Neste thriller eletrizante, um vagabundo (Shea Whigham) mata um pregador itinerante e toma seu lugar na igreja de uma pequena cidade, mas o chefe da polícia (Michael Shannon) desconfia do embuste.
Um ninja que busca vingança pelo irmão morto e o fantasma da esposa de um chefão do jogo travam uma batalha mortal contra um assassino que é ajudado por imortais vampiros chineses.
Master Liu and Master Law are rival masters of Shaolin style kung fu, and Wudang style sword fighting, running schools in the same city. Their top students, Chao Fung-wu, and Hung Jun-kit, are actually close friends. After observing the two students fighting at a brothel, the Lord determines that the two styles are dangerous, and he must learn both.
Bu Yan-Fei
Traveling swordsman Shen Sheng-yi (Ti Lung) and his lady friend match wits and swords with the last surviving member of the once great Murung family who is determined to rule the martial world by stealing plans to crafting firearms.
Auntie Ying/Lady Liu
Guo Jing and Huang Rong pursue Yang Kang to Iron Palm Peak, where Qiu Qianren and the Iron Palm Sect is based. Huang is injured by Qiu in a fight and she escapes with Guo Jing's help. Guo brings her in search of a cure to heal her wounds and they stumble upon a house in a swamp, inhabited by a woman called Yinggu. Yinggu tells them that the only person who can save Huang Rong's life is Duan Zhixing, the former ruler of the Kingdom of Dali, who has become a monk now.
Taiwanese crime film.
Taiwanese adventure film that reunites Ivy Ling Po with ex-Shaw stars Ching Li and Lisa Chiao Chiao.
Wen Yi
Após seu pai ser traido pelo Imperador e sentenciado à morte, o jovem Yuan Cheng (Phillip Kwok) entra para a escola de Artes Marciais do Mestre Lung Yau. Apos crescer e desenvolver uma grande habilidade nas artes marciais, Cheng parte em busca de seu destino e acaba encontrando o esconderijo de um importante manual de treinamento das artes marciais, a espada e uma coleçao de dardos que pertence ao já falecido grande mestre Hsia Shiue, conhecido como a "Serpente Dourada".
Lin Shiyin
Li Xunhuan comes back to his home after three years of wandering. He had decided to have a normal life, but a group of skilled martial arts fighters and leaders are bent on killing him, so they can be ranked top by Bai Xiaosheng in his renowned list of the best warriors in the martial arts world. Li Xunhuan battles them as he searches for his estranged friend A'fei, who is now married and living in seclusion. Li asks A'fei to join forces and fight against a new threat that wants to rule the world: the Money Clan.
Adventure / fantasy / horror from Taiwan.
Five men venture into a hidden cave to find a treasure map. After they have encountered the dangers of the cave (body melting acid, a flying mini-dragon, living skeletons...), the two last survivors finally find the treasure map inside a golden Buddha. One of them falls into a pit and the other gets caught by ninjas as he tries to escape with the map while the cave explodes. After escaping from the ninjas, he meets a princess to learn the imperial sword technique in order to defeat the devil!
Leng Chingchiou
This mystery-tinged 'Martial Arts World' epic was one of director Chu Yuan and novelist Ku Lung's last together for the Shaw Studios, but it's another action-filled winner. Liu Yung and Sun Chien team to investigate the martial arts murders of a supposedly mortally wounded swordsman, only to find deception, death, double-dealings, imposters, and one deadly duel after another. No less than three choreographers are on hand to handle the multitude of magnificent martial arts.
Szma Dongcheng
When a notorious fiend known as the "Bat Without Wings" returns to his small village after a five-year absence and kidnaps a young maiden, it's up to her family and a resourceful swordsmen to brave the horrors of the underworld to bring her back home alive.
1. A crash leaves a man dead, and his wife badly injured. Soon, he returns as a ghost to try to take her with him. 2. A caretaker wins the lottery thanks to the saucer spirit. Things begin to go wrong when he breaks his promise to it.
Shang Lin
Na China do inicio do século XX, um andarilho chamado Teng Piao, procura por um misterioso homem chamado Lam Fei, responsável por sua condenação de 15 anos de prisão por um crime que não cometeu. Teng, logo conhece Shang Lin, uma bela mulher que perdeu o marido coincidentemente há 15 anos e que também investiga o paradeiro de Lam. Ao mesmo tempo surge o Sr. Tu, um mestre das facas que passa a fazer muitas perguntas pela cidade. Todas essas buscas passam a incomodar o Sr. Cho, chefão da máfia local, que em resposta a toda essa atividade convoca o grupo conhecido como "Os Sete Guerreiros Invencíveis" formado por lutadores lendários, para intimidar Teng Piao e seus novos aliados. Armado somente com uma poderosa corrente de ferro e sem saber em quem confiar, Teng, corre para encontrar seu verdadeiro inimigo entre vários combates sangrentos e chocantes reviravoltas.
The film is about Fen, who hangs out with four total losers who are in "Macho Man" tank tops and what happens. Ching Li plays Selina, who is a commercial director who hires him.
Zhu Qi Qi
Director Chu Yuan was already famous for his many collaborations with respected novelist Ku Lung and for his introduction of detective thriller ingredients into the martial arts movie genre. But this production was made even more special by the rare presence of superstar David Chiang. Here he gives another great performance as kung-fu knight Shen Lang, who stumbles across grave robbers while on the trail of a martial arts mass murderer. There's intrigue, betrayals, and battles galore before the last plot is revealed and the final murderer is defeated.
Mrs. Lian/Chen Bijun
Um famoso espadachim é incriminado injustamente ao salvar uma mulher das garras de um misterioso bandido. Ele acaba se apaixonando por ela, e enfurecendo seu marido, outro grande espadachim. Assim surge entre eles um confronto inevitável, o que parece apenas parte de uma elaborada conspiração.
Princess Chiu Ming
The thrills continue in this second part of this cherished adventure, created by the renowned director Chu Yuan and ingenious novelist Chin Yung. Only the union of the title weapons can save the six remaining martial arts sects who are vying for mastery. So just sit back and enjoy the movie event which spawned a legacy that continues even today with a long-running, internationally loved television series, a role-playing game, and even collectible replicas of the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre themselves!
Princess Chiu Ming
Director Chu Yuan's titanic teaming with respected, inspired author Chin Yung created this unforgettable saga. Set during the Yuan Dynasty, it tells the fascinating story of the "Sacred Fire" sect, the Wu Tang swordsmanship clan, the disciples of the O Mei group, The Book of Chu Yang, and the destruction of Shaolin - complete with a killer cliffhanger. And that's just the start of the fascinating intrigues and ingratiating characters found here.
Liu Wuming
Mais uma vez, seguimos o último playboy e mestre com a espada, Chu Liu Hsiang, e seu fiel amigo, Yi Tien Hung, em outra aventura incrível no sudeste da China. Desta vez, nossos heróis seguem para um lugar misterioso chamado Ilha dos Morcegos, enquanto encontram outros viajantes que estão indo para o mesmo lugar. Há rumores de que, se você puder pagar, qualquer um pode ficar com o que quiser nesta ilha. Quando eles finalmente chegam à Ilha dos Morcegos, a loucura realmente começa.
Xue Bing
O Bandido do Bordado está roubando tesouros enquanto cega suas vítimas. O herói Liu Xiaofeng é chamado para resolver o mistério. As evidências apontam para o Clã dos Sapatos Vermelhos, composto apenas por mulheres, mas as aparências enganam.
Lin Hsin-erh
Due to his own extreme ideals, famed swordsman Li has lost everyone dear to him. After his life is saved by a rival swordsman, Li's overwhelming pride means he forsakes the woman he loves and lets her marry his saviour. Li's only comfort is alcohol and the simple life he has now accepted. On one such journey, the lonely swordsman befriends the exceptionally skilled, yet secretive Fei who has his own pressures to contend with. The person behind Li's troubles proves to be elusive, though all the clues seem to point to the legendary 'Plum Blossom Bandit', a disguised figure whose identity has long proved elusive to the martial world.
Miss Sek
Sun Chung was already a valued comedy, romance, and modern crime filmmaker, when, through this tale of the 100 Poison Clique's obsessive ambition to destroy all rivals, he started bringing morality and motivation to martial arts movies like never before. Kung-fu superstar David Chiang and prominent choreographer Tang Chia lead the cast in a bloody clan clash centered on the trial of an admitted mass murderer and serial rapist. It was just the beginning of Sun Chung's exploration in emotion.
In the sixties, love stories portrayed women as sentimentalists or sacrificial lambs. Later on, directors like Chu Yuan replaced these themes of sacrifice with abandonment. The Forbidden Past is a heart tugging, rare Chinese Christmas story about a bar girl (Ching Li) serving drinks to a man that looks like her husband from five years ago. She convinces him to fulfill her son's wishes of having the father he's never seen, show up for Christmas.
Hong Susu
It's back to the Shaolin Monastery for one of the most unusual action-paced tales to invade its hallowed halls. Lo Lieh is the ringleader of the Snake Sect, intent on reviving a deadly faction known as the "Five Poison Web." In order to do so, he has an affair with the sexy ringleader of the Scorpion Sect, Angela Yu Chien. However, there is also the Centipede Sect to contend with, as well as other assorted martial artists, among them played by Shaw Brothers talents Yueh Hua, Ching Li, and Lily Li.
Hsiao Tieh / Sun Yu's daughter
Dois clãs competem pela dominação do mundo das artes marciais nesse clássico de lutas, espadas e intrigas politicas. Um conto de traições e trapaças. "Clãs de Assassinos" deixa o espectador aflito, tentando adivinhar o que acontecerá em seguida.
Dpy Commander Wing Ling
Besides martial arts, Bruce Lee's contribution to Chinese society was instilling a strong sense of nationalism. After his death, anti-Japanese films found new breathe especially in Taiwan. Based on a King Hu’s script, Heroes Of The Underground tapped into Lee's nationalistic fervor and the Confucian ethic of country above family and starred the popular Ching Li as a World War II, Chinese secret agent planted into the Japanese Headquarters at Changsha. Tears flow in the name of country pride.
Chen Feng-Shian
Director Chu Yuan was one of the new breed of directors at Shaw who raised the bar of martial arts films, by adding compelling storylines and a good dose of drama. Despite being without his regular cohorts Ku Lung and Ti Lung here, Chu shows his master stroke as he delves into the dastardly ways of evil warlords in China back in the 1910’s. Drama and action both take centre-stage as Tsung Hua and Ching Li fall prey to a lecherous general (Stanley Feng Tsui-fan) who rapes and forces the latter to become his concubine. With the help of two street performers (the deft and agile Chen Kuan-tai and Shih Szu) he once helped, Tsung hatches a plot to save his beloved – with deadly consequences.
A group of down-on-their-luck robbers pull off a spectacular job - only to find themselves hunted by cops and possible betrayers! Chan Koon Tai leads the diverse pack of criminals, which also includes such Shaw Brothers luminaries as Ngok Wah, Chung Wong, Ling Yun, and a young Danny Lee in one of his first featured roles. The group pulls off the robbery in action-packed fashion, but betrayal and the relentless police end up marking the five robbers for death.
Ya Tong
shaw production
Chow Yuk Fong
As the Heng Seng Index reaches unprecedented heights, people from all walks of life go stock speculation crazy. A security guard and his landlord learn firsthand that money is ‘Easy Come, Easy Go’ as their fast fortune disappears overnight in a Macau casino. Meanwhile, greedy neighbours and infidel couples cheat each other and even blue-collar workmen dive into the frenzy. Inevitably, the market tumbles as do the people’s bittersweet lives. A hilarious but ironic tale featuring some of Shaw’s biggest stars.
Zhu Dai
Accredited director of erotica and kung-fu films Chu Yuan, combines stars from both genres in Sex, Love And Hate, a masterpiece about Hong Kong society's differing emotional views on love and what women want when it comes to happiness in love. The provocative Ching Li (Chu Tai), the exotic Lily Ho (Pai Mei) and the princess of kung-fu films Hsu Feng (Yao Yao), play three women who live together and compare notes as to what would make them happy in love, in life, then go out to find it. Pai Mei wants money at all costs, Chu Tai will marry as soon as the opportunity arises and Yao Yao is saving her virginity for Mr. Right.
Ah Heung
Set during a period of depression, the film chronicles the daily lives of a single urban building split up into several separate units, and the actual people that dwell within.
Set in the waning years of the Ching Dyansty, this dramatic, tragic, romantic, blood-soaked martial arts tale of betrayal and revenge explores one of the most sensational scandals in Chinese history and marked the true ascension of its director and actors to superstar status. In fact, Ti Lung won Taiwan's Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Performance as the challenging role of a jealous provincial governor who kills his friend in order to steal the man's wife.
Four Korean War veterans pool their talents to take on a venal drug smuggling gang.
Helen Tse
The beautiful Ching Li works for her father's stocking company while treacherously becoming the secretary to her father's competitor Li Tzu-yang. They fall in love as she teaches him new meanings to the words "mannequins" and "hosiery".
Chen Chu-Fung / Shen Ju-Fang
Man of Iron was positioned as something of a follow-up to Boxer From Shantung, the rise-and-fall story of Ma Yung Chen and it reunites the directors and some of the cast in a similar but much slighter tale of a lesser gangster's rise and fall in Shanghai. While the opening narration specifically recalls the events and tragic conclusion of BOXER, this one is set 20 years later in the same section of Shanghai but otherwise has nothing to do with the events or characters of the previous film.
Guan Yue Hua
Yan Zi Fei e Guan Yue Hua estão voltando para casa apaixonados e planejam contar a seus pais, mas assim que voltam descobrem que há um conflito entre as duas famílias. Guan Fun Lin está trabalhando com o Mestre Ogawa para ajudar os japoneses a tomar posse da floresta da família Yan - por meios justos ou não. Com o Mestre Yan se recusando a vender, Ogama continua sua trama, usando engano, traição e, em última instância, violência sangrenta para conseguir o que deseja.
Yu Lan
The Angry Guest is a direct sequel to Duel of Fists which had two long-separated brothers, Ti Lung and David Chiang, reuniting in Bangkok and running afoul of the local mob after Ti Lung, a boxer, beats the local favorite in the ring. In this film, the action shifts from Bangkok to Hong Kong to Japan and then back to HK as the brothers contend with a Japanese mob led by crime boss Yamaguchi, who is played by the film's director, Chang Cheh, in a rare screen appearance.
Chin Lin Chi
Durante a guerra japonesa, lutador pobre consegue destaque ao vencer um poderoso russo que se torna chefe do crime organizado. Quando um de seus amigos é assassinado, ele declara guerra no submundo, o que pode significar sua própria derrota.
Huang Xiao Ping
Teenage heart throbs Ching Li and Paul Chin Pei come across like Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon in the musical Sunset, a musical romp that plays similar to one of Hollywood's famous "Beach Party" movies. A car load of girls meets a car load of boys and Ching and Paul ultimately fall in love. Yet the film takes an acrid twist and turns out to be more like a Shakespearian tragedy than a beach-babe party.
Yu Lan
Fan Ke, é um arquiteto de Hong Kong que viaja para Tailândia a pedido de seu pai moribundo e em busca de seu meio irmão perdido há muitos anos. As únicas pistas que ele têm é que seu irmão possui uma tatuagem no ombro e que ele hoje, é um lutador de Muay Thai. Se aventurando pelo mundo de Bangkok, fan ke fica amigo de Wen Li, um campeão agenciado por um desonesto promotor de lutas chamado Cannon e vence a luta, contrariando o desejo do promotor. O criminoso então captura um amigo de Wen Li para se vingar e acaba reunindo finalmente os dois irmãos, que resolvem enfrentar a organização de Quiang.
Pepper / Hung Yin Fung
A perennial Chang Cheh favorite, Anonymous Heroes focuses on two vagabond brothers, Meng Kang and Tieh who, in the search for fame and fortune, join in a rebellion against a provincial general. Used to shaking down local vendors for food and gambling away their limited funds, they are recruited by a local rebel leader who promises them a glorious adventure. The rebels plan is to steal a huge cache of new rifles set to be delivered to the barracks of the local army. With the help of an officer's daughter, their plan starts out well, but inevitably slips toward a heroic but tragic finale.
Huo Xiao-Fen
A swordplay flick that takes on a ghostly feeling later on the film.
Ming Chu
O filme conta a história da família Liu que foram exiladas de sua cidade natal para outro lugar depois que a cidade foi tomada por bandidos e a maior parte dos seus membros foram assassinados ou mortos em combate. Um plano de fuga foi posto em prática para salvar a futura geração e o tesouro da família. As riquezas foram entregues a cargo de um oficial de confiança mais na fuga o grupo é atacado, o oficial consegue escapar e desaparece sem dar noticias com o tesouro e uma pequena criança. Vinte anos depois o terror volta a tona quando uma gangue conhecida como os Tigres Negros começa a investigar o paradeiro do tesouro, com isso finalmente o segredo da família é revelado aos seus descendentes. Agora já adultos eles partem para encontrar e recuperar o tesouro desaparecido, daí para frente teremos ação incessante, muitas lutas vão ocorrer.
Li Mingzhu (Li Ming-Chu)
A melodrama about the blossoming love between two music students returning home from abroad and planning to wed. However, both of their parents don't know about it and when they find out, all bliss blasts away as social gaps become an issue.
Ah Hsiang
shaw production
Yu Yung / Yuan Rung Er
Uma equipe de escolta estava em uma jornada perigosa para transportar alguns taéis de ouro. Quando eles caíram na emboscada armada por uma gangue de ladrões e seu carregamento de ouro foi roubado, um aluno formidável da agência de escolta partiu para o esconderijo dos bandidos para recuperar as mercadorias...
A kung fu knight walks the road to vengeance after the evil Ghost Gang kills his wife and son. The swordsman known as "Twin Blades" must take on a quartet of color-coded cutthroats to set things right.
Xiong Su Su
Susu (Ching Li) is an emotionally troubled young woman still tortured by the loss of boyfriend in a plane crash. Things change when she meets the dashing Yifei (Yang Fang), a handsome intern who strives to heal Susu of her emotional scars.
Chang Ling Yun
Shaw Production
Cheng Shiang Yi
The film tells a complicated love story. Carmen with Ke, Xiang Yi and Jiyuan. They start as a friend, but somehow a love triangle occur, and the outcome is very tragic.
Hau Er
Um jovem espadachim é encarregado de liderar uma sociedade patriótica secreta para lutar contra um general traidor que conspirou com o inimigo para invadir seu país. No devido tempo, ele conhece duas belas irmãs de uma tribo rural e é pego entre as afeições das duas meninas.