Isobel Dunhill


Santa Maud
Art Direction
Maud (Morfydd Clark) é uma jovem enfermeira religiosa que se torna perigosamente obcecada em salvar a alma de sua glamourosa paciente Amanda (Jennifer Ehle).
Standby Art Director
Isolated from the outside world, fifteen-year-old Lara lives in seclusion on a vast country estate with her father and strict governess Miss Fontaine. Late one evening, a mysterious carriage crash brings a young girl into their home to recuperate. Lara immediately becomes enchanted by this strange visitor who arouses her curiosity and awakens her burgeoning desires.
Art Direction
Isolated from the outside world, fifteen-year-old Lara lives in seclusion on a vast country estate with her father and strict governess Miss Fontaine. Late one evening, a mysterious carriage crash brings a young girl into their home to recuperate. Lara immediately becomes enchanted by this strange visitor who arouses her curiosity and awakens her burgeoning desires.
A Mensageira
Art Direction
Uma mensageira londrina descobre que seu último pacote é uma bomba de gás, apontada para a testemunha do assassinato de um lorde do crime.
Art Direction
Shola "Rocks" é uma adolescente com grandes sonhos para o futuro. Ela tem adoráveis amigos e um atrevido irmão mais novo, Emmanuel. O mundo de Rocks vira de cabeça para baixo quando ela chega da escola e descobre que sua mãe foi embora, deixando um pouco de dinheiro e um bilhete. Sendo a única pessoa que restou para cuidar de seu irmão, Rocks deixa a casa que vivia e passa a se esconder das autoridades em East London.
Production Design
An Emergency Services Operator in a Fire Control Room has just started a long night shift when she picks up a call from a desperate young mother. An hour previously, Gemma had fallen asleep in front of the television and has now woken to find the room full of smoke. Her three year old son is trapped in his bedroom upstairs. Flames have started to creep down the stairs that Gemma must use in order to reach him. The operator’s guidance is all that Gemma can rely on in order to survive.
In T'Vic
Production Design
A young man's hopes of leaving the confines of his small town are thwarted when he comes face to face with his imprisoned father's past.
Between Walls
Production Designer
A young woman relives the events leading to up an act of violence, as she leaves her house and walks to a police station to meet with the victim.