Marina Voica

Marina Voica

Nascimento : 1936-09-02, Ivanovo, Russia


Marina Voica


Má sorte no sexo ou pornô acidental
Russian Lady in Pharmacy
Emi, uma professora, vê sua carreira e reputação ameaçadas depois que uma fita de sexo pessoal vazou na Internet. Forçada a encontrar os pais exigindo sua demissão, Emi se recusa a ceder à pressão deles. Radu Jude (Aferim!) Oferece uma mistura incendiária de forma não convencional, humor irreverente e comentários mordazes sobre hipocrisia e preconceito em nossas sociedades.
Toma Caragiu - Momente de aur
Collection of some of the best clips, Toma Caragiu has made.
The Endless Shore
Fata sovietică
In the summer of 1962, a soldier on leave and a girl from Moscow enjoy a brief but intense love affair on the shores of the Black Sea. Their love games mesh with the games of children on the beach; their dialogues are a mixture of Romanian and Russian, humorous and lyrical at the same time. But the soldier has to return to duty, and all that's left for the girl is the hope that the two will meet again some day. The movie was banned and never released in theaters in Romania, the premiere was in Israel, 1992.