Frank, a man of action who worked his way up all by himself, dedicates his life to work. No matter the place or the circumstances, be it day or night, he’s on the phone, handling the cargo ships he charters for major companies. But when he has to deal with a crisis situation, Frank makes a brutal decision and gets fired. Profoundly shaken, betrayed by a system to which he gave his all, he has to progressively question himself to save the one connection that still matters to him: the bond he’s managed to maintain with his youngest daughter, Mathilde.
Comission Member
Um grupo de jovens europeus decide reunir-se em torno de um projeto único: criar uma Federação Internacional de Futebol, que regule e promova a nível internacional a prática do futuro desporto-rei. Mais de 100 anos depois, esta instituição atravessou as maiores alterações e rupturas do século pela mão de dirigentes como Jules Rimet, João Havelange e Sepp Blatter.