W.P. Kinsella


Dance Me Outside
Explores the sensitive, and tense, relationship between life on an First Nations reservation and life in the outside world. When Native Canadian Silas Crow is forced to write a personal essay in order to get a much-desired job, he tells the story of the rape and murder of an Indian girl by a drunken thug. When the killer received a lenient two-year sentence for manslaughter, the First Nations community felt shock and anger -- and tried desperately to deal with the after-effects of this lack of justice.
Lieberman in Love
Short Story
Joe Lieberman is attracted to Shaleen. They begin a professional relationship, which continues even after Joe develops a romantic interest in a woman named Kate, who is married.
Campo dos Sonhos
Ray, um agricultor em Iowa, ouve uma voz misteriosa durante à noite vinda do seu milharal dizendo: "Se você construir, ele virá", e sente a necessidade de obedecer. Então, ele constrói um campo de beisebol, apoiado por sua mulher, Annie. Mais tarde, os fantasmas de grandes jogadores começam a aparecer para jogar, liderados por "Shoeless" Joe Jackson. Ray busca um autor recluso para entender essas mensagens e o verdadeiro propósito do campo que construiu.