Johannes Silberschneider

Johannes Silberschneider

Nascimento : 1958-12-13, Mautern, Austria


Johannes Silberschneider (born 13 December 1958 in Styria, Austria), is an Austrian actor. He studied acting at the Max Reinhardt Seminar. He has appeared in many films and TV films and serials. His motion picture appearances include in The Red Violin (1998), Desperados On the Block (2009), Mahler On the Couch (2010) and Luisa Sanfelice (2004). Television credits include the role of Johannes Kleiman in Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001), and Kreuzfeuer (1997) in which he played Lamoth. Source: Article "Johannes Silberschneider" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Johannes Silberschneider
Johannes Silberschneider


Sleeping with a Tiger
Prof. Wilhelm Dachauer
Sleeping with a Tiger is a hybrid film about the Austrian painter Maria Lassnig. A film about her struggle in the male dominated art world and the quest to find her own personal artistic way of expression in which she brings her inner pain on canvas. And of course a film about her great artistic success.
Im Schatten der Angst - Du sollst nicht lügen
Lorenz Lodenscheidt
Weber + Breitfuß: Auf Reha
Patient Oberschlau
Letzte Bootsfahrt
Franz Gasperlmaier
Man kann nicht alles haben
Why Not You
Mario, a young dancer living in a small village has to face the loss of his beloved best friend Lenz, victim of an attack in a gay club.
The Great World Theatre - Salzburg and Its Festival
Max Reinhardt
A documentary about how the Salzburger Festspiele came to be and evolved almost 100 years ago.
Jedermann auf der Weltbühne – 100 Jahre Salzburger Festspiele
Blind Ermittelt: Blutsbande
Arthur Pohl
The blind former chief inspector Alexander Haller has experience with kidnappings. This time he is in an unfamiliar position: His sister Sophie was kidnapped while visiting the theater with Niko. The assumption that it is about 50,000 euros, which Haller's private driver owes the betting mafia, turns out to be the wrong track. The hostage takers are asking for 750,000 euros and seem to be well informed about the Hallers ...
Der Fall der Gerti B.
Herbert Bruckner
Ein Dorf wehrt sich: Das Geheimnis von Altaussee
Dr. Hermann Rinner
In the last days of World War II, Gauleiter Eigruber ordered the blasting of the salt mine. Stolen art treasures are stored there. The villagers oppose it.
Lorenz Lodenscheidt
Uma psiquiatra forense fica sob pressão enquanto avalia um suposto assassino. Ao perceber que ele pode ser um assassino em série e que uma de suas vítimas ainda pode estar viva, ela decide dar um passo à frente, pondo em risco sua própria sanidade.
Ein Leben für die Steiermark. Die Czernys und das Werden des Landes
Peter Rosegger
Determined Blind: The Dead Girls of Vienna
Arthur Pohl
The violent death of his girlfriend Kara throws Chief Inspector Haller completely off track. Haller himself went blind in the incident and was released from duty. However, inconsistencies cause him to investigate the murder of Kara on his own.
Küss die Hand, Krüger
O Jardim
In the summer of 1976, a shared family yard becomes the setting, as the adults bicker over selling the garden and the kids are free to explore the mysterious neighboring lot. Then they hear about a girl that has disappeared...
Maria Mafiosi
Architekt Lanzinger
Policewoman Maria Moosandl and her lover Rocco Pacelli are expecting offspring. Unfortunately, the family conditions are anything but optimal: Maria's father is the police chief in the tranquil Landsberg and her future father-in-law Silvio the best connected owner of the pizzeria "Il Paradiso" and governor of a Sicilian Mafiaclans. In order to advance their own family business, the patron has already arranged a wedding for his only son - naturally with the daughter of the powerful clan chief from Naple
Shopkeeper selling the dress
Anna todos os dias aparece para visitar e rezar sobre o túmulo de seu noivo Frantz, que morreu na França. Um dia, Adrien, um jovem e misterioso francês, também aparece por lá e sua presença irá provocar reações imprevisíveis.
Emerald Green
Mr. Bernhard
Mesmo após a confissão de amor do rapaz, Gwendolyn (Maria Ehrich) sente que Gideon (Jannis Niewöhner) a traiu ao, tecnicamente, apoiar o Conde St. Germain (Peter Simonischek). Em meio a tribulações, os viajantes do tempo embarcarão em diversos acontecimentos e aventuras, tanto no presente quanto no passado.
Hanna's Sleeping Dogs
Pfarrer Angerer
When Johanna's blind grandmother Ruth tells her the secret about their Jewish past, the “sleeping dogs” of the family history awake.
Life Eternal
Brenner returns to Graz, the city where he grew up. When confronted with his old friends, his former girlfriend and the major sin he committed when he was young, murders and a fateful gunshot to the head result. After Brenner comes out of a coma, he begins to search for the person who tried to kill him - however, everybody claims that he himself is responsible. In the beginning Brenner was at the end of his rope, but he could face a new beginning in the end.
Herr Dannenfeld
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" is the life motto of 30-year-old Agnieszka. After serving five years in prison, Agnieszka flees Poland for Germany in an attempt to start over. In Munich she meets the lonely 70-year-old Madame, boss of an escort agency. The woman provides her with a refuge and a job: Agnieszka begins to work as a dominatrix for Madame. She becomes like a daughter to her. All seems well until a much younger boy falls in love with Agnieszka. Madame will not stand any competition."
Dr. Steinhauer
Simon falls head over heels in love with pretty and quick-witted Verena. When his father, who suffers from schizophrenia, has a relapse, Simon devotes himself completely to his mother and little sister and endangers his budding romance. Maneuvering himself into a near-fatal situation, Simon realizes that he cannot change the others' lives, but only his own.
Sapphire Blue
Mr. Bernhard
O círculo dos doze dispõe de sua última viajante no tempo, e esta é Gwendolyn Shepherd (Maria Ehrich). Gwen agora precisa lidar com contínuas viagens ao passado, seu relacionamento com o encantador Gideon (Jannis Niewöhner) e alguns mistérios envolvendo o círculo.
O Assassino da Floresta
Uma jovem detetive é designada para um caso de assassinato brutal em sua cidade natal. Quando o irmão dela se torna o principal suspeito, ela é forçada a enfrentar os demônios de seu passado
Professor Kaminsky
Bad Fucking
Because of its name, the small Austrian town of Bad Fucking is a tourist attraction—until a landslide cuts it off from the rest of the country. Three years later, a murder sets a multitude of devastating delevopments in motion...
O Clã Wagner
Anwalt Goldberg
Então, a câmera gira sobre a Veneza iluminada na noite de 1883 como um narrador todo-poderoso, gira sobre a Praça de São Marcos.
Armer Nachbar
Ruby Red
Mr. Bernhard
Gwendolyn Shepherd is a normal 16-year-old, but her family holds a secret: A time-travel gene is expressed in the clan inherited, but not every member of the family is blessed with. Everyone is certain that Gwen's cousin Charlotte has the gene. However, someday Gwendolyn suddenly finds herself in London at the end of the 19th century and realizes that it is her, who was born a time traveler. While she is not very enthusiastic about it, she will do everything possible to solve the ancient mysteries of the red ruby.
Adolf Hitler
1944. Adolf Hitler mostra toda sua confiança no marechal de campo, Erwin Rommel, quando deixa em suas mãos uma missão decisiva. Agora, diante de certas dúvidas, o militar deverá demonstrar a perfeição de seu plano e sua lealdade ao Führer.
Die Schöne und das Biest
German/Austrian TV adaptation of the famous fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast“.
Uns trennt das Leben
Dr. Muesch
The tragic death of the six-year-old Tine joins the fates for three families: The eight-year-old David meets as suspected offender in the psychiatry on the energetic physician Nora, who tries to displace her own problems with his treatment. However, David's mother is increasing overwhelmed with the situation and escapes to her new friend, while the parents of the dead girl desperately try the fate to process. Written by RSaVLSG (IMDB)
Die letzte Grenze
Der Mann mit dem Fagott
Bremen, 1891. Udo Jürgens' grandfather Heinrich strolls thoughtfully about the Christmas market. For days, the young man has suffered a momentous decision: should he emigrate to America or seek his fortune in Moscow? The touching performance of a street musician playing a Russian song on his bassoon gives him an unexpected decision-making aid. Henry sets off for Russia - and thus begins a fateful story that spans three generations and two world wars.
Spaghetti für zwei
Likeable but lonely Finn is on his way to lunch. The outside world is already lurking menacingly, because his imagination is teeming with supposed scammers, sluts and criminals! What was supposed to be just an everyday walk turns out to be an odyssey. A confusing fight against the world and against oneself begins. And in the end, the loser wins...
Die göttliche Sophie - Das Findelkind
Clemens Stölzer
Willkommen in Wien
For months, the corrupt Viennese policeman Albert Schuh unsuccessfully investigates the murder case of his former friend and colleague. Then he gets a young, overambitious partner. The German colleague Thorsten Richter is a set of correctness and ambition, and thus the exact opposite of the Viennese, the "benefits" from the criminal scene is quite open. Since the two can not stand, the dispute does not stay out. The Austrian stops the German an unnecessary undercover job on an erotic chat line and determined alone on.
Jew Suss: Rise and Fall
Hans Moser
This intricate historical drama tells the story of actor Ferdinand Marian (Tobias Moretti), who is ordered by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels to star in the 1940 anti-Semitic film Jew Suss. Despite his cooperation, Ferdinand's actions have unexpected costs. Ferdinand's Jewish wife, Anna (Martina Gedeck), is sent to a concentration camp, and as World War II intensifies, he rebels against the Nazis, leading to the destruction of his career.
Mahler on the Couch
Gustav Mahler
Alma Mahler's affair with the young architect Walter Gropius sets in motion a marital drama that forces her husband Gustav Mahler to seek advice from Sigmund Freud.
Lüg weiter, Liebling
Böses Erwachen
Der Täter
Henrique IV O Grande da França
Arzt in Nerac
Um pedaço de período abrangente e enérgico que traça a ascensão do Henrique Protestante de Navarra ao passar do guerreiro do campo de batalha para o amado rei Henri IV da França. O épico do diretor Jo Baier é uma aventura classicamente divertida, ainda que com mais do que um pequeno derramamento de sangue e freqüentes interlúdios sexuais obscenos. Na França do final do século XVI, católicos e protestantes huguenotes estavam em guerra. Aparentemente buscando a paz, a rainha viúva francesa, Catherine de Medici convoca Henry para sua corte para que ele se case com a filha, unindo as duas facções em guerra. No entanto, os católicos massacraram os convidados do casamento protestante no que ficou conhecido como o massacre do Dia de São Bartolomeu e Henrique - agora casado - deve usar toda a sua astúcia para se manter vivo e manobrar para o trono. [Escrito pelo Festival Internacional de Cinema de Palm Springs]
Mann mit Hut
Die Unbedingten
Die göttliche Sophie
Clemens Stölzer
Liebe und andere Gefahren
Kommissar Dobler
Quem Conta Um Conto
Herr Ramsauer
Alexander é apaixonado por Lotte e quer impressioná-la. Para isso se inscreve em um concurso de pinturas do seu colégio. Enquanto isso, seu melhor amigo, descobre uma nova substância incrível, que sem querer vai parar nas mãos de Alexander, enquanto a turma procura o ladrão da invenção, ele acredita que ela pode ajudá-lo a vencer o concurso e conquistar o coração da garota.
Franz Wohlfahrt
Gott schützt die Liebenden
Kommissar Kohut
Zwerg Nase
Jakobs Vater
German TV adaptation of Wilhelm Hauff‘s fairy tale “Dwarf Nose“.
Mutig in die neuen Zeiten - Alles anders
Viktor Redlich
Vida Selvagem
Starfotograf Bernd
A história gira em torno da vida inquieta de Uschi Obermaier, ícone rebelde do movimento cultural alemão em 1968. Aos 16 anos de idade, Uschi entediou-se com seu trabalho num laboratório de fotografia e logo tornou-se figurinha fácil na cena de Munique - sendo chamada de "A Garota". Ao conhecer Rainer Langhans, decide se mudar com ele para Berlim e viver no "Kommune 1", a primeira organização política comunista da Alemanha. Mas ela era vista como uma garota pouco politizada. De fato, Uschi queria epenas se divertir, trabalhar com moda e acompanhar estrelas da música internacional, como Keith Richards, Mick Jagger e outros...
Franziskas Gespür für Männer
Mutig in die neuen Zeiten – Nur keine Wellen
Viktor Redlich
The Crown Prince
A great Empire, once famous for its enlightened traditions, is taken over by a ruthless political establishment. Religious fundamentalists and national separatists are tearing at the fabric of its liberal society. Under the influence of his conservative advisors, the Emperor fails to initiate the reforms that could save the Empire from annihilation. One man alone can avert the cataclysm to come. The year is 1888 and the 600-year-old Empire of Austria-Hungary is at a cross-road of history. Crown-Prince Rudolf, son of fabled Empress Sisi, the most beautiful woman of her time, is the man with the vision and the ability to lead his Empire into the 20th century. Yet his enemies, the all-powerful Prime Minister first and foremost, scheme to isolate Rudolf from his father and from access to power. Against the backdrop of one of the most dangerous, exciting and colorful periods in history, at the dawn of the modern age...
Helen, Fred und Ted
Wolfi Meyer-Servatius
Max Bernheim
Mutig in die neuen Zeiten - Im Reich der Reblaus
Mein Vater, meine Frau und meine Geliebte
Dr. Pecirka
Great feelings about a selfless young doctor on the wrong path of passion: On the eve of the First World War, Ernst is betrayed and betrayed by the two women to whom he gives his heart. He serves in World War I, gets injured, gives himself up. His love for a Polish countess saves him. But the lover dies in childbirth and the supposedly common daughter is not his. His world finally collapses when even his beloved father robs him of the glory of a medical discovery. And yet he finds the strength to continue the fight for his happiness.
Inspektor Stronegger
A man who accused a catholic bishop of abusing him when he was a child dies in the Austrian city Salzburg. Everyone except his widow and the eccentrical detective Simon Brenner keeps silent and believes that the man killed himself.
Leaf and Blossom - The Inheritance
Willi Kargl
Aunty Agatha has passed away at a healthy ninety years. She had known all along, that her family wanted nothing more than to get their hands on her riches. That's why she devised a cunning plan before leaving her kin - in a state discord: She hires former journalist Vincent to give her eulogy. Vincent's ex-wife Victoria, who runs an exclusive florist's shop branded "Leaf and Blossom" is to provide the floral arrangements for her funeral. Of course aunt Agatha didn't tell either half of the former couple, whose marriage didn't end too harmoniously either, that their ex was involved. When the will is read Agatha's family doesn't take it well that Victoria and Vincent are also bequested and it doesn't help that the total value of the legacy seems to be much lower than they hoped for. But aunty is sending her avaricious offsprings onto a deviously plotted scavenger hunt that's leading them to the real fortune. Victoria and Vincent of course are given the crucial clues to take the lead.
Der Bestseller - Wiener Blut
Kommissar Aron Schönberg
Im Namen des Herrn
Frater Berthold
MA 2412 - Die Staatsdiener
Es wird etwas geschehen
Liebe zartbitter
Pierre Franz
After the dashing Bavarian Lena Mayerhofer catches her future husband having a fling with her bridesmaid, she flees to Berlin to take over her Aunt Käthe's long-established bakery. Her gay friend Donald is there to give her advice and support.
Tigermännchen sucht Tigerweibchen
Hamlet 5
A great mosaic, a labyrinth of scenes, dialogue splinters, interviews, portraits of people surrounding Hamlet and wanting to be part of his story.
After nearly two decades of wedded bliss, Rosemarie and Hubert Haller's marriage is a shambles. While Rosemarie begins an affair with Bernd, a self-proclaimed guru, adventuresome charmer Hubert finds refuge in the arms of Monica. At the last moment, Hubert and Rosemarie realize that they still have a chance for a future together.
Ich gehöre dir
Jetzt bringen wir unsere Männer um
Two humiliated wives decide to kill their husbands - each other's. But despite an ingenious plan, they fail to implement it. Now they decide to turn the tables: they want to appear as if they were the victims of assassination attempts by their husbands. The murderous castling really does go as planned, but then the men suddenly change their plan.
Toni Lindmoser
Jud Süß – Ein Film als Verbrechen?
Bride of the Wind
Alexander von Zemlinsky
A biopic of Alma Mahler, the wife of composer Gustav Mahler (as well as Walter Gropius and Franz Werfel), and the mistress of Oskar Kokoschka.
Copy Shop
Alfred Kager
Written by Jon Reeves. Wordless story about a man who awakes in his bed wearing his clothes (including a check vest). He rises, washes his face, combs his hair, and heads for work across the street at a copy shop. He inadvertently makes a photocopy of his hand, and then the machine beings turning out copies of photographs of himself, the street outside, and his apartment. He unplugs the copier and heads home. He repeats the scene we saw earlier. Copies of himself emerge from bed; baffled, he watches them go to work. Soon, it seems, he's part of a society in which everyone looks like him and wears check vest. Can he get things back to normal?
Hunters in the Snow
The protagonist, Franz, copies the paintings of old masters. He slowly loses his sense of reality, resulting in angst-ridden fantasies and a desire for self-destruction. Franz has an uphill battle with the loss of values and spread of capitalism around him. He rejects advertising to the point of destroying its manifestations.
Einmal leben
Die Ehre der Strizzis
A crime comedy directed by Peter Weck. The movie follows "Geliebte Gegner" (1998).
Jacks Baby
The Hamburg friends Walter, Ricco and Floyd take each day as it comes between the estates of tower blocks and fast food restaurants. All three are in their early twenties and are dreaming of another life when Floyd suddenly takes a job on a freighter going to Singapore…
Rendezvous mit dem Teufel
Love Your Female Neighbor!
Two young and attractive social workers/nuns bring fresh air into a city missionary station, but are also challenged by lust and money, offered by a millionaire.
Drei Herren
Polizist George
Dölken, Ivo and Sichel, three amiable and harmless inmates of a mental asylum are off to spend the summer in an open institution in the country. The trip they have been looking forward to for so long ends abruptly when the driver of their bus suffers a heart attack. The three men quite naturally assume that they have reached their destination and find somewhere to stay in the nearest village.
The Girl of Your Dreams
Joseph Goebbels
A company of Spanish movie makers leaves Franco's Spain and moves to Hitler's Germany to make a film in co-production. Soon some problems start to arise...
O Violino Vermelho
Father Richter (Vienna)
Em 1681 um artesão italiano, reconhecido pela qualidade dos violinos que construía, faz sua obra-prima para presentear o filho que estava prestes a nascer. Sua esposa acaba morrendo no parto, e inconformado, o artesão doa o instrumento para um orfanato. Mais de 300 anos depois várias pessoas estão num leilão disputando o instrumento, e o filme percorre então a sua história, desde a doação até o leilão.
Geliebte Gegner
A crime comedy directed by Peter Weck. The movie was followed by "Die Ehre der Strizzis" (2000).
The Castle
Michael Haneke's adaptation of Franz Kafka's unfinished novel Das Schloss. K arrives in a remote village a stranger. In attempting to establish himself there, he enters the nightmarish world of the castle bureaucracy.
Picasso in Munich
In this surrealist film director Picasso can awaken from the dead. He steals a paintings painted by himself of a couple of wealthy psychiatrists. When Picasso meets Takla Bash, a patient of the psychiatrists, Picasso falls in love. Although it is his own daughter, he remembers an incredible love affair, in which a film with a blue cow plays a role. In the majority of the paintings shown in the film are works of Herbert Achternbusch.
Kino im Kopf
Ever had an idea for a film? Ever actually visualised this film in your mind? Or even sketched out scenes and camera angles? Plenty of film buffs have. Michael Glawogger invited 12 people to talk about their ideas for a film and then shot short fragments for them. The result is a crime-story-erotic-lyrical-experimental-vampire-fantasy-horror-soap-opera-splatter-trash-road-movie-melodrama posing as a documentary!
Charm’s  Incidents
Daniil Juvacev
Humourous interpretation of the poems and writings of Soviet dadaist Daniil Charms. These are organized into a sequence, suggesting a storyline, about a poor Russian poet who lives in Vienna, falls in love and has several bizarre adventures.
Ein Förderprogramm bringt die beiden Kanckis Gerd und Steinbock in die Obhut von Frauen. Dort sollen sie beweisen, dass sie in der Lage sind sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Nun bringt Gerd dummerweise einen Barbesitzer um. Damit hat der Ausflug in die Freiheit vorlaeufig ein Ende.
Der Schatten des Schreibers
Light fiction writer Robert David has completed a novel. He is pleased with his first ambitious work - until one day the main character steps out of the book and disrupts his life.
Die Fernsehsaga – Eine steirische Fernsehgeschichte
Etwas am Herzen
A tectonic displacement at the centre of a large family. No member of the family stays clear of the quake's reverberations.
The Rebellion
The disabled ex-soldier Andreas Pum lost a leg for emperor and father land. After leaving the army he receives a license and a drehorgel. One day he gets into a controversy with a welldressed gentleman, disturbs the public order, and hits a policeman. Andreas Pum goes to jail, loses his license and becomes toilet guard in the Cafe Halali after his release. Only at the moment of death he recognizes that he was always too decent and too obedient.
Kaspar Hauser
Lehrer Meyer
The Escape
Two crooks escape from jail and take refuge in a remote hotel. However, their plans soon start to go wrong, leading them to wonder whether they really are free or whether in fact they are already being roasted alive in the flames of hell.
The Serbian Girl
The naive 18 year old Dobrila leaves her little Serbian village to travel to Hamburg, Germany, where her boyfriend lives. The trip is not easy. Finally in Hamburg she has to realize her boyfriend is not very interested in a relationship. She doesn't tell him she's pregnant and starts on her way home to Serbia, which turns out to be even more exhausting.
Werner - Beinhart!
Kanzler / Chauffeur
Comic artist Brösel trades a magic pen that helps him come up with funny stories for the promise to fulfill one of Rumpelstiltskin's wishes. The resulting animated films show episodes of the life of Werner, a plumber apprentice and motorbike enthusiast and his friends. They are interspersed with the live-action portions.
Techniker Erich
Santa Fe
Picking up where "God Does Not Believe In Us Anymore" leaves off, Freddy struggles to find work after arriving in New York in 1940. His world of refugee acquaintances includes the depressed daughter of a poet/delicatessen owner, an aging surgeon who cannot find work, and a lovable charlatan photographer. Corti's trilogy continues with "Welcome in Vienna"
Durch dick und dünn
Eva, a successful publicity executive, has weight problems. In spite of diets and starvation cures she is overcome frequently by attacks of compulsive eating so that all resolutions and efforts to reduce weight are of no avail. She becomes more and more frustrated. Her new boyfriend Thomas does his best to pep her up but it doesn't help her self esteem. Finally, after she ditches her date with Thomas because she can't find the right dress to wear, she flies into a rage and -in an act of self-liberation- throws her clothes and scale through a closed window.
Concert for Alice
Even with good acting, pleasant music, and artistic photography, this "love-boat" story of romance is more like Alice in Wonderland rather than Alice on the streets of Zurich. The Zurich Alice is a flautist who plays for the passersby like many another street or Metro musician. While so engaged, she meets a VIP Russian flautist who has defected and is living in the city. He falls in love with her and as a gesture of his devotion decides to arrange her solo concert debut. Meanwhile, Alice easily figures out what his plans are and devises her own secret scheme. When the day of the performance arrives, her Russian heartthrob is in for a flattering surprise, sure to end his bachelor status. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi
Vienna in the early eighties: After a suicide attempt, Tina, who comes from a middle-class family, is hospitalized in a psychiatric ward. There she gets to know Gerhard, an apprentice plumber, who also wanted to do away with himself. He comes from a working class family. They fall for each other. A modern love story which is set inside the real life circumstances of the closing of the alternative Youth Center "Gassergasse" in Vienna.
God Does Not Believe in Us Anymore
After his father is murdered by the Nazis in 1938, a young Viennese Jew named Ferry Tobler flees to Prague, where he joins forces with another expatriate and a sympathetic Czech relief worker. Together with other Jewish refugees, the three make their way to Paris, and, after spending time in a French prison camp, eventually escape to Marseille, from where they hope to sail to a safe port