Hermann Scheidleder

Nascimento : 1949-12-28, Linz, Austria


A Tabacaria
Fat Man
Franz é um rapaz de 17 anos de idade que chega a Viena para trabalhar como aprendiz em uma tabacaria. Ali, ele conhece Sigmund Freud, um cliente frequente. Com o passar do tempo, os dois, apesar de origens muito distintas, desenvolvem uma amizade única. Quando Franz se apaixona perdidamente pela dançarina Anezka, ele busca os conselhos de seu amigo Sigmund, que, apesar de ser um renomado psicanalista, admite que o sexo feminino é um grande mistério para ele em termos românticos. A tensão política e social aumenta dramaticamente na Áustria, piorando com a chegada dos nazistas à capital. Franz, Sigmund e Anezka se perdem no meio do caos da cidade e cada um terá uma decisão difícil para tomar: ficar ou fugir de Viena?
Der böse Geist Lumpazivagabundus oder Das liederliche Kleeblatt
Mozart Werke Ges.m.b.H.
Mozart coordinator
Together with the ensemble of the Vienna Burgtheater, led by Kirsten Dene and Gusti Wolf, Franz Wittenbrink accounts in a wonderfully funny way with art and commerce in times of Mozart mania.
Der Zerrissene
Come Sweet Death
Ex-detetive Brenner quer manter-se longe de problemas, mas vários casos de assassinato e sua ex-namorada Klara finalmente acabam por envolvê-lo. Mas a tomada de decisões não é um de seus pontos fortes.
Born in Absurdistan
It all begins with a mistake, an error with serious consequences: in a hospital the new-born babies of an Austrian couple and a Turkish family of immigrant workers are mixed up and go home with the wrong parents. By the time the mistake comes to light, it emerges that the Turkish family, including the baby, has been deported. The despairing Austrian couple begins a confusing odyssey through Turkey in order to track down the unsuspecting family to their native village. But they are not at all convinced that the babies have been mixed up. It is decided that the only way to know for sure is to have a blood test done. It is decided that the blood work is done in Vienna due to the better medical resources, but that will be far from simple. It will involve an illegal smuggling of the Turks across the Austrian border.
Black Flamingos - Sie lieben euch zu Tode
An unhappy young photographer is about to make his debut as a journalist. He is to write an obituary about the weapons-crazy mayor of a Lower Austrian village who, it is said, had a tank from WWII. In the course of his research he unearths a conspiracy of wifes murdering their husbands to get an early widowers pension.
At Swim-Two-Birds
A Dublin student writes a novel about a tavern keeper about the parishioners in his tavern (including the student), who in turn write novels featuring the innkeeper and the student, and other novel composers about other novelists.