Justine Lemahieu


Sousa Martins
The doctor of the King of Portugal was so good in his hospital practice, that after his death both King and country peasants worshiped him - to this day, 120 years later.
Sousa Martins
The doctor of the King of Portugal was so good in his hospital practice, that after his death both King and country peasants worshiped him - to this day, 120 years later.
Sousa Martins
The doctor of the King of Portugal was so good in his hospital practice, that after his death both King and country peasants worshiped him - to this day, 120 years later.
Sousa Martins
The doctor of the King of Portugal was so good in his hospital practice, that after his death both King and country peasants worshiped him - to this day, 120 years later.
Deportados dos EUA, onde cresceram e viveram, devido a penas criminais, são homens obrigados a regressar aos Açores. Sem expectativas de encontrar uma nova vida numa ilha que desconhecem, vão-se deixando desanimar em centros de acolhimento. Entre recordações longínquas, esperanças abandonadas e a distância das pessoas queridas, a ilha paradisíaca vai-se transformando, lentamente, numa prisão a céu aberto.
Via de Acesso
The last inhabitants of Azinhaga dos Besouros, in the outskirts of Lisbon, don’t have any legal right to rehousing. They live their district’s demolition, where it will be built a rapid access road in the future.
Via de Acesso
The last inhabitants of Azinhaga dos Besouros, in the outskirts of Lisbon, don’t have any legal right to rehousing. They live their district’s demolition, where it will be built a rapid access road in the future.