Itza Sodi


Where the Water Runs
Teenage orphan Luca leaves his hometown Chipilo for Mexico City, seeking fortune. There, he meets 24 year old trapeze artist Paulina, who teaches him love and life in the circus.
Out of the Clear Blue Sky
Returning to Earth as an imitator, the legendary Mexican artist Pedro Infante must prove that he is no longer a womanizer to enter paradise.
Arranca-me a Vida
Catalina se casa muito jovem com um político em ascensão. O casamento não deixa de ser uma maneira de ambos sobreviverem aos conflitos da sociedade em que vivem. Mas, quando um diretor de orquestra entra na vida de Catalina, as coisas mudam.
Hale Bopp
A girl is abused by her grandfather, two women come to a small town to learn about the esthetic of death, and a misogynist man decides to live his life like there is no future.