Vlasta Muratova


Costume Design
According to UN data in the workforce, in terms of numbers and sex, in Russia there are 794,000 people
The Lower Depths
Costume Design
The action of the famous play about the inhabitants of the flophouse has been transferred to our days. The heroes live in a landfill, look for something to sell in the mountains of garbage, steal and drink. One day, Luka appears at the dump, who tries to comfort these people who have sunk to the bottom of their lives.
Costume Design
Rud and Sam
Costume Design
Retirees Rud and Sem come into possession of a suitcase full of mob money... a comic adventure ensues.
Costume Design
A young girl dreaming to become an actress goes through hell with an orphan baby on her hands. The whole world seems to be against her. She meets the love of her life when there is no one to stand by her.
Ataque Aéreo
Costume Design
Um piloto da força aérea russa recebe ordens de um agente da CIA para seqüestrar um avião de alta tecnologia soviético. Com isso, o piloto coloca em risco a vida do presidente dos EUA. Um filme de tirar o fôlego.