Yevgeni Vesnik

Yevgeni Vesnik

Nascimento : 1923-01-15, Petrograd, USSR [now St. Petersburg, Russia]

Morte : 2009-04-10


Yevgeni Vesnik


What a Mess!
The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.
The Master and Margarita
Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master by surveillance and intimidation. Victimized by their harassment, Master throws his manuscript into the fire, before he is locked up in a mental clinic. His assistant and Muse Margarita tries to help Master using the supernatural powers she got from the devil - Woland who is visiting Moscow..
There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach
When mysterious Russian bandit named Artist came in USA, brave Russian special agent Fyodor Sokolov runs to States for defeat evil master.
A Gun with silencer
From the American psychiatric hospital run by two maniac, confident that he was a spy, and a transsexual. Very soon they will want to return to their native madhouse — but it will be too late. Because the third psycho sent them on a secret mission to Russia. Yes, even in a balloon.
Do it, Manya!
Evgeniy Danilovich
Alaska, Sir!
The action takes place in Lwów (L'viv) on the eve of World War II. A former White Army officer (Vladimir Mashkov) after the defeat of the Whites in the civil war in Russia emigrated to Poland (Lwów was a Polish city at that time). The chief dream of his was to buy Alaska from the USA and to return it back to Russia.
The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Tricks
Animation film consists of four small stories. No Trouble, Boy from Naples, Cinderella and Hazelnut Twig.
Red Wine of Victory
Philipp Traum
A story based on "The Mysterious Stranger" novel by Mark Twain.
Fatal Mistake
A drama about the youth of the late 1980s. The action takes place in Moscow. A young girl named Nadia, whom her own mother left in the hospital, has fun and quite innocently spends time with her friends. Before returning from a walk home is repainted in punk and brings his own kind of mother. The girl falls in love with a veteran of the Afghan war - a married man. She is called to look after his son, unsuccessfully trying to achieve reciprocity.
Having Lied Once...
Set in the Soviet Union the film is a chronicle of a life of one successful artist: his family, his friends, his clients, and his artworks.
The Goblin and the Woman
domovoy [ozvuchka]
Конец света с последующим симпозиумом
Где-то гремит война
Year of calf
The young energetic Lyudmila Petrovna Nikitina, who worked as a milkmaid on the farm, decided to radically change her life. Settling the head of a rural furniture store, she sold a cow, pigs, sheep, and even invited the sons of a music teacher from the city, violinist Valerian Sergeyevich, to her sons. Her husband Theodosius, a collective farm carpenter, is not able to reason with his wife, but at the same time he does not intend to put up with the new order. To Lyudmila Petrovna’s surprise, the music teacher, who had a taste for village life, also fell under the influence of Theodosius. Once, having seized children, the men fled home. With difficulty, Lyudmila Petrovna was able to restore the broken family peace, and the wife of Valerian Sergeyevich to return his husband home.
The Inspector-General
Television version of the play based on the comedy by N. Gogol "The Inspector" performed by the State Academic Maly Theater of the USSR.
The Inspector-General
Television version of the play based on the comedy by N. Gogol "The Inspector" performed by the State Academic Maly Theater of the USSR.
Gorshochek Kashi
Automated porridge production system provides the city with food for 3 years.
The Story of the Wooden Man
Actor Evgeny Vesnik tells the story of "The Adventures of Buratino" fairy tale creation which was first written by Carlo Collodi and called "The Adventures of Pinocchio" – the story of a wooden doll. Fragments of the cartoon "The Adventures of Buratino". Nikolay Sats shares his memories of the meeting with the writer Alexey Tolstoy. Fragments of the play "The Golden Key" at the Central Children's Theater. Actress Rina Zelenaya talks about her participation in the film "The Adventures of Buratino". Fragments from the film. Bulat Okudzhava talks about his work on songs for the film "The Adventures of Buratino". Release of sparkling water "Buratino". Preparing children for the carnival in the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. Children go to the carnival, dance.
Пора красных яблок
The Dog In Boots
Cardinal's Cat (voice) / Кот кардинала
The story about an enamored singing dog who isn't thoroughbred - that's a minus, but honorable - that's a plus.
I Want Him to Come
A young boy is experiencing a lot of problems in his life. But he also have one real friend.
The Scandalous Affairs of Mr. Kettle and Mrs. Moon
The life of Mr. Kettle, an executive of a single bank in a small provincial English town Brickmill, is strictly organized: 7 a.m. stand up, then breakfast, at 9 a.m. work, at 13 p.m. diner, then work, at 18 p.m.- the end of a workday, then club, home, sleep. But one dull English morning almost having reached his work, he stops near a shop window, trading toys. How is Mrs. Twigg, Kettle's housekeeper amazed when she sees seem at home with bags and hears him saying that he is not intended to go to work any longer. This is the day when Mr. Kettle suddenly meets his love, and after a series of funny and tragic situations both choose a new life free and joyful.
Тайна Эдвина Друда
Плутни Скапена
Fairfax's Millions
As the classic rightly noted, it is customary to treat the diseases of wealthy people with respect. Only a heart transplant can save the dying life of a millionaire Ferfax. In search of a suitable donor for his best client, Dr. Jones makes a series of killings. But he still does not know what reward awaits him for the services rendered ...
The Adventures of the Electronic
Семён Николаевич Таратар - учитель математики
Professor Gromov constructs a robot called Electronic, which looks exactly like Sergey Syroezhkibn, a 6-grader from one of Odessa (USSR) schools. The robot also acts a lot like a human, and its dream is to become a real man. Electronic escapes from the professor's lab and accidentally meets Sergey, his prototype. Meanwhile, a gang lead by Stump is trying to kidnap Electronic to make him steal pictures from museums. For this purpose they send their hitman Urrie.
The Coward
A cowardly man is being scared by trolls underneath an old tree.
The grandmother has in two told
About the adventures of pop artists Boris Vladimirov and Vadim Tonkov, who met during the tour with their heroes, popular characters of the Soviet stage of the 70s — Veronika Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna.
Господа Головлевы
Teleplay based on the novel of the same name by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, staged at the USSR State Academic Maly Theater.
Господа Головлевы
Teleplay based on the novel of the same name by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, staged at the USSR State Academic Maly Theater.
Средство Макропулоса
The Bat
Eisenstein gets in trouble for shooting a grouse. He is told that he must go to prison for his crime. However, his friend has invited him to an aristocratic ball. Eisenstein, despite being married, wants to go to the ball to meet women. Eisenstein lies to his wife. He tells her that he is going to prison but actually he goes to the ball. His story arises the suspicion of his wife. His wife devises a plot to catch her womanizing husband.
The Theme
In search of inspiration and new topics, the famous metropolitan writer Kim Yesenin goes to the province. Unexpectedly for himself, he discovers that here people live very differently than in the world familiar to him. By chance, he witnesses someone else's love drama - dissident Andrei and intellectual Sasha, who is leaving for America. He is shocked by this complex conflict and fictitious problems, where there is no place for either melancholy or depression. In this situation, the hero decides to go to Moscow...
Наш друг Пишичитай
Chest of Drawers Was Lead Through the Street...
An omnibus of comical shorts.
The Whole World In Your Eyes
After school, Victor is in no hurry to determine their future profession. So far, it works where it is necessary, nothing himself not particularly burdened. Unexpected acquaintance with Vera, a woman injured in a car accident that killed her mother, dramatically changes the life of Victor. And love has arisen between the girl gives the power to decide on the fourth and perhaps decisive step
We Didn't Learn This
chief architect
The heroes of the film are students of a pedagogical university, those who, after a year or two, have to carry knowledge to schoolchildren, "to sow the rational, good, eternal." In the meantime, student practice. True, the practice is not quite ordinary, because for the first time students leave far from the walls of their own university, for the first time they meet with students in the classroom not in the presence of their teachers, those with whom life encounters them daily at the institute, but with those who have been working for more than a year at school.
Three Days in Moscow
Andrey Petrovich Potapov
A romantic comedy about young provincial policeman Ivan Fedotov's advenures in Moscow.
The Strongest
халиф / визирь
Once upon a time, miles and miles away, there was an old man with an old woman. They spent with each other a long time but had no children. One day an old man made a dolly of dough, put her on the oven, and suddenly a baby was born out of a dolly, and he wasnt a simple child, because he grew before their eyes, ate like seven, until he grew into a huge and strong guy. There was the thing that grieved old men, that he had no heart, after all, he was made of dough. Once he met a neighboring beauty girl, paid compliments to her, fooling around, she thought he had fallen in love, and didnt know at that time that he had no heart, and fell in love with the hercules. He started getting cast down, and headed, as they say, to show his worth and see the others
Smart Things
There is a noisy bazaar inconspicuous shop with a sign "Smart Things". And the goods in it completely wonderful no ordinary thing to find. Anyone who would go to the store, they can buy there thing and pay high seller does not require. That's just not everyone will be able to such curiosities to really take advantage of.
Nylon 100%
An adventures of a 100% nylon "fur" coat traveling between various people.
Чудак из пятого «Б»
Анатолий Сергеевич тренер по плаванию
Two friends are army officers, and the turbulent times throw them from the Civil War in the early 20s to the Soviet conflict in Finland, from China to the Urals.
Красная метель
Taimyr Calls You
A few hotel guests are constantly getting into various funny situations.
Valerka, Remka + ...
Yevgeni - papa Valerki
A story about first love of two boys and a neighbor girl...
The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase
Do you know that there are doctors who can prescribe you the medicine to be brave?..
Pristav Andreev
Story is set in deep Russia, on a wild river in woods called "Ugrum-reka" - the Moody river. Son of a dishonest trader, Prohor Gromov wants to become his own man. He takes his fathers order and goes trough the woods to deliver the furs to the byer in the nearest town. He tries to take the shorter way and get`s lost. At the highest point of this, his fathers servant, Abdulla, who is sent with him to guard him almost shoots him driven by hunger, but comes to the senses and saves his life by continuing to go on.
Father Frost and the Summer
Дед Мороз / водитель грузовика / милиционер / доктор
A story about children showing the Farther Frost butterflies, green grass, in short, Summer.
The Experiment of Dr. Abst
During WWII Red Army sailor suddenly gets to German underwater swimmers secret base...
The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers
colonel with the huge forehead
The action takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. Crimea on the eve of complete liberation from the White Guards. Returning from patrol, the four brave “elusive” knocked down an airplane. In the field bag of the captured pilot, they find a secret report, which speaks of the existence of defensive fortifications around the coastal city, which the Reds have yet to take. Young heroes get the task to get a map of fortifications and go to the city...
Богдан Сусик, бывший дворецкий графа
Seven Old Men and One Girl
Lara Velichko is a young coach who's dreaming about coaching world champions but suddenly she's forced to train a group of a very grumpy old men.
Puss in Boots
King (voice)
A miller has three sons. When he dies the eldest son inherites the mill, the middle one a donkey and the youngest son gets only a cat. At frist the youngest son is very disappointed but the cat turns out to be pretty resourceful.
Strong with Spirit
Story of a Russian intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov (known as lieutenant Paul Wilhelm Zibert) who worked in the capital of occupied by fascist troops Ukraine. 960 days and nights were left until the end of the Second World War.
I Loved You...
First love is always not simple. Especially when you are outcast and she is ballet dancer in the beginning of her carrier.
One, Two, Altogether!
The Hedgehog (voice)
Elk, who ran through the forest during a thunderstorm, was crushed by a fallen tree. A brazen and treacherous magpie told the wolves about it all through the forest. Good forest animals decided to help to free the elk. The first was a hedgehog, then a hare and his mom, a family of squirrels, a mouse, a frog. Decisive in saving the elk from the wolves was the contribution of the smallest character - an ant.
12 graves of Khoja Nasreddin
Tsvetkov - professor
Soviet film following Nasreddin
Propavshiy chinovnik
the movie about Londre
Когда играет клавесин
professor pravovedeniya
A student falls in love with a girl detained on a false suspicion of speculation.
Roll call
General Zhuravlev fought on the fronts of World War II, and is now designing spacecraft. Sending a rocket with astronaut Borodin on the flight, he recalls the namesake of the astronaut - a young tankman whom he had the chance to meet on the roads of war ...
A Foreign Woman
Hoping to receive compensation for the house belonging to her before the revolution, Madame Joubert comes to Odessa with her granddaughter Madeleine. While Madame is at war with enterprising Odessa citizens, her granddaughter meets Soviet peers and realizes the advantages of socialism.
The First Teacher
voice (bai Narmagambet)
Dyuishen is assigned to the mountainous Kirghiz region of Central Asia by the Young Communist League after he is discharged from the Red Army. It is 1923 and the Civil war has ended. The former soldier becomes a teacher, bringing the Leninist doctrine to the remote Moslem area where elders did not allow children to go to school. He falls in love with one of his students, but the young woman is sold by her father to a wealthy chieftain. When the school is burned down, the majestic poplar trees that are a source of local pride are cut down to rebuild the new structure.
Light of a Distant Star
Footprint in the Ocean
Ivan Yeltsov
Ordinary Wonder
In a romantic and philosophical tale of magic and love, a mischievous Sorcerer turns a bear into a young man. Unhappy in his new state, the former bear, with the help of the magician and his beautiful wife, is looking for a princess to kiss in order for his wish to be granted. Certain that all princesses are a vain, spoiled lot, he approaches the first one he sees. But the princess herself is gentle, kind and beautiful, and she and the young man fall in love with each other at the first sight. Unable to bring her pain, he runs away without explaining. As the Princess takes brave actions to find her beloved, new characters enter the story, including the King's ambitious Prime Minister and a hunter looking for a bear fur to complete his collection. How will this complicated plot be resolved?
The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin
An adventures of a young boy after taking a wrong turn on his road to home...
Стежки – дорожки
Наследники Рабурдэна
Наследники Рабурдэна
Наследники Рабурдэна
Yabloko razdora
Ilya Grigorievich Rudenko, collective farm chairman
Pryzhok na zare
Обнаженная со скрипкой
Клинтон Преминджер
The Adventures of Buratino
Father Carlo (voice)
A wooden boy Buratino tries to find his place in life. He befriends toys from a toy theater owned by evil Karabas-Barabas, gets tricked by Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat and finally discovers the mystery of a golden key given to him by kind Tortila the Tortoise.
Old Man Khottabych
постовой милиционер
A boy named Volka discovers an ancient vessel on the bottom of a river. When he opens it, a genie emerges from there. He calls himself Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Khottab, or in Russian style Khottabych. Grateful Khottabych is ready to fulfill any of Volka's wishes. But it appears that Volka should use the powers of the genie carefully, for they can have undesirable results.
Case No. 306
Пётр Грунин
While investigating a regular traffic accidents detectives find evidence of foreign intelligence involvement.
Soviet film of the Shakespeare play.
The Lesson of Life
On falling in love with Sergey, Natasha gives up studies at a pedagogical institute and accompanies him to a construction site. In a course of time she realizes that her husband is interested only in his work. She leaves him, graduates from the institute and works as a teacher. But Sergey is fired for authoritative style of work and Natasha realizes that she must be near to him in his hour of need.