Elisa Touraine


A Real Job
Unit Manager
Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.
The Takeover
Location Manager
Cédric works in a company specialized in precision mechanics. Its management, run by an investment fund, is disastrous. As another fund is about to buy it again, Cédric decides to take the company over, giving it to the employees.
O Código Da Vinci
Assistant Location Manager
O simbologista e académico americano Robert Langdon viaja até Paris para lançar um novo livro, mas é subitamente chamado pela polícia francesa quando o conservador do Museu do Louvre é morto de uma forma macabra e as pistas apontam para ele. Compete agora a Langdon, com a ajuda de Sophie Neveu, criptógrafa e neta do conservador, fugir da polícia, resolver o crime e descobrir um segredo milenar que pode mudar a face do mundo.