Key Animation
Dai Miyamoto's life is turned upside down the day he discovers jazz. A former high school basketball player, Dai picks up a saxophone and begins practicing day and night, determined to become one of the greatest of all time. He leaves his sleepy hometown for the bustling nightclubs of Tokyo, but soon finds the life of a professional musician is not for the faint of heart. His passion eventually wins over the cocky but talented pianist Yukinori, and after Dai convinces his friend Shunji to learn the drums, they launch a new jazz trio whose rough sound contains a raw energy that quickly wins attention from local audiences. But what does it take to truly be great?
Key Animation
Promotional video celebrating 20 years of the Naruto animation project.
Key Animation
Cem anos atrás, a cidade do deserto “Désser City” foi severamente danificada por uma batalha épica entre os Pokémon. A batalha foi iniciada devido a um Pokémon específico. No entanto, o Pokémon foi selado por alguém, e a cidade voltou a ser calma e normal como era antes até os dias de hoje. Ash, Pikachu, Serena, Clemont e Bonnie continuam a sua jornada, e durante este perído encontram o Pokémon mítico Hoopa, que carrega anéis onde tem a capacidade de invocar tudo até mesmo Pokémon Lendários.