Director of Photography
Chamaco finds himself on the wrong end of a firing squad after tracking an ex-Confederate to interrogate him about General Beauregard's missing gold. He's saved by a stranger who calls himself Stuart (Byrnes). Stuart claims to know the location of Beauregard's strongbox, and so Chamaco takes him to Blake's camp. After a sort of initiation by the gang, Stuart leads Blake's men back across the border to Durango to retrieve the gold. Source: SWDB
Director of Photography
Django, bounty killer, hunter and repentant bandit wants to start a new life. No more bullets and blood, after years of killing and horror. Django wants to replace the sherrif and restore law and order to lawless land, but faces the history and bloodshed of his own past. Helped by the love of the daughter of a bandit Django can finally bring his life of violence to and end and spend his days in peace... If he can live that long!
Director of Photography
Em 1963, acompanhado por um fotógrafo de noticiários fílmicos e um padre católico, Pier Paolo Pasolini viajou para a Palestina para investigar a possibilidade de filmar o épico bíblico O Evangelho Segundo São Mateus em seus locais históricos aproximados. Editado pelo produtor do filme para potenciais financiadores e distribuidores, "Locações na Palestina" apresenta comentários semi-improvisados de Pasolini como sua única trilha sonora. Ao viajarmos de aldeia em aldeia, ouvimos as reflexões idiossincráticas de Pasolini sobre os ensinamentos de Cristo e testemunhamos sua crescente decepção com as pessoas e paisagens que ele vê diante de si. Israel, ele lamenta, é moderna demais. Os palestinos, muito infelizes; seria impossível acreditar que os ensinamentos de Jesus tivessem alcançado estes rostos. O Evangelho Segundo São Mateus acabou sendo filmado no sul da Itália.
Camera Operator
In 1941 an Italian regiment known as the Savoy Cavalry is sent by Mussolini to Russia to assist the German invasion. After crossing an extensive area of Soviet territory the men arrive at a village that seems deserted. A patrol sent on reconnaissance comes under machine-gun fire from the top of a bell-tower.