sobre o maior criminoso de guerra da Holanda durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Andries Riphagen. Ele chantageava judeus escondidos e foi responsável por centenas de mortes.
Three teenagers appear to have a lot of fun on the children's oncology department on the fourth floor of a large hospital. Nick and Iwan both lost a leg as a result of bone cancer. For their friend Olivier, an amputation may be the next phase. The fourth of the bunch, Pepijn, is so ill and weak that he often stays in his room. Friendship and a deep desire to live keeps the guys mentally balanced. Their friendship changes when Gina arrives. Sickos is a humorous drama that deals with adolescence and chemotherapy.
Het Bombardement
A thrilling love story between the young boxer Vincent and the German Eva, who soon has to marry with the middle-aged Dirk to save her family. While the war starts in the Netherlands their impossible love inflames. May 14, 1940, the day that the centre of Rotterdam is bombed and the young lovers lose sight of each other.
No Vacancy
A movie about a deaf-mute night gatekeeper of a hotel where strange things happen.
Oom Henk
Handsome, clever final year law student Koen avoids being beaten up by street thugs by claiming he's a maternal cousin of crime baron Henk de Koning. The next day, 'uncle' Henk praises Koen's wit and commandeers his 'cousin's' help to retrieve the treasure presumably hidden by disloyal accomplice Sjon de Nooyer, who was released from jail to a retirement home, by volunteering as an orderly, posing as Sjon's distant relative. Dirty police detective Uitenhaage is after the same fortune, and leans independently on innocent Koen to spy on Sjon.
Isabelle is a famous and beloved actress from the Netherlands, who disappears when on Holiday in Belgium. She has been kidnapped by bartender Jeanne Bitor, an artist with a disfigured face. Jeanne is very bitter about her 'ugly' appearance, and she is obsessed with the process of dying and deterioration of animals and humans. Therefore, she abducts Isabelle and starves her to death, while painting her in different phases of the process.
Corrida Mortal 2
Recém-chegado à Terminal Island, uma prisão de segurança máxima com regras próprias, Carl “Luke” Lucas (Luke Goss) tem de provar o seu valor em uma corrida mortal. As regras para este jogo sanguinário repleto de adrenalina são simples: dirigir ou morrer.
Água Negra
Quando Christine recebe de herança a casa da mãe, ela e a família decidem deixar a Holanda e mudar para a Bélgica e viver numa verdadeira mansão. Será aí que sua filha de 9 anos, Lisa, conhece uma estranha e sinistra garota chamada Karen, que vive nos cantos mais escuros e remotos da velha casa. Mas será um fantasma, ou apenas uma amiga imaginária?
Dois casais que se perdem, ficam presos em uma mini-van. Porém devem usar sua inteligência e coragem para defender-se do ataque de um grande urso para sobreviverem. Enquanto lutam, contra a astuta e inteligente criatura, segredos entre eles começam a surgir. Será que as revelações chocantes irão separá-los, antes que o urso o faça?
A Natureza Contra Ataca
Grandes tempestades nos Países Baixos em 1953 devastaram grande parte norte do país, e uma mulher que perdeu seu bebê no meio do desastre sai à procura dele. O filme conta um fato real, a devastação que houve em 1953
O Voo das Noivas
A história da Última Grande Corrida Aérea em 1953, de Londres até Christchurch, que levou a bordo 26 noivas alemãs a se encontrarem com seus prometidos estabelecidos na Nova Zelândia. Baseado no livro de Marieke van der Pol.
Sombras da Morte
Four characters wake in a desert, disoriented and lost with no clue where they are or how they got there.
Hannah, the headstrong rebel of seven siblings, tries to avoid the preparations for her parent's wedding anniversary, but her charming brand-new lover Victor sort of drags her along, and soon proves an ideal son-in-law, which arouses mixed feelings in her. The sister in law who for years tries to fit in but always felt ignored gets a fit because Victor is immediately invited to chip in and join the anniversary river cruise, so they take over the organization from her. Yet when he confides in her the bunch is miserable at communicating, she claims he can't judge after just one evening and seems suddenly uncertain whether to stay with Victor who proves quite patient and understanding...
Cruzada: Uma Jornada Através dos Tempos
Dolf um menino de 15 anos é enviado de volta no tempo por um timemachine. Acidentalmente ele é enviado de volta à Idade Média. Ele é resgatado por crianças que fazem parte da cruzada de uma criança, em seu caminho para resgatar Jeruzalem. Durante a viagem, Dolf descobre que o perigo não vem de fora da cruzada, mas de dentro.
O Jogo da Morte
O filme é centralizado num idealista holandês, Martijn, que viaja ao Marrocos para iniciar um fundo de caridade. Assim que chega ao país, ele é seqüestrado por um grupo terrorista chefiado por Ahmat. No seu cativeiro, Martijn é questionado sobre sua real identidade e seus reais interesses no país e o preço pela resposta errada é a perda de um dedo. No decorrer do filme duas perguntas pairam no ar. O que Ahmat realmente quer? Até que ponto Martijn revelará sua identidade verdadeira e se arriscará a perder mais do que seus dedos?
Ten to Two
The lessons of a driving instructor are filmed in documentary style from the back seat of the training car. The rear-view mirrors reflect the faces of the people in the front very well. The instructor is never complimentary to his pupils and always makes the same nasty jokes. The camera keeps close to the dour man. But when at the end of the day he knocks down a boy, his frame of mind is turned topsy-turvy.
Pluk and His Tow Truck
Em busca de um novo lar, o jovem Pluk acaba no prédio Petteflet com seu pequeno guindaste vermelho. Ele se muda para um pequeno quarto vago no último andar e rapidamente faz amizade com alguns dos habitantes e animais do Torteltuin, o belo jardim. Ao descobrir que o Torteltuin está para ser destruído, Pluk e seus amigos farão de tudo para impedir.
Irmãs Gêmeas
Aos 6 anos de idade, após a morte dos pais, as gêmeas Anna e Lotte Bamberg são separadas. Anna permanece na Alemanha e cresce em circunstâncias difíceis na fazenda de seu tio Heinrich e da esposa Martha. Já Lotte, doente, é levada para o lar amoroso da família Rockanje, na Holanda. Nos anos que se seguem as irmãs tentam desesperadamente entrar em contato uma com a outra. Finalmente acontece um encontro, quando está prestes a ser deflagrada a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Apesar de felizes por estarem juntas novamente, ambas sentem o peso das diferenças entre elas. Quando se encontram algum tempo depois, após a guerra, o distanciamento é inevitável, devido às experiências diversas que viveram na guerra. E Lotte então deixa claro que pretende banir as lembranças da irmã de sua vida para sempre.
Soul Assassin
Kevin Burke a young executive for a multinational investment bank, is a rising star in the Rotterdam office. Rewarded for his perceptive eye and mastery of foreign languages, Kevin receives the promotion he has been working for - a coveted spot on the company's internal security team. Trained by the enigmatic Mr. Ficks to protect the firm's employees in volatile, third world markets, Kevin thinks he has a shield for every arrow. And this makes him feel safe, or at least "safer" than he's felt since his father's mysterious death. Karl Jorgensen, the Managing Director of the bank, is Kevin's boss and surrogate father. He has mentored Kevin over the years, which makes his biological son, Karl Jorgensen Junior, visibly jealous. Jorgensen brushes off the "sibling rivalry", but clearly favors Kevin, molding him into a confident, young man. It is this confidence that gives Kevin the courage he needs to propose to the woman he loves...
Based on a book about an infamous real scandal in the Dutch crime scene, the film aims at exposing the horrors caused by corruption on both sides of the law. A rookie policeman is coerced into obtaining secret information from a childhood friend turned gangster. The childhood friend turns informant. But his revelations are hardly the most important "leaks" in the story. In fact, the new relationship between old friends goes all wrong, and the young policeman becomes increasingly involved in a deadly web of lies, crimes, treason, and revenge, all seemingly out of control.
Little Sister
After several years without contact, Martijn visits his sister Daantje, who just started to live on her own in Amsterdam. He tells her he is going to make a documentary from her life, and enters her home life with a video camera.
Angie has just returned from an orphanage and everyone warns her to stay away from Alex, who leads a life of crime.
The Penknife
Accidentally still in possession of his best friend's pocket knife after they move all the way to a different city, a young boy sets out to return it.
Han de Wit
Has is a strange kid: at school he's a nice student but at home he's dominating his parents... .
Lost in Amsterdam
A tasty, vulgar, low-budget, urban road movie about a satirical drawn art environment with great impromptu renditions and Peter Falk detective pastiche Wingers to lick your thumbs and fingers. The American-Dutch psychiatrist Bold Wasser plays in his role as Detective Scotty all professional actors of the cloth. Long plan sequence shots give the film an almost documentary, authentic appearance.