Extending a lifetime’s worth of zero-waste activism, visionary designer Bakker devises the Future Food System, a self-sufficient residence that provides shelter, food and energy while reusing any by-products as fuel or fertiliser. Joined by esteemed chefs Matt Stone and Jo Barrett, he works with a team of builders, engineers, and experts in agriculture, aquaponics and biochemistry to realise the project at Melbourne’s Fed Square – culminating in the launch of a unique farm-to-table restaurant.
An intimate look at Collingwood Football Club as it rebuilds itself and aims for glory over the course of the 2018 season.
A devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan on March 11, 2011 triggering a crisis inside the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex. This 2012 documentary reveals how close the world came to a nuclear nightmare. In the desperate hours and days after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the fate of thousands of Japanese citizens fell into the hands of a small corps of engineers, firemen and soldiers who risked their lives to prevent the Daiichi nuclear complex from complete meltdown. FRONTLINE tells the story of the workers struggling frantically to reconnect power inside the plant’s pitch-dark and highly radioactive reactor buildings; the nuclear experts and officials in the prime minister’s office fighting to get information as the crisis spiraled out of control; and the plant manager who disobeyed his executives’ orders when he thought it would save the lives of his workers.
Ao longo do Himalaia, há histórias do yeti, ou abominável homem das neves. Meio homem, meio macaco, diz-se que o yeti vagueia apenas pelos picos mais remotos, onde as pessoas raramente se aventuram. Agora, o veterano explorador e alpinista Gerry Moffatt sai em busca de provas em uma caçada que testará sua resistência. Enquanto as teorias científicas convencionais desafiam crenças antigas e testemunhas confiáveis, ele trabalha para separar o fato da ficção e encontrar evidências concretas de que a lenda é real.