Quentin Laurent


Kristos, The Last Child
Of the thirty inhabitants of Arki, a windswept island in Greece’ Dodecanese, Kristos is the last remaining child and the only student of the small elementary school. To finish compulsory education, he needs to leave Arki and move to a larger island. However, his family cannot afford this and his father wants him to become a shepherd like his older brothers. The child’s teacher, Maria, cannot accept this situation and is determined to find a solution to further his education. Will Kristos stay on the island or will he leave Arki to continue his education on the other side of the sea?
Soy niño
Bastian, a young trans boy, has to face a very difficult time in life: adolescence. It becomes even harder when he has to put his best efforts into asserting his individuality. From age 12 to 18, Bastian is filmed by his dear cousin Lorena who catches every glimpse of intimacy and difficulties. We witness how social and economical obstacles can put at risk Bastian’s transition.
Downstream to Kinshasa
For two decades, the victims of the Six-Day War have been fighting in Kisangani for the recognition of this bloody conflict and demanding compensation. Tired of unsuccessful pleas, they have finally decided to voice their claims in Kinshasa, after a long journey on the Congo River.
Nas Filipinas, mulheres são enviadas para trabalhar como empregadas domésticas ou babás no exterior. Num dos muitos centros de formação dedicados ao trabalho doméstico, um grupo de estagiárias se prepara para enfrentar a saudade de casa e os possíveis abusos que se avizinham.
Kinshasa Makambo
Centenas de jovens revolucionários vão até as ruas de Kinshasa quando Joseph Kabila, presidente do Congo, se recusa a abdicar do poder no final de seu segundo mandato. Os protestos são recebidos com violência, mas a batalha por eleições livres e pela democracia não pode ser reprimida.