Athina Rachel Tsangari
Nascimento : 1966-03-31, Athens, Greece
Athina Rachel Tsangari is a Greek filmmaker. Some of her most notable works include her feature films, The Slow Business of Going (2000), Attenberg (2010) and Chevalier (2015) as well as the co-production of Yorgos Lanthimos films Kinetta (2005), Dogtooth (2009), and Alps (2011). In her versatile work for cinema, she has also founded and been director of the Cinematexas International Short Film Festival. In 2014-2015, she was invited to Harvard University’s Visual and Environmental Studies department as a Visiting Lecturer on Art, Film, and Visual Studies.
Tsangari was born in Athens, Greece. She holds a university degree from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and two post-graduate diplomas: an MA in performance studies from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, and an MFA in Film Directing from the University of Texas at Austin.
Her first experience working in film was with a small role in Richard Linklater's 1991 film Slacker. Since then, Tsangari has assumed multiple roles within the film industry.
As the era of psychiatric asylums in Europe draws to an end, Ladies in Waiting opens a window to its past. Through the unique perspectives of caregivers from the Psychiatric Hospital of Attica - the last remaining one in Greece - and the lives of care-receivers, we take a peek inside the taboo world of mental illness.
Depois de 20 anos de ausência, Jonny vai visitar o pai na sua cabana na floresta, apenas para ser ignorado pelo eremita. Porém, para evitar que o solo lamacento seja tirado de seus pés por questões de rentabilidade, pai e filho precisam cavá-lo juntos.
Over 30 filmmakers and friends of Strand Releasing have come together to honor the company’s indelible contribution to independent cinema over the past thirty years. The participating filmmakers have each created a short film for the project, all shot on iPhones.
Ramin é um jovem iraniano, de 30 anos, que fugiu de seu país, Irã, de navio, clandestinamente, com destino à Turquia. Mas o navio toma caminho diferente e ele vai parar em Vera Cruz, no México. Ramin fugiu do Irã por ser homossexual. Sem dinheiro, e sem saber falar espanhol, Ramin se vira em um trabalho clandestino em uma obra, onde conhece Guillermo, um Salvadorenho que deseja fugir para os Estados Unidos, e por quem Ramin irá nutrir desejos platônicos. Enquanto lida com a saudade de seus entes queridos, ele começa a descobrir uma vida mais livre, longe do Irã.
Three Renees go on a quest to find God, who is also Renee. As they cross the mountains and valleys of Renee, they discover all the great joys, tragedies, and mysteries of being Renee.
Three generations of women in one household do what they can to prepare for the impending loss of one of their number.
A documentary that takes a look at the production of BEFORE MIDNIGHT. As the film starts, Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke are sitting around as filming has just completed. From here we get some terrific stories as they talk about the characters as well as what they bring and take from them. We also get footage from the filming of the movie where we get to see how the actors and director work together to try and build up the scenes.
A documentary that takes a look at the production of BEFORE MIDNIGHT. As the film starts, Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke are sitting around as filming has just completed. From here we get some terrific stories as they talk about the characters as well as what they bring and take from them. We also get footage from the filming of the movie where we get to see how the actors and director work together to try and build up the scenes.
A documentary that takes a look at the production of BEFORE MIDNIGHT. As the film starts, Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke are sitting around as filming has just completed. From here we get some terrific stories as they talk about the characters as well as what they bring and take from them. We also get footage from the filming of the movie where we get to see how the actors and director work together to try and build up the scenes.
A documentary that takes a look at the production of BEFORE MIDNIGHT. As the film starts, Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke are sitting around as filming has just completed. From here we get some terrific stories as they talk about the characters as well as what they bring and take from them. We also get footage from the filming of the movie where we get to see how the actors and director work together to try and build up the scenes.
A documentary that takes a look at the production of BEFORE MIDNIGHT. As the film starts, Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke are sitting around as filming has just completed. From here we get some terrific stories as they talk about the characters as well as what they bring and take from them. We also get footage from the filming of the movie where we get to see how the actors and director work together to try and build up the scenes.
Executive Producer
Maverick underground American/Lebanese musician and ethnomusicologist Alan Bishop (Sun City Girls and Sublime Frequencies), lands as a stranger in Cairo, soon after the 2011 uprisings, and teams up with three young Egyptian musicians for the translation of his old songs into Arabic. Under Bishop’s mentorship, this unlikely collaboration transforms into a band, The Invisible Hands.
Flap flap flap flap. A large bird and a small boy cohabit in an unhappy relationship, trapped by four walls and a mutual codependence. The fragile balance of their relationship is cracked by a new arrival.
Durante o inverno, um grupo de homens está retornando de uma viagem de pesca quando acontece um problema mecânico no iate e eles ficam à deriva em algum lugar do golfo de Daronikos, na Grécia. Para passar o tempo, eles desenvolvem um jogo divertido e altamente competitivo chamado "Chevalier". Nenhum deles tem a intenção de sair do iate sem ser coroado o vencedor.
Durante o inverno, um grupo de homens está retornando de uma viagem de pesca quando acontece um problema mecânico no iate e eles ficam à deriva em algum lugar do golfo de Daronikos, na Grécia. Para passar o tempo, eles desenvolvem um jogo divertido e altamente competitivo chamado "Chevalier". Nenhum deles tem a intenção de sair do iate sem ser coroado o vencedor.
A great video directed by the award winning director Athina Rachel Tsangari and narrated by Willem Dafoe about the history and the importance of the Museum Benaki.
A great video directed by the award winning director Athina Rachel Tsangari and narrated by Willem Dafoe about the history and the importance of the Museum Benaki.
Production Design
This short piece by Athina Rachel Tsangari, commissioned for the seventieth edition of the Venice Film Festival in 2013, draws on Jean-Luc Godard's "Contempt" and functions as a meditation on the state of cinema, depicting two film projectors contemplating the uncertainty of their future.
Sound Designer
This short piece by Athina Rachel Tsangari, commissioned for the seventieth edition of the Venice Film Festival in 2013, draws on Jean-Luc Godard's "Contempt" and functions as a meditation on the state of cinema, depicting two film projectors contemplating the uncertainty of their future.
This short piece by Athina Rachel Tsangari, commissioned for the seventieth edition of the Venice Film Festival in 2013, draws on Jean-Luc Godard's "Contempt" and functions as a meditation on the state of cinema, depicting two film projectors contemplating the uncertainty of their future.
This short piece by Athina Rachel Tsangari, commissioned for the seventieth edition of the Venice Film Festival in 2013, draws on Jean-Luc Godard's "Contempt" and functions as a meditation on the state of cinema, depicting two film projectors contemplating the uncertainty of their future.
This short piece by Athina Rachel Tsangari, commissioned for the seventieth edition of the Venice Film Festival in 2013, draws on Jean-Luc Godard's "Contempt" and functions as a meditation on the state of cinema, depicting two film projectors contemplating the uncertainty of their future.
Made for the Venice Film Festival's 70th anniversary, seventy filmmakers made a short film between 60 and 90 seconds long on their interpretation of the future of cinema.
Jesse e Celine vivem em Paris com as filhas gêmeas nove anos depois de seu primeiro encontro. Ele tem um filho de seu primeiro casamento, que vive com a mãe em Chicago, e o convida para ir com eles para a Grécia, onde a família tenta aparar arestas.
Jesse e Celine vivem em Paris com as filhas gêmeas nove anos depois de seu primeiro encontro. Ele tem um filho de seu primeiro casamento, que vive com a mãe em Chicago, e o convida para ir com eles para a Grécia, onde a família tenta aparar arestas.
Friends Cory and Anna are drifting through life, struggling to find their place. Cory is sick of life in the desert and wants to be on a reality show so he can prove to his brother that he isn't a screw-up. Anna is in the country illegally, selling sex to save enough money to take her citizenship test. When Cory's brother visits and Anna's dying grandmother takes a turn for the worst, the two are forced to examine the direction of their lives
Set Designer
Seven girls, a mansion perched on a Cycladic rock, a cycle of lessons on discipline, desire and demise-infinitely.
Seven girls, a mansion perched on a Cycladic rock, a cycle of lessons on discipline, desire and demise-infinitely.
Seven girls, a mansion perched on a Cycladic rock, a cycle of lessons on discipline, desire and demise-infinitely.
Uma enfermeira, um paramédico, uma ginasta e o seu treinador fundam um grupo de apoio, denominado de Alps, no qual, contratados por familiares e amigos, eles substituem pessoas falecidas recentemente. Apesar do regime disciplinado imposto pelo líder do grupo, a enfermeira começará a ignorar as regras deste estranho grupo.
Numa pequena cidade, Marina, de 23 anos, mantém uma relação excecionalmente próxima com seu pai, que está às portas da morte vítima de cancro. O único conhecimento que ela tem sobre sexualidade vem do contacto com a sua amiga, Bella, com quem pratica beijos. Enquanto se prepara para a morte de seu pai, ela descobre mais sobre a vida sexual com um engenheiro.
Numa pequena cidade, Marina, de 23 anos, mantém uma relação excecionalmente próxima com seu pai, que está às portas da morte vítima de cancro. O único conhecimento que ela tem sobre sexualidade vem do contacto com a sua amiga, Bella, com quem pratica beijos. Enquanto se prepara para a morte de seu pai, ela descobre mais sobre a vida sexual com um engenheiro.
Numa pequena cidade, Marina, de 23 anos, mantém uma relação excecionalmente próxima com seu pai, que está às portas da morte vítima de cancro. O único conhecimento que ela tem sobre sexualidade vem do contacto com a sua amiga, Bella, com quem pratica beijos. Enquanto se prepara para a morte de seu pai, ela descobre mais sobre a vida sexual com um engenheiro.
Executive Producer
Two rival brothers engage in the ultimate challenge when they compete for the affections of the same woman.
Associate Producer
O pai, a mãe e os três filhos vivem numa casa nos subúrbios da cidade. À volta dela, existe uma cerca alta que as crianças nunca passaram. São educadas, entretidas e exercitadas pelos pais, sem qualquer influência do exterior. Acreditam que os aviões são brinquedos e que os zombies são pequenas flores amarelas. O único elemento com acesso à família é Christina, que visita regularmente a casa para apaziguar os impulsos sexuais do primogénito. Toda a família gosta dela, sobretudo a filha mais velha. Um dia, Christina oferece-lhe uma bandolete com pedras e pede-lhe algo em troca.
Camera Operator
Dimitris Papaioannou's new piece is a "dissection of the male psyche," and seems to draw upon a range of influences including the work of Jean Genet, Rene Magritte and Robert Wilson. Inspiration for the show also came partly from Papaioannou's own experiences as a gay man in Greece.
Director of Photography
Dimitris Papaioannou's new piece is a "dissection of the male psyche," and seems to draw upon a range of influences including the work of Jean Genet, Rene Magritte and Robert Wilson. Inspiration for the show also came partly from Papaioannou's own experiences as a gay man in Greece.
Dimitris Papaioannou's new piece is a "dissection of the male psyche," and seems to draw upon a range of influences including the work of Jean Genet, Rene Magritte and Robert Wilson. Inspiration for the show also came partly from Papaioannou's own experiences as a gay man in Greece.
Dimitris Papaioannou's new piece is a "dissection of the male psyche," and seems to draw upon a range of influences including the work of Jean Genet, Rene Magritte and Robert Wilson. Inspiration for the show also came partly from Papaioannou's own experiences as a gay man in Greece.
Em uma cidade turística grega, uma camareira, um homem obcecado por BMW e o funcionário de uma loja de fotografia recriam os homicídios de um assassino em série local. O que parece ser um experimento investigativo acaba sendo uma exploração das profundezas de suas próprias obsessões psicossexuais.
Petra Going is a migrant cyborg, an agent of the Global Nomad Project: an international “Experience Data Agency” which sends hundreds of “receivers” like her to wander the globe and record a succession of random encounters. Periodically, they return to agency headquarters where they deposit their accumulated memories into an archive. This archive is available to users who then vicariously and virtually inhabit the ready-made landscapes of touristic consciousness. The motto of the GNP: “Nostalgia For Rent.”
A surreal account of Lizzie as she struggles to make life fit.
Cousin from Greece
Slacker mostra um dia na vida de jovens deslocados de Austin, Texas. Na maioria, jovens de vinte e poucos anos que não se encaixam nos padrões da sociedade. Os personagens saem e entram em cena e na vida de outros personagens. O filme é recheado com a paranóia, apatia e ódio adolescente típicos dos anos 90. Perfeito para quem gosta de teorias de conspiração, teorias malucas e filosofia (de boteco).
The new film by Athina Rachel Tsangari.