Vladimir Shulga

Vladimir Shulga

Nascimento : 1954-02-09,


Vladimir Shulga


Евгений Гришковец: Пока наливается пиво
The Find
Learn to forgive others, and get forgiveness to yourself. In the forgotten taiga village lives a gloomy and unsociable Trofim Rusanov, senior fishing inspector. He is used to the fact that each day is filled with routine. But one day, on his usual round through the wood, Trofim faces a shocking discovery. He finds a baby in an abandoned forest house. For several days he wanders around the severe uninhabited taiga, fighting both for his life and the life of the little child. Finally, Trofim finds the way home... He wants to find a woman who left a baby in the forest. It takes for him a superhuman effort to find the baby's mother. But this long quest leads him to another, completely different find
Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny
Rafshan and Dzhumzhud, migrant workers from Nubarashen, illegally come to Moscow, where the team leader Leonid received an order for super-expensive repairs from one oligarch. Having lost in the capital the “nationalist”, Rafshan and Dzhumzhud are trying to find and save him, wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere. But in the most hopeless situation, fate turns to guest workers - Rafshan and Dzhumzhud learn a terrible secret that will change everything ...
Veronica will not come
Just a bet in a gamble called life. The cynical rebel is trying his fate over and over again, not considering that this is a dangerous rival. Once the game ends in defeat: the arrogant beauty loses everything at once. A successful journalist turns into a desperate old woman and ends up in a nursing home ...
Os Bastardos
Adaptado do romance de Vladimir Kunin (escrito em 2004), situa-se em 1943 e conta a história de Polkovnik Vishnevskiy, que recebe uma ordem do governo russo para treinar um grupo de soldados responsáveis pela detenção de um grupo pertencente ao exército alemão, chamado "Eidelveis". A missão é secreta e Vishnevskiy recruta e treina jovens entre 14 e 15 anos. Todos sabem que uma vez que a missão esteja completa será o fim para todos, porque eles sabem muito para permanecerem vivos. Segundo o filme, escola preparatória operava nas montanhas de Alatau, uma região adjacente à Alma-Ata, antiga capital do Cazaquistão, e estava sob as ordens da polícia política russa que existia antes da KGB, conhecida como NKVD.
During the Gorbachev years, Platon Makovski and his four buddies are university students who jump on the private capitalism movement. Fast-forward 20 years, Platon finds himself the richest man in Russia, having sacrificed his friends to get to the top. But with this cynical rise, comes a brutal fall.
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