The story of Phra Jued (Oat), a monk with a strange destiny Had to run away from the lightning in a chaotic manner because he had to bind the karma together with the shaman named Pak Pao (Pop) in his previous life. What kind of karma did the puffer do? All karmic results are pushed down to the Buddha image. In addition, the puffer doctor pushed to swear by the lightning. in order to appease the girl who herself flirts again The fresh monk was struck by a cross and struck by lightning as well. Therefore hurried to stop the puffer doctor in order to save himself from death. But the puffer doctor didn't believe it. The chaotic story of the two of them happened. Both the monks and shamans had to run away from the lightning in chaos. Will this mission of Phra Dued be successful or not? will survive from being struck by lightning or not, can be tracked in my lightning ego.
The story of Phra Jued (Oat), a monk with a strange destiny Had to run away from the lightning in a chaotic manner because he had to bind the karma together with the shaman named Pak Pao (Pop) in his previous life. What kind of karma did the puffer do? All karmic results are pushed down to the Buddha image. In addition, the puffer doctor pushed to swear by the lightning. in order to appease the girl who herself flirts again The fresh monk was struck by a cross and struck by lightning as well. Therefore hurried to stop the puffer doctor in order to save himself from death. But the puffer doctor didn't believe it. The chaotic story of the two of them happened. Both the monks and shamans had to run away from the lightning in chaos. Will this mission of Phra Dued be successful or not? will survive from being struck by lightning or not, can be tracked in my lightning ego.
Sua e Jib são como qualquer outro casal neste mundo, a não ser por uma exceção: nos últimos cinco anos, eles mantiveram a relação em segredo desde que o banco em que trabalham tem uma rígida política de "Não Confraternização". Não é um grande negócio, até que eles decidem se casar. O único problema? Qual desses dois vai colocar o casamento antes da carreira e renunciar?
Os dois vão trabalhar no caso quando ocorre uma falha de ATM na província de Chonburi, que faz com que o banco perca cerca de 130 mil dólares baht. Os termos são simples: quem for capaz de recuperar o dinheiro em primeiro lugar fica com o seu trabalho.
O casal vai se transformar em concorrentes sem tabus. É a velha batalha dos sexos, mas, desta vez, como pode ser facilmente declarada vitória em uma guerra onde não existem "regras de engajamento" mais tradicionais?