Werner Stocker

Nascimento : 1955-04-07, Flintsbach am Inn, Germany

Morte : 1993-05-27


Werner Stocker


Emil Lehmann
The ex-gymnast and survival artist Emil falls in love with the prostitute Lissy. Through her he meets some criminals whom he can help thanks to his gymnastic skills. But on his rise in the criminal hierarchy, Lissy might fall by the wayside.
Far from Berlin
East Berliner Dieter was working at a very low-level factory job when East and West Germany were unified. He has a very ill child to take care of who requires expensive and special treatments that are not covered by the state medical system. When he loses his job in the inevitable downsizing, he is approached by a sinister rich man to perform various off-the-books services for him, including spying on the rich man's wife. Reluctantly, he accepts the role of "friend" to this untrustworthy fellow. His child is becoming steadily worse, so when the requests of his "friend" include violent and unlawful actions, he does not feel able to refuse him outright.
Terror Stalks the Class Reunion
A beautiful young detective goes to the rescue of a teacher kidnapped by a former student.
Rama Dama
Hans Stadler
Munich, World War II: The young Kati Zeiler runs a small barbershop. Her husband Felix is ​​fighting on the Eastern Front. So Kati draws her daughter Marie alone. A bomb attack destroys the shop and the apartment.
Lex Minister
Minister Otto Sauer has just resigned. As usual, he walks over to the Eden Bar to muse about the rise and the fall of the mighty. This time, however, the evening takes a different course. He himself gives an account of the symbiosis of power and corruption while still defending it. In his opinion he has been made the scapegoat of the party. The overthrown minister is a fictional figure, yet so easy to recognize.
Autumn Milk
Albert Wimschneider
Esta é uma adaptação cinematográfica da autobiografia de Anna Wimschneider. Ela retrata as experiências de sua vida e rotinas de trabalho como uma mulher nascida em uma fazenda na Baixa Baviera, Alemanha, na década de 1920. A mãe de Anna morreu cedo, ao dar à luz e, desde então, Anna teve que ocupar seu lugar e trabalhar muito. Em um comício nazista, ela conhece o jovem Albert, dono de uma fazenda. Eles percebem que os dois não acreditam no fascismo e vão para um café, onde ele começa a cortejá-la. Contra sua decisão anterior de deixar a vida na fazenda o mais rápido possível, ela concorda em se casar com ele, na esperança de que sua vida se torne mais fácil na fazenda de Albert... OU... "Herbstmilch" (Leite de Outono) (também o nome de uma sopa) é um filme nada sentimental, embora muito comovente, sobre essa mulher crescendo na realidade rural alemã antes e durante a segunda guerra mundial.
Os Doze Condenados - Missão Mortal
SS Sergeant
O general Worden (Ernest Borgnine) ordena ao major Wright (Telly Savalas) que selecione e treine 12 condenados à morte ou sentenças longas para uma missão suicida, em que os participantes serão perdoados se a concluírem. A missão consiste em destruir o estoque de um gás paralisante e mortal, que os nazistas esconderam em um mosteiro em Saint Michel, na França. O local não pode ser bombardeado, pois lá também se encontram 6 cientistas, que vieram de países invadidos pelos alemães. Se destruir o gás e resgatar os cientistas era difícil tudo fica bem mais complicado ao saberem que houve algum tipo de vazamento, que provocou a morte de um agente inglês e do líder da resistência local. Em razão disto o espaço aéreo está sendo mais vigiado, o que obriga Wright e seus comandados a chegarem em Saint Michel por outro caminho.
Now or Never
A Man Like Eva
Walter / Armand
A bearded director named EVA, a fictive Rainer Werner Fassbinder, lives in a large house with his cast and crew as he films Dumas' Lady of the Camellias. His accountant informs him he has many unpaid bills and little cash on hand. EVA throws a fit and fires him. He then proceeds to play one person off against another, dismiss with cruelty his recent lover Ali, sleep openly with his leading lady Gudrun, and make a direct and public play for his leading man, Walter. He's mercurial, dictatorial, and manic. Will he finish the film, having drawn great performances from his actors through his manipulations, or will his antics set events in motion that spin out of his control?
The White Rose
Christoph Probst
During the Second World War, a small group of students at Munich University begin to question the decisions and sanity of Germany's Nazi government. The students form a resistance cell which they name the "White Rose" after a newsletter that is secretly distributed to the student body. At first small in numbers and fearful of discovery, the White Rose begins to gain massive support after a Nazi Gauleiter nearly incites a student riot after a provokative speech. At this point, the matter is taken over by the German Gestapo, who pledge to hunt down and destroy the members of the White Rose.
Peter Urack