Hans Verner

Hans Verner

Nascimento : 1924-12-12, Düsseldorf, Germany

Morte : 1990-12-30


Hans Verner


Gramps Is in the Resistance
l'officier allemand qui tire dans la jambe de Ramirez
It is 1943 in Paris. Like so many others, the Bourbelle family's home has been taken over by the Germans and they now live in their cellar. Little do they know that the son, Guy-Hubert Bourdelle, is far from being the cowardly hairdresser he pretends. He is in truth the Germans’ most feared opponent: le super-résistant!
Um Homem, Uma Mulher, Uma Noite
Klaus, ambassador
Having both suffered extreme losses, a man and a woman try to form a relationship.
Général... nous voilà !
German Officer
A comedy directed by Jacques Besnard.
Vienna Concierge
Na década de 30, a escritora americana Lillian Hellman tenta reencontrar Julia, amiga de infância que se juntou ao movimento de resistência contra os nazistas. Ela acaba contrabandeando dinheiro para ajudar na fuga das vítimas do nazismo.
The Centipede Is Tap Dancing
Le colonel von Obrecht
When they get wind that Herman Goering wants the Venus de Milo statue removed from the Louvre and added to his private collection of stolen artworks, three Frenchmen decide to take action.
The Good and the Bad
Un officier allemand
The film follows the exploits of Jacques, a car-mechanic turned pro-thief, and his Jewish co-conspirator Simon as their robberies, beginning well before the Second World War, take on a political coloration under the occupation.
Le chapelain
The painful life of a mentally unstable but highly gifted woman is unveiled in this film, based on episodes from the life of an actual person. Aloise (Delphine Seyrig) creates a series of haunting drawings while she is incarcerated in an institution for the insane in turn-of-the-century Switzerland. She endures torments as a musically gifted girl and later as a young woman; her developing madness and the barbaric treatments of the time are shown.
Uma Noite no Ano 43
Aventura na Estrada ao Sol
Major Becker
North Africa, December 1942. Valentin, a professional gardener ruined by the bombings of 1940, has fled to Tunis, where he traffics stolen goods, transporting them from Libya to Tunisia on an old boat.
A Noite dos Generais
German Officer (uncredited)
Em 1942, uma prostituta polonesa é assassinada em Varsóvia. A suspeita recai sobre três generais de alto escalão, e o Major Grau da Inteligência Alemã busca justiça apesar das atrocidades cometidas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. As pistas levam Grau de Varsóvia para Paris e direto para o plano de assassinar Adolf Hitler em 1944, no qual dois dos generais estão profundamente envolvidos. O caso de Grau fica inacabado até 1965, quando então o verdadeiro assassino é levado à justiça. (e 16 Anos)
Gustav Schiller
A Jewish woman is recruited to help track down a German commander who was her former husband.
As Malícias do Amor
Donald Farrington
A Russian spy is sent out to steal sensitive information from NATO about military mobilization. Without much intelligence of his own, the distrusted agent of Soviet intelligence needs all the help he can get from his "talented" partner Penelope Lightfeather as they scatter around the French countryside for secret rendez-vous' while trying to avoid being caught by counter intelligence agents and distrustful communist operatives.
Night of Lust
Eric Voltay
A French crime potboiler starring Verner and Kalfon as rival gang leaders who clash over control of the narcotics trade. Parisian drug gangs are battling over turf, leading to kidnappings, beatings, murders, betrayals, and other intrigues. Featuring Chet Baker's marvelous free-jazz Score, (rivaling Miles Davis's for "Ascenseur pour l'echafaud") and the most beautiful French Babes the World has ever seen. It pricks the Conscience, probes the libido, and excites the senses!
Without Trumpet or Drum
Summer 1870. Following the French defeat at Sedan. Léon, a soldier in a detachment isolated in the Ardennes forest, is sent in search of water. When he discovers the most peaceful of rivers, he decides to undress and bathe in it. At bend of the river he catches sight of another naked swimmer. It's a Prussian! Both men start bickering a bit: aren't they supposed to be arch enemies? But they soon fraternize. Unfortunately the patrol has not vanished in the haze and they hear it coming. Each man gets hold of his uniform and runs away in two opposite directions. The only trouble is that Fritz the Prussian has donned the French uniform and Leon the Prussian one!
The Verdict
SS Commander (uncredited)
WW2 is coming to an end ;on the seaside,resistant fighters are captured and imprisoned in a basement ;within an hour ,all of them will be shot .An hour of fear ,of impossible dreams ,of false hopes .Based on a Bernanos play ,it sometimes recall ,by the subject of sacrifice (a sacrifice of an average human being is not an average one),"Dialogue Des Carmélites ",in which nuns ,during the French Revolution,were guillotined ,because they would have betrayed their faith if they had accepted the new rules).
The Gambler
In 1866, a young Muscovite named Alexei Ivanovitch arrives in Baden Baden, then the gambling capital of Austria, and is soon engaged by General Zagorianski to look after his children. Alexei discovers that his employer is a compulsive gambler who has been almost ruined by his addiction. The only money the General has is provided by the Marquis de Grieux, an adventurer who intends to marry Zagorianski’s sister, Pauline. In doing so, de Grieux hopes to profit from the vast inheritance that will come the General’s way from his Aunt Antonina, who is presently very ill. Alexei is appalled by this society which lives only for money. He loves Pauline and wants to take her to a healthier place, but when she refuses to marry him, he begins to gamble at the casino…
Férias em Paris
Gangster (uncredited)
Comediante Bob Hunter (Bob Hope) é ajudado por seu homólogo francês Fernydel (Fernandel) e duas loiras lindas quando ele é marcado para morrer por um poderoso grupo de falsificação europeu.
A Travessia de Paris
German motorcyclist
Dois homens, um pintor e um cara pobre, têm que atravessar Paris à noite durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e entregar carne no mercado negro. Enquanto andam pelas ruas escuras de Paris, eles encontram vários personagens e aventuras até serem presos pela polícia alemã. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
The Tale of the Good Murderer
Based on the play of the same tittle by Jos Janssen.
Heroes and Sinners
A good cast smooths over the rough spots of Les Heros sont Fatigues. The scene is the African republic of Liberia, which in this film proves to be a stopping-off point for a number of shady characters. Yves Montand plays a French ex-pilot who becomes involved in a scheme to smuggle stolen diamonds. His cohorts include a Nazi collaborator, a German refugee, and the white mistress of a prominent Liberian. A romance develops between the ex-pilot and the aforementioned mistress. Meanwhile, one of the conspirators (Curt Jurgens) has a last-minute attack of conscience, effectively queering the deal. The steamier romantic passages in Les Heros sont Fatigues had to be trimmed for American consumption.
The Fugitives
During WW2, three prisoners escape from a labor camp.
Stain on the Snow
La neige était sale is based on a novel and play by the phenomenally prolific Georges Simenon. Upon learning that his mother was a prostitute, Frank (Daniel Gelin) dejectedly vows that he, too, will live a life of debauchery. Part of his self-degradation program is to kill someone, and since the story takes place during the Nazi occupation of France, he chooses a German officer as his victim. His steady descent into psychosis and depravity becomes his ultimate undoing.
The Girl with the Whip
The daughter of a notorious smuggler is raised as a boy by her foster mother.
A Ilha da Bagunça
Fortune hunter (uncredited)
Stan herda um iate e uma ilha do Pacífico Sul. Ollie e Stan navegam para lá com outros dois homens. Eles naufragaram em um novo atol e se estabeleceram ali. Uma ex-noiva se junta a eles. Eles declaram uma nação independente e surgem problemas. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)