Joan Bahr


Últimas tardes con Teresa
Adapted from the novel by Juan Marse, the film shows two distant worlds in the Spain of the 50's, the suburban and the bourgeois, which are related through two characters, Manolo Reyes, vulgar motorcycle thief who aspires to escape poverty and Teresa Serrat, university student of bourgeois extraction seduced by the revolutionary cause.
Target Eagle
Guardián 2º
A Spanish police chief hires an undercover agent (a Jewish mercenary(?)) to infiltrate a gang of heroin smugglers. The mercenary is code-named Eagle because of a tattoo. Infiltrating the gang, he uses a female agent as a point of contact. However, as he gets deeper into the gang, he discovers that there bigger goings-on than dope. The gang is involved in the transportation of smuggled uranium for the manufacture of nuclear arms for sale to Libya and other aspiring third world countries. Things get even stickier when a ruthless bad guy shows up and he turns out to be one of Eagle's former cohorts in the Foreign Legion.