Robert Rhea

Nascimento : 1905-08-26,

Morte : 1966-08-26


O Aventureiro do Pacífico
Assistant Camera
'Guns' Donovan prefere farrear com seus amigos Doc Dedham e 'Boats' Gilhooley até que Amelia, filha de Dedham e da alta sociedade, aparece em seu paraíso dos Mares do Sul. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
O Álamo
Assistant Camera
Em 1836, o general Santa Anna (Ruben Padilla) e o exército mexicano estão varrendo o Texas. Para poder detê-lo, o general Sam Huston (Richard Boone) precisa de tempo para criar uma resistência. Tentando obter este tempo, ele ordena que o coronel William Travis (Laurence Harvey) defenda uma pequena missão a todo custo na rota dos mexicanos. A pequena tropa de Travis recebe o reforço de grupos que acompanham Jim Bowie (Richard Widmark) e Davy Crockett (John Wayne), mas a situação se torna desesperadora. Travis deixa claro que não haverá vergonha se eles partirem enquanto podem, mas cento e oitenta e dois homens decidem fazer uma resistência heróica no forte Álamo.
Vice Raid
Assistant Camera
A prostitute sets out to frame a cop.
Rastros de Ódio
Assistant Camera
O veterano da Guerra Civil Ethan Edwards chega ao Texas em 1868 e encontra o seu irmão e a família dele. No dia seguinte, Comanches invadem o rancho, matam o seu irmão e Martha, a esposa dele, e raptam as duas filhas do casal. Ethan parte então em uma busca vingativa junto com o companheiro Martin, um mestiço que logo percebe que Ethan está obcecado por matar os índios. Ao encontrarem o corpo da mais velha, saem em busca da caçula, por quem procuram mais 5 anos no deserto.
Cessar Fogo
Camera Operator
A sometimes uncomfortable marriage between fact and fiction, this film is part documentary and part drama, mixing actual war footage with reenactments in which real veterans of the Korean War portray members of a platoon sent out on a reconnaissance mission near the end of the conflict. Though peace is imminent, violence unexpectedly erupts. A day that begins with the calm and mundane is transformed into a heated battle that typifies the cruel and unpredictable nature of war.
Barbed Wire
Assistant Camera
A cattle buyer (Gene Autry), a federal agent (Pat Buttram) and a newswoman (Anne James) snip a railroad plot.
Rio Vermelho
Assistant Camera
Uma aventura intensa e repleta de ação que captura a grandiosidade, imponência e perigo do selvagem oeste americano. Tom Dunson (John Wayne) conduz seu enorme rebanho pela traiçoeira Trilha Chisholm, arriscando tudo para alcançar seu destino, o Rio Vermelho. Mas, no caminho, novas informações e as maneiras tirânicas de Dunson fazem Matthew Garth, seu filho adotivo, tirar o rebanho de Dunson e levar para um novo destino no Kansas. Dunson, querendo vingança, sai em perseguição.
O Grande Prêmio
Camera Operator
A fast-talking salesman is "kidnapped" by a town, which intends to use him in its annual race with a rival community.
Assistant Camera
The queen of Egypt barges the Nile and flirts with Mark Antony and Julius Caesar.
O Cântico dos Cânticos
Assistant Camera
After her father dies, Lily moves to the city to live with her strict aunt. During the day Lily works in her aunt's bookstore, and at night she sneaks across the street to model for Richard, a sculptor with whom she falls in love. A patron of Richard's, Baron von Merzbach, develops an interest in Lily that may not be with the best of intentions.
Sky Bride
Assistant Camera
Barnstorming pilots Speed Condon, Bill Adams, and Eddie Smith travel the country with their manager, Alec Dugan, performing at fairs and air shows and hawking rides for the locals. But when Speed's rambunctious flying results in tragedy, he gives up flying in despair and guilt. Alec tracks him down and hopes to get him back on his feet and back in the air.
The Miracle Man
Assistant Camera
A gang of crooks evade the police by moving their operations to a small town. There the gang's leader, John Madison, encounters a faith healer and uses him to scam the gullible public of funds for a supposed chapel. But when a real healing takes place, a change comes over the gang.
Working Girls
Assistant Camera
Two sisters from Indiana, the wide-eyed and innocent Mae Thorpe, and her sister June, more streetwise, move into the Rolf House for Homeless Girls in New York. With June's help, Mae obtains a job as a stenographer for scientist Joseph von Schraeder, while June gets work as a telegraph operator at Western Union.
Innocents of Paris
Additional Camera
Directed by Richard Wallace.
The Rough Riders
Additional Camera
The story of the military unit organized by future U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt and its adventures in Cuba during the Spanish-American War of 1898.