Silvia Kiik


Too Tired to Hate
This modern western depicting juvenile crime takes as its theme the struggle of an individual against a vicious circle of violence. The spiral of violence and revenge is only broken when one person conquers himself and refuses to continue the vendetta. Siim, a 14-year old who grew up in the streets, is only spared the violence because he has a natural antipathy to it. Ultimately he too is caught up in the fighting when he tries to save money for his girlfriend's Christmas gift and the cash is stolen.
Three Jolly Fellows tells of the adventures of three small men in a world that borders on the fantastic: the composed and close-to-nature Mossbeard, the irritable city dweller Halfshoe, and the sensitive poet Muff.
The City
Editorial Staff
O horror da urbanização das cidades...
The War
Editorial Services
The protagonist of the film is the Bat living in an old mill and fighting rats and crows. It’s the war fought by disproportioned forces, where the battle is won by cleverness, skill and cunning. Somewhere outside the mill another war is fought.
Three Jolly Fellows 2
The second part of the film based on Eno Raua's children's book of the same name, which tells about the activities of three jolly fellows - Sammalhabe, Kingpool and Muhvi. The movie viewer can join their exciting adventures in saving the city from the rats.
Breakfast on the Grass
Several episodes, each focusing on a different figure. Towards the end they all come together to replicate the famous painting by Édouard Manet that provides the title.
Tyll the Giant
Script Supervisor
O filme conta a história de um deus mitológico estoniano, Suur Tõll, um herói gigante que viveu na Ilha Báltica de Saaremaa.
The Simpletons
Script Editor
O progresso não pode parar, independente do que ocorra.
The Flight
Script Editor
O desejo de voar de um homem.
Operaator Kõps marjametsas