Volker Prechtel

Volker Prechtel

Nascimento : 1941-08-09, Hopfen am See, Bavaria, Germany

Morte : 1997-08-07


Volker Prechtel


Lorenz im Land der Lügner
Alles nur Tarnung
Harry manages to get into Willi's cell - Marlies is quartered with the ageing prostitute Jutta. Quite a tension between the generations comes up when Harry realises that his father is not the big bank robber, but a small day thief who does not want to flee at all, but only breaks a blanket to celebrate Christmas with his beloved Jutta in her cell to celebrate...
Willkommen in Kronstadt
Die Fernsehsaga – Eine steirische Fernsehgeschichte
Das Geheimnis
Tödliche Lüge
Ein Fall für TKKG: Drachenauge
Pingling / Ritter von Zährenstein
The four young snoopers Tim, Karl, Kloesschen and Gaby by chance discover a hidden cave near an old castle. In it there's a board that seems to describe the way to a legendary sword. They ask their history teacher Schindler about it. He forbids them further actions, but secretly continues investigations with help of two ruthless criminals. But our young heros don't give up on an adventure so fast...
Das größte Fest des Jahres
Toni Lederer
A TV special about the christmas celebrations of the most popular TV characters in the ZDF at that time.
Sisi/Last Minute
Hias von Konnersreuth
The immature young ruler of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Joseph, was extremely shy around women but (according to this film) was constantly being propositioned, lewdly or otherwise, by ambitious courtesans. When he was finally married to his Empress, the teen-aged Bavarian princess Sisi (Elizabeth), it seems that his relief knew no bounds, for he was now sure that he would never have to think about sex ever again. According to the filmmakers, this is the true history of that marriage. This story is a complete reversal of the romantic legend depicted in the popular 1955 film Sissi, which helped brighten the emerging stardom of Romy Schneider.
The Serbian Girl
The naive 18 year old Dobrila leaves her little Serbian village to travel to Hamburg, Germany, where her boyfriend lives. The trip is not easy. Finally in Hamburg she has to realize her boyfriend is not very interested in a relationship. She doesn't tell him she's pregnant and starts on her way home to Serbia, which turns out to be even more exhausting.
No Coração da Montanha
A meeting of two world famous climbers, one an experienced mountaineer the other a sport climber, and a journalist (Ivan) results in a bet on which of the two is the best climber. Roger (the mountaineering expert) states that Martin (the sport climber) wouldn't survive a day on a 'real' climbing expedition, although he is considered to be the world's best sport climber (having just won an indoor 'world championship,' an event depicted in the opening scene). They plan to climb 'Cerro Torre,' in the Patagonia region of South America, near the Argentinian/Chilean border, one of the world's most difficult mountains, especially considering the extreme weather conditions common to the area.
Waller's Last Trip
For many years the old Waller worked as a railwayman. After Waller is informed that "his" track will be closed down and that he will be retired, he walks the route for one last time and starts to remember his life along the way: Beginning in his childhood in the 1920s, he commemorates the death of his great love as well as he recalls the legal battle with his illegitimate daughter.
Zimmer 36
Fred is a journalist who investigates the death of a man in room 36. He interviews the man's widow and her deranged mother for clues as to how the man died in a hotel room that is rented by the hour. Also under suspicion is a stranger named Becker who lives next to the room where the killing took place.
Starke Zeiten
Hospital Employee
The film consists of several small episodes that take place in and around Munich.
The Abbey of Crime: Umberto Eco's 'The Name of the Rose'
A German TV documentary that chronicles the daily rehearsals, the filming and all the behind the scenes of Jean-Jacques Annaud's classic "The Name of the Rose". From actors perspectives to the ideas used by the director to produce an impeccable international epic adaptation of Umberto Eco's best selling novel, the film presents the obstacles behind the creation of a production of such large scale and also the making of the many difficult scenes, most of the ones presented here are the characters' murders inside the mysterious abbey.
O Nome da Rosa
Em 1327, William de Baskerville, um monge franciscano, e Adso von Melk, um noviço que o acompanha, chegam a um remoto mosteiro no norte da Itália. William de Baskerville pretende participar de um conclave para decidir se a Igreja deve doar parte de suas riquezas, mas a atenção é desviada por vários assassinatos que acontecem no mosteiro. William de Baskerville começa a investigar o caso, que se mostra bastante intrincando, além dos mais religiosos acreditarem que é obra do Demônio. William de Baskerville não partilha desta opinião, mas antes que ele conclua as investigações Bernardo Gui (F. Murray Abraham), o Grão-Inquisidor, chega no local e está pronto para torturar qualquer suspeito de heresia que tenha cometido assassinatos em nome do Diabo. Considerando que ele não gosta de Baskerville, ele é inclinado a colocá-lo no topo da lista dos que são diabolicamente influenciados.
Big Mäc
Bernhard „Big Mäc“ Maurer, Ex-Motorradfreak und gelangweilter Klavierlehrer, wird nach seiner Kündigung als Musiklehrer eines Münchner Gymnasiums von der Fachzeitschrift Motorrad zum „perfekten Motorradfahrer“ gewählt. Ihm wird eine Prämie von 50.000 Dollar versprochen, wenn er es schafft, einem japanischen Team in einer Abenteuerrallye von der Zugspitze zum Kilimandscharo zuvor zu kommen. Maurer sagt zu und wählt als zweiten Mann, den Techniker, seinen jungen Nachbarn Max aus. Max, für den es um einen Ausbildungsplatz geht, verletzt sich kurz vor Beginn der Rallye und muss aussetzen. Ohne Maurers Wissen übernimmt Max’ fast identisch aussehende Schwester Maxi die Rolle des Jungen.
During the WW2, a Swiss mountain farmer, refuses to follow the government policy to increase self-sufficiency with produce. In his opinion, the steep mountain pastures are not suited for agriculture. Most of the villagers agree. However some begin to cultivate. Even after all his fellow farmers have given in and have started to plant cops, Tanner continues his opposition and ignores all letters and instructions. This leads to a series of reprimands, for instance, some of his hay is seized and his wife cannot buy at the local grocer's since the family won't comply with the government policy.
Drei gegen Hollywood
Piratensender Powerplay
Tommy and Mike operate a famous pirate radio station, Germany's most listened-to radio station. The police and the operators of the Bavarian Broadcast Company try to stop their illegal broadcast.
Der Schluckauf
Flo, a young woman from the province, moves to Berlin to become a photo model.
Ach du lieber Harry
An adaptation of a novel by Joseph Roth.
Die Farbe des Himmels
Milchfahrer Elfengruber
Woyzeck é um soldado raso que participa de experimentos conduzidos por um médico da cidade para complementar a renda da família. Sua situação social começa a afetar sua sanidade e após uma experiência orientada de comer nada mais que ervilhas, Woyzeck pode estar a beira de um ataque nervoso.
Blauer Himmel den ich nur ahne
The Frozen Heart
A tramp tries to trick the community into paying for the funeral of his fellow tramp who was found frozen to death.
Natascha - Todesgrüße aus Moskau
Coração de Gelo
A small Bavarian village is renowned for its "Ruby Glass" glass blowing works. When the foreman of the works dies suddenly without revealing the secret of the Ruby Glass, the town slides into a deep depression, and the owner of the glassworks becomes obssessed with the lost secret.
A Marquesa d'O
Der Pfarrer
A German Marquise has to deal with a pregnancy she cannot explain and an infatuated Russian Count.
Crime and Passion
Financier persuades his mistress to marry a rich industrialist for his money, then discovers that he and the new wife are to be murdered by her new husband.
O Enigma de Kaspar Hauser
Hiltel, the prison guard
Na manhã de 26 de maio de 1828, na cidade de Nuremberg, um rapaz foi abandonado com uma pequena carta endereçada ao capitão da cidade. Os habitantes acharam que o rapaz fosse doente ou tivesse alguma deficiência, pois não conseguia andar e sequer se comunicar. A carta dizia seu nome, Kaspar Hauser, e explicava que toda a vida ele havia passado preso em uma torre, nunca aprendendo nada ou vivendo em sociedade. Após ser adotado por uma família e aprender a falar, o rapaz contou que até o dia em que foi abandonado jamais havia visto antes o rosto de uma pessoa. Kaspar tornou-se um fenômeno entre a realeza alemã, principalmente pela aptidão assustadora que tinha para a música, mas era incapaz de diferenciar sonhos e realidade e não conseguia compreender as convenções sociais, como a política e a religião. O filme é baseado em fatos reais. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
O Dossiê de Odessa
Günther Kolb
22 de novembro de 1963: o presidente John F. Kennedy é assassinado. O repórter alemão Peter Miller descobre que uma ambulância levava o corpo de um sobrevivente do Holocausto, cujo diário trazia detalhes assombrosos dos campos de concentração. Esse diário conduz Miller na trilha da organização secreta ODESSA.
Der Jäger von Fall