Temporarily homeless Jarna is in the deepest trouble of his life. Debtors have come to collect old drug debts and Jarna is given 24 hours to pay up, setting off a frantic, amphetamine fueled battle against time. Manic speed, fear of killers on his tail, paranoia and self-loathing over old wrongs eventually lead to a traffic accident. Jarna can no longer escape, his pace slows and he is on the verge of giving up. The moment has come when a near-lifetime of running must come to an end.
Sara blames herself for the death of her husband – and makes the worst mistake of her life by resorting to the help of an ouija board in her self-pity.
Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, uma jovem desafia sua família de classe alta ao se casar com um veterano de guerra ferido. Fugindo do preconceito, eles partiram para um novo começo no interior do país.
Mary (age 14)
Ao retornar à Finlândia após de deixar os EUA durante a Grande Depressão, um homem enfrenta uma crescente inquietação política no país nórdico. Numa noite de verão de 1930, bandidos nacionalistas o raptam. Ele é espancado e forçado a andar até a União Soviética, onde a crueldade parece não ter fim. Seu único desejo é voltar a ver a família, mesmo que esse sonho seja quase impossível. Baseado em uma história real.
Heli Valkonen is desperately in love with her husband. But Matti is just not in the mood. He is only interested in playing computer games, dressed in worn out fleece pants. For him, a shoulder massage is the highest form of intimacy. When subtle hints, nice words and fetching clothes won't help, Heli resorts in direct, and increasingly direct action - in vain.
8-Pallo conta a história da mãe solteira Pike que, tendo acabado de sair da prisão, está tentando recomeçar sua vida. Quando seu ex-namorado Lalli volta do exterior, abre uma janela para um passado que Pike quer deixar para trás.
Paulina Harjunpää
Detective sergeant Timo Harjunpää of the Helsinki Violent Crime Unit loses his daughter in a tragic way. Despite the support of his closest colleague, Constable Onerva Nykänen, Harjunpää is unable to recover from the loss of his family. He seeks revenge against his daughter's killer, while in his work he investigates strange deaths in the Helsinki metro that turn out to be the work of a serial killer.
"Encounter". Seven stories of women. Occasionally intersecting with each other in everyday situations. Parallel episodes of hope and abandonment, addiction and infidelity, but also friendship and trust.
Taru elää ratsutilalla harmonista elämää miehensä Harrin ja tytärpuolensa Ninnin kanssa. Kaikki muuttuu, kun Ninni loukkaantuu hevosonnettomuudessa. Kymmenen vuotta sitten Ruotsiin lähtenyt Ninnin biologinen äiti Eve kutsutaan paikalle Tarun pyynnöstä. Even pikaiseksi kuviteltu käynti muuttuu pidemmäksi vierailuksi, kun Eve tajuaa, että hän haluaa menetetyt kymmenen vuotta elämästään takaisin. Kauan kytenyt kaipaus Ninni-tytärtä kohtaan nousee pintaan. Vähä vähältä Eve alkaa vallata tilaa perheestä takaisin itselleen, jolloin Taru menettää elämänsä hallinnan. Esiin nousee syyllisyyttä ja muistoja - rakkaitakin, vihaa ja tarvitsevuutta. Kaikki minkä Taru luuli olevan ehjää ja hallinnassa, kyseenalaistuu. Kymmenen vuotta puhumattomana olleet asiat vaativat selvittämistä ja kaikki neljä joutuvat etsimään oman paikkansa uudessa tilanteessa.
11-year-old Unna travels in time to the stone age with the help of a magic drum.