Frode Løes Hvatum


A Midnight Lullaby
Sound Designer
Li-hua is a single mother in Oslo struggling to make ends meet. "En Midnatts Vuggesang" is a subtle look into the life of a working-class immigrant in the Western world, navigating life moment by moment.
A Gift from God
Sound Designer
Journalist Jørgen Lorentzen was in Turkey when the coup attempt happened in 2016 and followed the event the whole evening. In the middle of the night one neighbour said: “This is not a real coup, I have experienced many coups and know what a coup is”. From that moment Lorentzen started the investigation of the event and its aftermath. This documentary is a critical analysis of the coup attempt in Turkey throughout the night between the 15th and 16th of July 2016.
Supervising Sound Editor
In 1967 three students started the Experimental High School of Oslo - FGO. They wanted to make a free and democratic school, where pupils and teachers were equals, and the curriculum focused on freedom, learning and mutual respect.
Dialogue Editor
Which human skills are we trying to learn the forthcoming generations? Childhood is observing 6-year-olds in a pre-school in Nesodden outside Oslo in the Direkt Cinema-tradition, made to debate when children are put into a school situation.
Kings Bay
Dialogue Editor
21 died in the explosion in the kings bay-accident in Ny-Ålesund in Spitsbergen i 1962. The accident led to the fall of the Norwegian labor party government ruling since WW2. Was this really an accident, and was it under Norwegian control?
The Grenade Man
On July 22nd 2011, Norway experienced incomprehensible terror. However, it was not the first time one in our midst used extreme measures to create fear and panic.
Dialogue Editor
Um piromaníaco implacável está à solta em uma aldeia do sul da Noruega. Eles não sabem que ele não é um estranho, mas um deles. O filho do próprio filho do chefe dos bombeiros, em segredo espalhando o medo.
Tindra's Light
Sound Editor
Tindra is the lighthouse keeper’s daughter. One night, while her father is out fishing, the lighthouse goes out and a boat is heading straight towards the reef. Tindra tries to fix the lighthouse, but instead she sets it on fire.
Dialogue Editor
In the morning of April 5, 2004, the greatest bank robbery in Norwegian history was carried out in Stavanger. The robbery itself is the main character of the story, and it is illuminated from several angles in the course of the film, from the perspective of the police, the robbers, the central cash service personnel, and ordinary people
Modern Slavery
There's 27 million slaves in the world today. We find them in the sex industry, as child soldiers, as unpaid housekeepers and in production and as shop workers. We have all a responsibility for this.
The Danish Poet
Sound Effects Editor
A woman ponders over the strange coincidences that made her forefathers and -mothers meet and create the premises for her becoming the person that she is.