Shelly Rodriguez


O Mundo dos Esquecidos
Set Decoration
Quando um bem sucedido homem de negócios segue uma pista para encontrar seu irmão desaparecido, ele mergulha de cabeça no submundo de moradores ilegais e infratores que ameaçam arruinar sua família, enquanto ele luta para manter sua sanidade.
Don't Shoot The Messenger
When his friend Sean can't muster the courage to break up with his highschool sweetheart, Damien steps in and does the deed for him. Together, Sean and Damien come up with the idea for a new business - Don't Shoot The Messenger, a company that will break up with your girlfriend for you. At first it seems like a great idea, and business is booming. However, some complications that they didn't expect begin to arise.
Daniel Isn't Real
Set Decoration
Luke, um estudante universitário, sofre um trauma familiar violento. Em seguida, ele ressuscita Daniel, seu amigo de infância imaginário para ajudá-lo a lidar com o problema, sem perceber quão perigoso é Daniel.
Hot Air
Art Direction
A right-wing talk show host's life takes a sudden turn when his 16-year-old niece comes crashing into his life.
The Home
Set Decoration
A troubled man starts working at a retirement home and realizes its residents and caretakers harbor sinister secrets. As he investigates the building and its forbidden fourth floor, he starts to uncover connections to his own past and upbringing as a foster child.